
1// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42178223): need validation after deserialization.
7use crate::checksum::{Checksums, ChecksumsV32, ChecksumsV37, ChecksumsV38};
8use crate::lsm_tree::types::{OrdLowerBound, OrdUpperBound};
9use crate::round::{round_down, round_up};
10use crate::serialized_types::{migrate_to_version, Migrate};
11use bit_vec::BitVec;
12use fprint::TypeFingerprint;
13use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
14use std::cmp::{max, min};
15use std::hash::Hash;
16use std::ops::Range;
18/// The common case for extents which cover the data payload of some object.
19pub const DEFAULT_DATA_ATTRIBUTE_ID: u64 = 0;
21/// For Blobs in Fxfs, we store the merkle tree at a well-known attribute.
22/// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42073113): Is this the best place to store the merkle tree?  What about inline with
23/// data?
24pub const BLOB_MERKLE_ATTRIBUTE_ID: u64 = 1;
26/// For fsverity files in Fxfs, we store the merkle tree of the verified file at a well-known
27/// attribute.
28pub const FSVERITY_MERKLE_ATTRIBUTE_ID: u64 = 2;
30/// ExtentKey is a child of ObjectKey for Object attributes that have attached extents
31/// (at time of writing this was only the used for file contents).
32pub type ExtentKey = ExtentKeyV32;
34#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, TypeFingerprint)]
35#[cfg_attr(fuzz, derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
36pub struct ExtentKeyV32 {
37    pub range: Range<u64>,
40const EXTENT_HASH_BUCKET_SIZE: u64 = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
42pub struct ExtentKeyPartitionIterator {
43    range: Range<u64>,
46impl Iterator for ExtentKeyPartitionIterator {
47    type Item = Range<u64>;
49    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
50        if self.range.start >= self.range.end {
51            None
52        } else {
53            let start = self.range.start;
54            self.range.start = start.saturating_add(EXTENT_HASH_BUCKET_SIZE);
55            let end = std::cmp::min(self.range.start, self.range.end);
56            Some(start..end)
57        }
58    }
61impl ExtentKey {
62    /// Creates an ExtentKey.
63    pub fn new(range: std::ops::Range<u64>) -> Self {
64        Self { range }
65    }
67    /// Returns the range of bytes common between this extent and |other|.
68    pub fn overlap(&self, other: &ExtentKey) -> Option<Range<u64>> {
69        if self.range.end <= other.range.start || self.range.start >= other.range.end {
70            None
71        } else {
72            Some(max(self.range.start, other.range.start)..min(self.range.end, other.range.end))
73        }
74    }
76    /// Returns the search key for this extent; that is, a key which is <= this key under Ord and
77    /// OrdLowerBound.
78    /// This would be used when searching for an extent with |find| (when we want to find any
79    /// overlapping extent, which could include extents that start earlier).
80    /// For example, if the tree has extents 50..150 and 150..200 and we wish to read 100..200,
81    /// we'd search for 0..101 which would set the iterator to 50..150.
82    pub fn search_key(&self) -> Self {
83        assert_ne!(self.range.start, self.range.end);
84        ExtentKey::search_key_from_offset(self.range.start)
85    }
87    /// Similar to previous, but from an offset.  Returns a search key that will find the first
88    /// extent that touches offset..
89    pub fn search_key_from_offset(offset: u64) -> Self {
90        Self { range: 0..offset + 1 }
91    }
93    /// Returns the merge key for this extent; that is, a key which is <= this extent and any other
94    /// possibly overlapping extent, under Ord. This would be used to set the hint for |merge_into|.
95    ///
96    /// For example, if the tree has extents 0..50, 50..150 and 150..200 and we wish to insert
97    /// 100..150, we'd use a merge hint of 0..100 which would set the iterator to 50..150 (the first
98    /// element > 100..150 under Ord).
99    pub fn key_for_merge_into(&self) -> Self {
100        Self { range: 0..self.range.start }
101    }
103    /// Returns an iterator over the ExtentKey partitions which overlap this key (see `FuzzyHash`).
104    pub fn fuzzy_hash_partition(&self) -> ExtentKeyPartitionIterator {
105        ExtentKeyPartitionIterator {
106            range: round_down(self.range.start, EXTENT_HASH_BUCKET_SIZE)
107                ..round_up(self.range.end, EXTENT_HASH_BUCKET_SIZE).unwrap_or(u64::MAX),
108        }
109    }
112// The normal comparison uses the end of the range before the start of the range. This makes
113// searching for records easier because it's easy to find K.. (where K is the key you are searching
114// for), which is what we want since our search routines find items with keys >= a search key.
115// OrdLowerBound orders by the start of an extent.
116impl OrdUpperBound for ExtentKey {
117    fn cmp_upper_bound(&self, other: &ExtentKey) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
118        // The comparison uses the end of the range so that we can more easily do queries.  Whilst
119        // it might be tempting to break ties by comparing the range start, next_key currently
120        // relies on keys with the same end being equal, and since we do not support overlapping
121        // keys within the same layer, ties can always be broken using layer index.  Insertions into
122        // the mutable layer should always be done using merge_into, which will ensure keys don't
123        // end up overlapping.
124        self.range.end.cmp(&other.range.end)
125    }
128impl OrdLowerBound for ExtentKey {
129    // Orders by the start of the range rather than the end, and doesn't include the end in the
130    // comparison. This is used when merging, where we want to merge keys in lower-bound order.
131    fn cmp_lower_bound(&self, other: &ExtentKey) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
132        self.range.start.cmp(&other.range.start)
133    }
136impl Ord for ExtentKey {
137    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
138        // We expect cmp_upper_bound and cmp_lower_bound to be used mostly, but ObjectKey needs an
139        // Ord method in order to compare other enum variants, and Transaction requires an ObjectKey
140        // to implement Ord.
141        self.range.start.cmp(&other.range.start).then(self.range.end.cmp(&other.range.end))
142    }
145impl PartialOrd for ExtentKey {
146    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
147        Some(self.cmp(other))
148    }
151/// The mode the extent is operating in. This changes how writes work to this region of the file.
152pub type ExtentMode = ExtentModeV38;
154#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, TypeFingerprint)]
155pub enum ExtentModeV38 {
156    /// This extent doesn't have defined write semantics. The writer chooses how to handle the data
157    /// here. Notable uses of this are things which have their own separate checksum mechanism,
158    /// like the journal file and blobs.
159    Raw,
160    /// This extent uses copy-on-write semantics. We store the post-encryption checksums for data
161    /// validation. New writes to this logical range are written to new extents.
162    Cow(ChecksumsV38),
163    /// This extent uses overwrite semantics. The bitmap keeps track of blocks which have been
164    /// written to at least once. Blocks which haven't been written to at least once are logically
165    /// zero, so the bitmap needs to be accounted for while reading. While this extent exists, new
166    /// writes to this logical range will go to the same on-disk location.
167    OverwritePartial(BitVec),
168    /// This extent uses overwrite semantics. Every block in this extent has been written to at
169    /// least once, so we don't store the block bitmap anymore. While this extent exists, new
170    /// writes to this logical range will go to the same on-disk location.
171    Overwrite,
175impl<'a> arbitrary::Arbitrary<'a> for ExtentMode {
176    fn arbitrary(u: &mut arbitrary::Unstructured<'a>) -> arbitrary::Result<Self> {
177        Ok(match u.int_in_range(0..=3)? {
178            0 => ExtentMode::Raw,
179            1 => ExtentMode::Cow(u.arbitrary()?),
180            2 => ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(BitVec::from_bytes(u.arbitrary()?)),
181            3 => ExtentMode::Overwrite,
182            _ => unreachable!(),
183        })
184    }
187/// ExtentValue is the payload for an extent in the object store, which describes where the extent
188/// is physically located.
189pub type ExtentValue = ExtentValueV38;
191#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, TypeFingerprint)]
192#[cfg_attr(fuzz, derive(arbitrary::Arbitrary))]
193pub enum ExtentValueV38 {
194    /// Indicates a deleted extent; that is, the logical range described by the extent key is
195    /// considered to be deleted.
196    None,
197    /// The location of the extent and other related information.  `key_id` identifies which of the
198    /// object's keys should be used.  Unencrypted files should use 0 (which can also be used for
199    /// encrypted files).  `mode` describes the write pattern for this extent.
200    Some { device_offset: u64, mode: ExtentModeV38, key_id: u64 },
203impl ExtentValue {
204    pub fn new(device_offset: u64, mode: ExtentMode, key_id: u64) -> ExtentValue {
205        ExtentValue::Some { device_offset, mode, key_id }
206    }
208    pub fn new_raw(device_offset: u64, key_id: u64) -> ExtentValue {
209        Self::new(device_offset, ExtentMode::Raw, key_id)
210    }
212    /// Creates an ExtentValue with a checksum
213    pub fn with_checksum(device_offset: u64, checksums: Checksums, key_id: u64) -> ExtentValue {
214        Self::new(device_offset, ExtentMode::Cow(checksums), key_id)
215    }
217    /// Creates an ExtentValue for an overwrite range with no blocks written to yet.
218    pub fn blank_overwrite_extent(
219        device_offset: u64,
220        num_blocks: usize,
221        key_id: u64,
222    ) -> ExtentValue {
223        Self::new(
224            device_offset,
225            ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(BitVec::from_elem(num_blocks, false)),
226            key_id,
227        )
228    }
230    /// Creates an ExtentValue for an overwrite range with all the blocks initialized.
231    pub fn initialized_overwrite_extent(device_offset: u64, key_id: u64) -> ExtentValue {
232        Self::new(device_offset, ExtentMode::Overwrite, key_id)
233    }
235    /// Creates an ObjectValue for a deletion of an object extent.
236    pub fn deleted_extent() -> ExtentValue {
237        ExtentValue::None
238    }
240    pub fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool {
241        if let ExtentValue::None = self {
242            true
243        } else {
244            false
245        }
246    }
248    /// Returns a new ExtentValue offset by `amount`.  Both `amount` and `extent_len` must be
249    /// multiples of the underlying block size.
250    pub fn offset_by(&self, amount: u64, extent_len: u64) -> Self {
251        match self {
252            ExtentValue::None => Self::deleted_extent(),
253            ExtentValue::Some { device_offset, mode, key_id } => {
254                let mode = match mode {
255                    ExtentMode::Raw => ExtentMode::Raw,
256                    ExtentMode::Cow(checksums) => {
257                        if checksums.len() > 0 {
258                            let index = (amount / (extent_len / checksums.len() as u64)) as usize;
259                            ExtentMode::Cow(checksums.offset_by(index))
260                        } else {
261                            ExtentMode::Cow(Checksums::fletcher(Vec::new()))
262                        }
263                    }
264                    ExtentMode::Overwrite => ExtentMode::Overwrite,
265                    ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(bitmap) => {
266                        debug_assert!(bitmap.len() > 0);
267                        let index = (amount / (extent_len / bitmap.len() as u64)) as usize;
268                        ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(bitmap.clone().split_off(index))
269                    }
270                };
271                ExtentValue::Some { device_offset: device_offset + amount, mode, key_id: *key_id }
272            }
273        }
274    }
276    /// Returns a new ExtentValue after shrinking the extent from |original_len| to |new_len|.
277    pub fn shrunk(&self, original_len: u64, new_len: u64) -> Self {
278        match self {
279            ExtentValue::None => Self::deleted_extent(),
280            ExtentValue::Some { device_offset, mode, key_id } => {
281                let mode = match mode {
282                    ExtentMode::Raw => ExtentMode::Raw,
283                    ExtentMode::Cow(checksums) => {
284                        if checksums.len() > 0 {
285                            let len = (new_len / (original_len / checksums.len() as u64)) as usize;
286                            ExtentMode::Cow(checksums.shrunk(len))
287                        } else {
288                            ExtentMode::Cow(Checksums::fletcher(Vec::new()))
289                        }
290                    }
291                    ExtentMode::Overwrite => ExtentMode::Overwrite,
292                    ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(bitmap) => {
293                        debug_assert!(bitmap.len() > 0);
294                        let len = (new_len / (original_len / bitmap.len() as u64)) as usize;
295                        let mut new_bitmap = bitmap.clone();
296                        new_bitmap.truncate(len);
297                        ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(new_bitmap)
298                    }
299                };
300                ExtentValue::Some { device_offset: *device_offset, mode, key_id: *key_id }
301            }
302        }
303    }
306#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, TypeFingerprint)]
308pub enum ExtentValueV37 {
309    None,
310    Some { device_offset: u64, checksums: ChecksumsV37, key_id: u64 },
313#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Migrate, TypeFingerprint)]
315pub enum ExtentValueV32 {
316    None,
317    Some { device_offset: u64, checksums: ChecksumsV32, key_id: u64 },
320impl From<ExtentValueV37> for ExtentValueV38 {
321    fn from(value: ExtentValueV37) -> Self {
322        match value {
323            ExtentValueV37::None => ExtentValue::None,
324            ExtentValueV37::Some { device_offset, checksums, key_id } => {
325                let mode = match checksums.migrate() {
326                    None => ExtentMode::Raw,
327                    Some(checksums) => ExtentMode::Cow(checksums),
328                };
329                ExtentValue::Some { device_offset, mode, key_id }
330            }
331        }
332    }
336mod tests {
337    use super::{ExtentKey, ExtentMode, ExtentValue};
338    use crate::checksum::Checksums;
339    use crate::lsm_tree::types::{OrdLowerBound, OrdUpperBound};
340    use crate::object_store::VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID;
341    use bit_vec::BitVec;
342    use std::cmp::Ordering;
344    #[test]
345    fn test_extent_cmp() {
346        let extent = ExtentKey::new(100..150);
347        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&ExtentKey::new(0..100)), Ordering::Greater);
348        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&ExtentKey::new(0..110)), Ordering::Greater);
349        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&ExtentKey::new(0..150)), Ordering::Equal);
350        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&ExtentKey::new(99..150)), Ordering::Equal);
351        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&ExtentKey::new(100..150)), Ordering::Equal);
352        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&ExtentKey::new(0..151)), Ordering::Less);
353        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&ExtentKey::new(100..151)), Ordering::Less);
354        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&ExtentKey::new(150..1000)), Ordering::Less);
355    }
357    #[test]
358    fn test_extent_cmp_lower_bound() {
359        let extent = ExtentKey::new(100..150);
360        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&ExtentKey::new(0..100)), Ordering::Greater);
361        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&ExtentKey::new(0..110)), Ordering::Greater);
362        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&ExtentKey::new(0..150)), Ordering::Greater);
363        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&ExtentKey::new(0..1000)), Ordering::Greater);
364        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&ExtentKey::new(99..1000)), Ordering::Greater);
365        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&ExtentKey::new(100..150)), Ordering::Equal);
366        // cmp_lower_bound does not check the upper bound of the range
367        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&ExtentKey::new(100..1000)), Ordering::Equal);
368        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&ExtentKey::new(101..102)), Ordering::Less);
369    }
371    #[test]
372    fn test_extent_search_and_insertion_key() {
373        let extent = ExtentKey::new(100..150);
374        assert_eq!(extent.search_key(), ExtentKey::new(0..101));
375        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&extent.search_key()), Ordering::Greater);
376        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_upper_bound(&extent.search_key()), Ordering::Greater);
377        assert_eq!(extent.key_for_merge_into(), ExtentKey::new(0..100));
378        assert_eq!(extent.cmp_lower_bound(&extent.key_for_merge_into()), Ordering::Greater);
379    }
381    #[test]
382    fn extent_value_offset_by() {
383        assert_eq!(ExtentValue::None.offset_by(1024, 2048), ExtentValue::None);
384        assert_eq!(
385            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID).offset_by(0, 2048),
386            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
387        );
388        assert_eq!(
389            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID).offset_by(1024, 2048),
390            ExtentValue::new_raw(2048, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
391        );
392        assert_eq!(
393            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID).offset_by(2048, 2048),
394            ExtentValue::new_raw(3072, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
395        );
397        let make_checksums = |range: std::ops::Range<u64>| Checksums::fletcher(range.collect());
399        // In these tests we are making block size 256.
400        assert_eq!(
401            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
402                .offset_by(0, 2048),
403            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
404        );
405        assert_eq!(
406            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
407                .offset_by(1024, 2048),
408            ExtentValue::with_checksum(2048, make_checksums(4..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
409        );
410        assert_eq!(
411            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
412                .offset_by(2048, 2048),
413            ExtentValue::with_checksum(3072, Checksums::fletcher(Vec::new()), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
414        );
416        // Takes a place to switch from zeros to ones. The goal is to make sure there is exactly
417        // one zero and then only ones where we expect offset to slice.
418        let make_bitmap = |cut, length| {
419            let mut begin_bitmap = BitVec::from_elem(cut, false);
420            let mut end_bitmap = BitVec::from_elem(length - cut, true);
421            begin_bitmap.append(&mut end_bitmap);
422            ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(begin_bitmap)
423        };
424        let make_extent =
425            |device_offset, mode| ExtentValue::Some { device_offset, mode, key_id: 0 };
427        assert_eq!(
428            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(1, 8)).offset_by(0, 2048),
429            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(1, 8))
430        );
431        assert_eq!(
432            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(5, 8)).offset_by(1024, 2048),
433            make_extent(2048, make_bitmap(1, 4))
434        );
435        assert_eq!(
436            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(0, 8)).offset_by(2048, 2048),
437            make_extent(3072, ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(BitVec::new()))
438        );
440        assert_eq!(
441            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite).offset_by(0, 2048),
442            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite)
443        );
444        assert_eq!(
445            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite).offset_by(1024, 2048),
446            make_extent(2048, ExtentMode::Overwrite)
447        );
448        assert_eq!(
449            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite).offset_by(2048, 2048),
450            make_extent(3072, ExtentMode::Overwrite)
451        );
452    }
454    #[test]
455    fn extent_value_shrunk() {
456        assert_eq!(ExtentValue::None.shrunk(2048, 1024), ExtentValue::None);
457        assert_eq!(
458            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID).shrunk(2048, 2048),
459            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
460        );
461        assert_eq!(
462            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID).shrunk(2048, 1024),
463            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
464        );
465        assert_eq!(
466            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID).shrunk(2048, 0),
467            ExtentValue::new_raw(1024, VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
468        );
470        let make_checksums = |range: std::ops::Range<u64>| Checksums::fletcher(range.collect());
472        // In these tests we are making block size 256.
473        assert_eq!(
474            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
475                .shrunk(2048, 2048),
476            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
477        );
478        assert_eq!(
479            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
480                .shrunk(2048, 1024),
481            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..4), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
482        );
483        assert_eq!(
484            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, make_checksums(0..8), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
485                .shrunk(2048, 0),
486            ExtentValue::with_checksum(1024, Checksums::fletcher(Vec::new()), VOLUME_DATA_KEY_ID)
487        );
489        // Takes a place to switch from zeros to ones. The goal is to make sure there is exactly
490        // one zero and then only ones where we expect offset to slice.
491        let make_bitmap = |cut, length| {
492            let mut begin_bitmap = BitVec::from_elem(cut, false);
493            let mut end_bitmap = BitVec::from_elem(length - cut, true);
494            begin_bitmap.append(&mut end_bitmap);
495            ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(begin_bitmap)
496        };
497        let make_extent =
498            |device_offset, mode| ExtentValue::Some { device_offset, mode, key_id: 0 };
500        assert_eq!(
501            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(1, 8)).shrunk(2048, 2048),
502            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(1, 8))
503        );
504        assert_eq!(
505            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(3, 8)).shrunk(2048, 1024),
506            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(3, 4))
507        );
508        assert_eq!(
509            make_extent(1024, make_bitmap(0, 8)).shrunk(2048, 0),
510            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::OverwritePartial(BitVec::new()))
511        );
513        assert_eq!(
514            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite).shrunk(2048, 2048),
515            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite)
516        );
517        assert_eq!(
518            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite).shrunk(2048, 1024),
519            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite)
520        );
521        assert_eq!(
522            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite).shrunk(2048, 0),
523            make_extent(1024, ExtentMode::Overwrite)
524        );
525    }