
1// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
6use fuchsia_inspect as inspect;
7use {fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth as bt, fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys as sys};
9use crate::error::Error;
10#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
11use crate::inspect::{InspectData, IsInspectable, ToProperty};
12use crate::types::uuid::Uuid;
13use crate::types::{Address, OneOrBoth, PeerId};
16#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
17struct LeInspect {
18    _inspect: inspect::Node,
19    _services: inspect::StringProperty,
20    _connection_interval: Option<inspect::UintProperty>,
21    _connection_latency: Option<inspect::UintProperty>,
22    _supervision_timeout: Option<inspect::UintProperty>,
23    _peer_ltk_authenticated: inspect::UintProperty,
24    _peer_ltk_secure_connections: inspect::UintProperty,
25    _peer_ltk_encryption_key_size: Option<inspect::UintProperty>,
26    _local_ltk_authenticated: inspect::UintProperty,
27    _local_ltk_secure_connections: inspect::UintProperty,
28    _local_ltk_encryption_key_size: Option<inspect::UintProperty>,
29    _irk_authenticated: inspect::UintProperty,
30    _irk_secure_connections: inspect::UintProperty,
31    _irk_encryption_key_size: Option<inspect::UintProperty>,
32    _csrk_authenticated: inspect::UintProperty,
33    _csrk_secure_connections: inspect::UintProperty,
34    _csrk_encryption_key_size: Option<inspect::UintProperty>,
37#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
38impl LeInspect {
39    fn new(d: &LeBondData, inspect: inspect::Node) -> LeInspect {
40        LeInspect {
41            _services: inspect.create_string("services", d.services.to_property()),
43            _connection_interval: d
44                .connection_parameters
45                .as_ref()
46                .map(|p| inspect.create_uint("connection_interval", p.connection_interval as u64)),
47            _connection_latency: d
48                .connection_parameters
49                .as_ref()
50                .map(|p| inspect.create_uint("connection_latency", p.connection_latency as u64)),
51            _supervision_timeout: d
52                .connection_parameters
53                .as_ref()
54                .map(|p| inspect.create_uint("supervision_timeout", p.supervision_timeout as u64)),
56            _peer_ltk_authenticated: inspect.create_uint(
57                "peer_ltk_authenticated",
58                d.peer_ltk.as_ref().map(|ltk| ltk.key.security.authenticated).to_property(),
59            ),
60            _peer_ltk_secure_connections: inspect.create_uint(
61                "peer_ltk_secure_connections",
62                d.peer_ltk.as_ref().map(|ltk| ltk.key.security.secure_connections).to_property(),
63            ),
64            _peer_ltk_encryption_key_size: d.peer_ltk.as_ref().map(|ltk| {
65                inspect.create_uint(
66                    "peer_ltk_encryption_key_size",
67                    ltk.key.security.encryption_key_size as u64,
68                )
69            }),
71            _local_ltk_authenticated: inspect.create_uint(
72                "local_ltk_authenticated",
73                d.local_ltk.as_ref().map(|ltk| ltk.key.security.authenticated).to_property(),
74            ),
75            _local_ltk_secure_connections: inspect.create_uint(
76                "local_ltk_secure_connections",
77                d.local_ltk.as_ref().map(|ltk| ltk.key.security.secure_connections).to_property(),
78            ),
79            _local_ltk_encryption_key_size: d.local_ltk.as_ref().map(|ltk| {
80                inspect.create_uint(
81                    "local_ltk_encryption_key_size",
82                    ltk.key.security.encryption_key_size as u64,
83                )
84            }),
86            _irk_authenticated: inspect.create_uint(
87                "irk_authenticated",
88                d.irk.as_ref().map(|k| k.security.authenticated).to_property(),
89            ),
90            _irk_secure_connections: inspect.create_uint(
91                "irk_secure_connections",
92                d.irk.as_ref().map(|k| k.security.secure_connections).to_property(),
93            ),
94            _irk_encryption_key_size: d.irk.as_ref().map(|irk| {
95                inspect
96                    .create_uint("irk_encryption_key_size", irk.security.encryption_key_size as u64)
97            }),
98            _csrk_authenticated: inspect.create_uint(
99                "csrk_authenticated",
100                d.csrk.as_ref().map(|k| k.security.authenticated).to_property(),
101            ),
102            _csrk_secure_connections: inspect.create_uint(
103                "csrk_secure_connections",
104                d.csrk.as_ref().map(|k| k.security.secure_connections).to_property(),
105            ),
106            _csrk_encryption_key_size: d.csrk.as_ref().map(|k| {
107                inspect
108                    .create_uint("csrk_encryption_key_size", k.security.encryption_key_size as u64)
109            }),
111            _inspect: inspect,
112        }
113    }
117#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
118struct BredrInspect {
119    _inspect: inspect::Node,
120    _role_preference: Option<inspect::StringProperty>,
121    _services: inspect::StringProperty,
122    _lk_authenticated: inspect::UintProperty,
123    _lk_secure_connections: inspect::UintProperty,
124    _lk_encryption_key_size: Option<inspect::UintProperty>,
127#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
128impl BredrInspect {
129    fn new(d: &BredrBondData, inspect: inspect::Node) -> BredrInspect {
130        BredrInspect {
131            _role_preference: d.role_preference.as_ref().map(|role| {
132                inspect.create_string(
133                    "role_preference",
134                    match role {
135                        bt::ConnectionRole::Leader => "Leader",
136                        bt::ConnectionRole::Follower => "Follower",
137                    },
138                )
139            }),
140            _services: inspect.create_string("services", d.services.to_property()),
141            _lk_authenticated: inspect.create_uint(
142                "authenticated",
143                d.link_key.as_ref().map(|ltk| ltk.security.authenticated).to_property(),
144            ),
145            _lk_secure_connections: inspect.create_uint(
146                "secure_connections",
147                d.link_key.as_ref().map(|ltk| ltk.security.secure_connections).to_property(),
148            ),
149            _lk_encryption_key_size: d.link_key.as_ref().map(|ltk| {
150                inspect.create_uint("encryption_key_size", ltk.security.encryption_key_size as u64)
151            }),
152            _inspect: inspect,
153        }
154    }
158#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
159pub struct BondingDataInspect {
160    _inspect: inspect::Node,
161    _address_type: inspect::StringProperty,
162    _le_inspect: Option<LeInspect>,
163    _bredr_inspect: Option<BredrInspect>,
166#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
167impl InspectData<BondingData> for BondingDataInspect {
168    fn new(bd: &BondingData, inspect: inspect::Node) -> BondingDataInspect {
169        BondingDataInspect {
170            _address_type: inspect.create_string("address_type", bd.address.address_type_string()),
171            _le_inspect: bd.le().map(|d| LeInspect::new(d, inspect.create_child("le"))),
172            _bredr_inspect: bd.bredr().map(|d| BredrInspect::new(d, inspect.create_child("bredr"))),
173            _inspect: inspect,
174        }
175    }
178#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
179impl IsInspectable for BondingData {
180    type I = BondingDataInspect;
183/// Bluetooth Low Energy specific bonding data
184#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
185pub struct LeBondData {
186    /// The peer's preferred connection parameters, if known.
187    pub connection_parameters: Option<sys::LeConnectionParameters>,
188    /// Known GATT service UUIDs.
189    pub services: Vec<Uuid>,
190    /// LE long-term key generated and distributed by the peer device. This key is used when the
191    /// peer is the follower (i.e. the peer is in the LE peripheral role).
192    ///
193    /// Note: In LE legacy pairing, both sides are allowed to generate and distribute a link key.
194    /// In Secure Connections pairing, both sides generate the same LTK and hence the `peer_ltk` and
195    /// `local_ltk` values are identical.
196    pub peer_ltk: Option<sys::Ltk>,
197    /// LE long-term key generated and distributed by the local bt-host. This key is used when the
198    /// peer is the leader (i.e. the peer in the LE central role).
199    ///
200    /// Note: In LE legacy pairing, both sides are allowed to generate and distribute a link key.
201    /// In Secure Connections pairing, both sides generate the same LTK and hence the `peer_ltk` and
202    /// `local_ltk` values are identical.
203    pub local_ltk: Option<sys::Ltk>,
204    /// Identity Resolving RemoteKey used to generate and resolve random addresses.
205    pub irk: Option<sys::PeerKey>,
206    /// Connection Signature Resolving RemoteKey used for data signing without encryption.
207    pub csrk: Option<sys::PeerKey>,
210/// Bluetooth BR/EDR (Classic) specific bonding data
211#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
212pub struct BredrBondData {
213    /// True if the peer prefers to lead the piconet. This is determined by role switch procedures.
214    /// Paging and connecting from a peer does not automatically set this flag.
215    pub role_preference: Option<bt::ConnectionRole>,
216    /// Known service UUIDs obtained from EIR data or SDP.
217    pub services: Vec<Uuid>,
218    /// The semi-permanent BR/EDR key. Present if link was paired with Secure Simple Pairing or
219    /// stronger.
220    pub link_key: Option<sys::PeerKey>,
223impl From<sys::LeBondData> for LeBondData {
224    fn from(src: sys::LeBondData) -> Self {
225        Self {
226            connection_parameters: src.connection_parameters,
227            services: src.services.unwrap_or(vec![]).iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
228            peer_ltk: src.peer_ltk,
229            local_ltk: src.local_ltk,
230            irk: src.irk,
231            csrk: src.csrk,
232        }
233    }
236impl From<sys::BredrBondData> for BredrBondData {
237    fn from(src: sys::BredrBondData) -> Self {
238        Self {
239            role_preference: src.role_preference,
240            services: src.services.unwrap_or(vec![]).iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
241            link_key: src.link_key,
242        }
243    }
246impl From<LeBondData> for sys::LeBondData {
247    fn from(src: LeBondData) -> Self {
248        sys::LeBondData {
249            connection_parameters: src.connection_parameters,
250            services: Some(src.services.into_iter().map(|uuid| uuid.into()).collect()),
251            peer_ltk: src.peer_ltk,
252            local_ltk: src.local_ltk,
253            irk: src.irk,
254            csrk: src.csrk,
255            ..Default::default()
256        }
257    }
260impl From<BredrBondData> for sys::BredrBondData {
261    fn from(src: BredrBondData) -> Self {
262        sys::BredrBondData {
263            role_preference: src.role_preference,
264            services: Some(src.services.into_iter().map(|uuid| uuid.into()).collect()),
265            link_key: src.link_key,
266            ..Default::default()
267        }
268    }
271/// Data required to store a bond between a Peer and the system, so the bond can be restored later
272#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
273pub struct BondingData {
274    /// The persisted unique identifier for this peer.
275    pub identifier: PeerId,
277    /// The identity address of the peer.
278    pub address: Address,
280    /// The local bt-host identity address that this bond is associated with.
281    pub local_address: Address,
283    /// The device name obtained using general discovery and name discovery procedures.
284    pub name: Option<String>,
286    /// Valid Bonding Data must include at least one of LeBondData or BredrBondData.
287    pub data: OneOrBoth<LeBondData, BredrBondData>,
290impl BondingData {
291    pub fn le(&self) -> Option<&LeBondData> {
292        self.data.left()
293    }
294    pub fn bredr(&self) -> Option<&BredrBondData> {
295        self.data.right()
296    }
299impl TryFrom<sys::BondingData> for BondingData {
300    type Error = Error;
301    fn try_from(fidl: sys::BondingData) -> Result<BondingData, Self::Error> {
302        let fidl_clone = fidl.clone();
303        let data = match (fidl_clone.le_bond, fidl_clone.bredr_bond) {
304            (Some(le_bond), Some(bredr_bond)) => OneOrBoth::Both(le_bond.into(), bredr_bond.into()),
305            (Some(le_bond), None) => OneOrBoth::Left(le_bond.into()),
306            (None, Some(bredr_bond)) => OneOrBoth::Right(bredr_bond.into()),
307            _ => {
308                return Err(Error::missing(format!("bond data: {fidl:?}")));
309            }
310        };
312        Ok(BondingData {
313            identifier: fidl
314                .identifier
315                .ok_or_else(|| Error::missing("BondingData identifier"))?
316                .into(),
317            address: fidl.address.ok_or_else(|| Error::missing("BondingData address"))?.into(),
318            local_address: fidl
319                .local_address
320                .ok_or_else(|| Error::missing("BondingData local address"))?
321                .into(),
322            name: fidl.name,
323            data,
324        })
325    }
328/// To convert an external BondingData to an internal Fuchsia bonding data, we must provide a
329/// fuchsia PeerId to be used if the external source is missing one (for instance, it is being
330/// migrated from a previous, non-Fuchsia system)
331impl TryFrom<(sys::BondingData, PeerId)> for BondingData {
332    type Error = Error;
333    fn try_from(from: (sys::BondingData, PeerId)) -> Result<BondingData, Self::Error> {
334        let mut bond = from.0;
335        let id = match bond.identifier {
336            Some(id) => id.into(),
337            None => from.1,
338        };
339        bond.identifier = Some(id.into());
340        bond.try_into()
341    }
344impl From<BondingData> for sys::BondingData {
345    fn from(bd: BondingData) -> sys::BondingData {
346        let le_bond = bd.le().map(|le| le.clone().into());
347        let bredr_bond = bd.bredr().map(|bredr| bredr.clone().into());
348        sys::BondingData {
349            identifier: Some(bd.identifier.into()),
350            address: Some(bd.address.into()),
351            local_address: Some(bd.local_address.into()),
352            name: bd.name,
353            le_bond,
354            bredr_bond,
355            ..Default::default()
356        }
357    }
360/// Persisted data for a local bt-host.
361#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
362pub struct HostData {
363    /// A local IRK that is distributed to peers and used to generate RPAs when in LE peripheral
364    /// mode.
365    pub irk: Option<sys::Key>,
368impl From<HostData> for sys::HostData {
369    fn from(src: HostData) -> sys::HostData {
370        sys::HostData { irk: src.irk, ..Default::default() }
371    }
374impl From<sys::HostData> for HostData {
375    fn from(src: sys::HostData) -> HostData {
376        HostData { irk: src.irk }
377    }
380pub struct Identity {
381    pub host: HostData,
382    pub bonds: Vec<BondingData>,
385impl From<Identity> for sys::Identity {
386    fn from(src: Identity) -> sys::Identity {
387        sys::Identity {
388            host: Some(src.host.into()),
389            bonds: Some(src.bonds.into_iter().map(|i| i.into()).collect()),
390            ..Default::default()
391        }
392    }
395/// This module defines a BondingData test strategy generator for use with proptest.
396pub mod proptest_util {
397    use super::*;
398    use crate::types::address::proptest_util::any_address;
399    use proptest::option;
400    use proptest::prelude::*;
402    pub fn any_bonding_data() -> impl Strategy<Value = BondingData> {
403        let any_data = prop_oneof![
404            any_le_data().prop_map(OneOrBoth::Left),
405            any_bredr_data().prop_map(OneOrBoth::Right),
406            (any_le_data(), any_bredr_data()).prop_map(|(le, bredr)| OneOrBoth::Both(le, bredr)),
407        ];
408        (any::<u64>(), any_address(), any_address(), option::of("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"), any_data)
409            .prop_map(|(ident, address, local_address, name, data)| {
410                let identifier = PeerId(ident);
411                BondingData { identifier, address, local_address, name, data }
412            })
413    }
415    pub(crate) fn any_bredr_data() -> impl Strategy<Value = BredrBondData> {
416        (option::of(any_connection_role()), option::of(any_peer_key())).prop_map(
417            |(role_preference, link_key)| BredrBondData {
418                role_preference,
419                services: vec![],
420                link_key,
421            },
422        )
423    }
425    pub(crate) fn any_le_data() -> impl Strategy<Value = LeBondData> {
426        (
427            option::of(any_connection_params()),
428            option::of(any_ltk()),
429            option::of(any_ltk()),
430            option::of(any_peer_key()),
431            option::of(any_peer_key()),
432        )
433            .prop_map(|(connection_parameters, peer_ltk, local_ltk, irk, csrk)| {
434                LeBondData {
435                    connection_parameters,
436                    services: vec![],
437                    peer_ltk,
438                    local_ltk,
439                    irk,
440                    csrk,
441                }
442            })
443    }
445    fn any_security_properties() -> impl Strategy<Value = sys::SecurityProperties> {
446        any::<(bool, bool, u8)>().prop_map(
447            |(authenticated, secure_connections, encryption_key_size)| sys::SecurityProperties {
448                authenticated,
449                secure_connections,
450                encryption_key_size,
451            },
452        )
453    }
455    fn any_key() -> impl Strategy<Value = sys::Key> {
456        any::<[u8; 16]>().prop_map(|value| sys::Key { value })
457    }
459    fn any_peer_key() -> impl Strategy<Value = sys::PeerKey> {
460        (any_security_properties(), any_key())
461            .prop_map(|(security, data)| sys::PeerKey { security, data })
462    }
464    fn any_ltk() -> impl Strategy<Value = sys::Ltk> {
465        (any_peer_key(), any::<u16>(), any::<u64>()).prop_map(|(key, ediv, rand)| sys::Ltk {
466            key,
467            ediv,
468            rand,
469        })
470    }
472    fn any_connection_params() -> impl Strategy<Value = sys::LeConnectionParameters> {
473        (any::<u16>(), any::<u16>(), any::<u16>()).prop_map(
474            |(connection_interval, connection_latency, supervision_timeout)| {
475                sys::LeConnectionParameters {
476                    connection_interval,
477                    connection_latency,
478                    supervision_timeout,
479                }
480            },
481        )
482    }
484    fn any_connection_role() -> impl Strategy<Value = bt::ConnectionRole> {
485        prop_oneof![Just(bt::ConnectionRole::Leader), Just(bt::ConnectionRole::Follower)]
486    }
489pub mod example {
490    use super::*;
492    pub fn peer_key() -> sys::PeerKey {
493        let data = sys::Key { value: [0; 16] };
494        let security = sys::SecurityProperties {
495            authenticated: false,
496            secure_connections: true,
497            encryption_key_size: 0,
498        };
499        sys::PeerKey { security, data }
500    }
502    pub fn bond(host_addr: Address, peer_addr: Address) -> BondingData {
503        let remote_key = example::peer_key();
504        let ltk = sys::Ltk { key: remote_key.clone(), ediv: 1, rand: 2 };
506        BondingData {
507            identifier: PeerId(42),
508            address: peer_addr,
509            local_address: host_addr,
510            name: Some("name".into()),
511            data: OneOrBoth::Both(
512                LeBondData {
513                    connection_parameters: Some(sys::LeConnectionParameters {
514                        connection_interval: 0,
515                        connection_latency: 1,
516                        supervision_timeout: 2,
517                    }),
518                    services: vec![],
519                    peer_ltk: Some(ltk.clone()),
520                    local_ltk: Some(ltk.clone()),
521                    irk: Some(remote_key.clone()),
522                    csrk: Some(remote_key.clone()),
523                },
524                BredrBondData {
525                    role_preference: Some(bt::ConnectionRole::Leader),
526                    services: vec![],
527                    link_key: Some(remote_key.clone()),
528                },
529            ),
530        }
531    }
535mod tests {
536    use super::*;
537    use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys as sys;
539    // Tests for conversions from fuchsia.bluetooth.sys API
540    mod from_sys {
541        use super::*;
542        use assert_matches::assert_matches;
544        fn default_ltk() -> sys::Ltk {
545            sys::Ltk {
546                key: sys::PeerKey {
547                    security: sys::SecurityProperties {
548                        authenticated: false,
549                        secure_connections: false,
550                        encryption_key_size: 16,
551                    },
552                    data: sys::Key {
553                        value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
554                    },
555                },
556                ediv: 0,
557                rand: 0,
558            }
559        }
561        fn test_sys_bond(
562            le_bond: &Option<sys::LeBondData>,
563            bredr_bond: &Option<sys::BredrBondData>,
564        ) -> sys::BondingData {
565            sys::BondingData {
566                identifier: Some(bt::PeerId { value: 42 }),
567                address: Some(bt::Address {
568                    type_: bt::AddressType::Public,
569                    bytes: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
570                }),
571                local_address: Some(bt::Address {
572                    type_: bt::AddressType::Public,
573                    bytes: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
574                }),
575                name: Some("name".into()),
576                le_bond: le_bond.clone(),
577                bredr_bond: bredr_bond.clone(),
578                ..Default::default()
579            }
580        }
582        #[test]
583        fn id_missing() {
584            let src = sys::BondingData {
585                identifier: None,
586                address: Some(bt::Address {
587                    type_: bt::AddressType::Random,
588                    bytes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
589                }),
590                le_bond: Some(sys::LeBondData::default()),
591                ..Default::default()
592            };
593            let result = BondingData::try_from(src);
594            assert_matches!(result, Err(Error::MissingRequired(_)));
595        }
597        #[test]
598        fn address_missing() {
599            let src = sys::BondingData {
600                identifier: Some(bt::PeerId { value: 1 }),
601                le_bond: Some(sys::LeBondData::default()),
602                bredr_bond: Some(sys::BredrBondData::default()),
603                ..Default::default()
604            };
605            let result = BondingData::try_from(src);
606            assert_matches!(result, Err(Error::MissingRequired(_)));
607        }
609        #[test]
610        fn use_address() {
611            let addr = bt::Address { type_: bt::AddressType::Public, bytes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] };
612            let src = sys::BondingData {
613                identifier: Some(bt::PeerId { value: 1 }),
614                address: Some(addr.clone()),
615                local_address: Some(bt::Address {
616                    type_: bt::AddressType::Public,
617                    bytes: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
618                }),
619                le_bond: Some(sys::LeBondData::default()),
620                bredr_bond: Some(sys::BredrBondData::default()),
621                ..Default::default()
622            };
623            let result =
624                BondingData::try_from(src).expect("failed to convert from sys.BondingData");
625            assert_eq!(result.address, Address::from(addr));
626        }
628        #[test]
629        fn use_peer_and_local_ltk() {
630            let ltk1 = default_ltk();
631            let mut ltk2 = default_ltk();
632            ltk2.key.security.authenticated = true;
634            let src = sys::BondingData {
635                identifier: Some(bt::PeerId { value: 1 }),
636                address: Some(bt::Address {
637                    type_: bt::AddressType::Public,
638                    bytes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
639                }),
640                local_address: Some(bt::Address {
641                    type_: bt::AddressType::Public,
642                    bytes: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
643                }),
644                le_bond: Some(sys::LeBondData {
645                    local_ltk: Some(ltk1.clone()),
646                    peer_ltk: Some(ltk2.clone()),
647                    ..Default::default()
648                }),
649                bredr_bond: Some(sys::BredrBondData::default()),
650                ..Default::default()
651            };
653            let result =
654                BondingData::try_from(src).expect("failed to convert from sys.BondingData");
655            let result_le = result.le().expect("expected LE data");
656            assert_eq!(result_le.local_ltk, Some(ltk1));
657            assert_eq!(result_le.peer_ltk, Some(ltk2));
658        }
660        #[test]
661        fn rejects_missing_transport_specific() {
662            let le_bond = Some(sys::LeBondData::default());
663            let bredr_bond = Some(sys::BredrBondData::default());
665            // Valid combinations of bonding data
666            assert!(BondingData::try_from(test_sys_bond(&le_bond, &None)).is_ok());
667            assert!(BondingData::try_from(test_sys_bond(&None, &bredr_bond)).is_ok());
668            assert!(BondingData::try_from(test_sys_bond(&le_bond, &bredr_bond)).is_ok());
670            assert!(BondingData::try_from(test_sys_bond(&None, &None)).is_err());
671        }
672    }
674    // The test cases below use proptest to exercise round-trip conversions between FIDL and the
675    // library type across several permutations.
676    mod roundtrip {
677        use super::proptest_util::{any_bonding_data, any_bredr_data, any_le_data};
678        use super::*;
679        use proptest::prelude::*;
681        proptest! {
682            #[test]
683            fn bredr_data_sys_roundtrip(data in any_bredr_data()) {
684                let sys_bredr_data: sys::BredrBondData = data.clone().into();
685                assert_eq!(data, sys_bredr_data.into());
686            }
687            #[test]
688            fn le_data_sys_roundtrip(data in any_le_data()) {
689                let sys_le_data: sys::LeBondData = data.clone().into();
690                assert_eq!(data, sys_le_data.into());
691            }
692            #[test]
693            fn bonding_data_sys_roundtrip(data in any_bonding_data()) {
694                let peer_id = data.identifier;
695                let sys_bonding_data: sys::BondingData = data.clone().into();
696                let roundtrip_data: BondingData = (sys_bonding_data, peer_id).try_into().expect("bonding data can be converted");
697                assert_eq!(data, roundtrip_data);
698            }
699        }
700    }