1use std::error::Error as StdError;
2use std::fmt;
3use std::io;
4use std::usize;
6use bytes::Bytes;
7use tracing::{debug, trace};
9use crate::common::{task, Poll};
11use super::io::MemRead;
12use super::DecodedLength;
14use self::Kind::{Chunked, Eof, Length};
16#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
21pub(crate) struct Decoder {
22 kind: Kind,
25#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
26enum Kind {
27 Length(u64),
29 Chunked(ChunkedState, u64),
31 Eof(bool),
50#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
51enum ChunkedState {
52 Size,
53 SizeLws,
54 Extension,
55 SizeLf,
56 Body,
57 BodyCr,
58 BodyLf,
59 Trailer,
60 TrailerLf,
61 EndCr,
62 EndLf,
63 End,
66impl Decoder {
67 pub(crate) fn length(x: u64) -> Decoder {
70 Decoder {
71 kind: Kind::Length(x),
72 }
73 }
75 pub(crate) fn chunked() -> Decoder {
76 Decoder {
77 kind: Kind::Chunked(ChunkedState::Size, 0),
78 }
79 }
81 pub(crate) fn eof() -> Decoder {
82 Decoder {
83 kind: Kind::Eof(false),
84 }
85 }
87 pub(super) fn new(len: DecodedLength) -> Self {
88 match len {
89 DecodedLength::CHUNKED => Decoder::chunked(),
90 DecodedLength::CLOSE_DELIMITED => Decoder::eof(),
91 length => Decoder::length(length.danger_len()),
92 }
93 }
95 pub(crate) fn is_eof(&self) -> bool {
98 matches!(self.kind, Length(0) | Chunked(ChunkedState::End, _) | Eof(true))
99 }
101 pub(crate) fn decode<R: MemRead>(
102 &mut self,
103 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
104 body: &mut R,
105 ) -> Poll<Result<Bytes, io::Error>> {
106 trace!("decode; state={:?}", self.kind);
107 match self.kind {
108 Length(ref mut remaining) => {
109 if *remaining == 0 {
110 Poll::Ready(Ok(Bytes::new()))
111 } else {
112 let to_read = *remaining as usize;
113 let buf = ready!(body.read_mem(cx, to_read))?;
114 let num = buf.as_ref().len() as u64;
115 if num > *remaining {
116 *remaining = 0;
117 } else if num == 0 {
118 return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
119 io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof,
120 IncompleteBody,
121 )));
122 } else {
123 *remaining -= num;
124 }
125 Poll::Ready(Ok(buf))
126 }
127 }
128 Chunked(ref mut state, ref mut size) => {
129 loop {
130 let mut buf = None;
131 *state = ready!(state.step(cx, body, size, &mut buf))?;
133 if *state == ChunkedState::End {
134 trace!("end of chunked");
135 return Poll::Ready(Ok(Bytes::new()));
136 }
137 if let Some(buf) = buf {
138 return Poll::Ready(Ok(buf));
139 }
140 }
141 }
142 Eof(ref mut is_eof) => {
143 if *is_eof {
144 Poll::Ready(Ok(Bytes::new()))
145 } else {
146 body.read_mem(cx, 8192).map_ok(|slice| {
150 *is_eof = slice.is_empty();
151 slice
152 })
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 }
158 #[cfg(test)]
159 async fn decode_fut<R: MemRead>(&mut self, body: &mut R) -> Result<Bytes, io::Error> {
160 futures_util::future::poll_fn(move |cx| self.decode(cx, body)).await
161 }
164impl fmt::Debug for Decoder {
165 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
166 fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.kind, f)
167 }
170macro_rules! byte (
171 ($rdr:ident, $cx:expr) => ({
172 let buf = ready!($rdr.read_mem($cx, 1))?;
173 if !buf.is_empty() {
174 buf[0]
175 } else {
176 return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof,
177 "unexpected EOF during chunk size line")));
178 }
179 })
182impl ChunkedState {
183 fn step<R: MemRead>(
184 &self,
185 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
186 body: &mut R,
187 size: &mut u64,
188 buf: &mut Option<Bytes>,
189 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
190 use self::ChunkedState::*;
191 match *self {
192 Size => ChunkedState::read_size(cx, body, size),
193 SizeLws => ChunkedState::read_size_lws(cx, body),
194 Extension => ChunkedState::read_extension(cx, body),
195 SizeLf => ChunkedState::read_size_lf(cx, body, *size),
196 Body => ChunkedState::read_body(cx, body, size, buf),
197 BodyCr => ChunkedState::read_body_cr(cx, body),
198 BodyLf => ChunkedState::read_body_lf(cx, body),
199 Trailer => ChunkedState::read_trailer(cx, body),
200 TrailerLf => ChunkedState::read_trailer_lf(cx, body),
201 EndCr => ChunkedState::read_end_cr(cx, body),
202 EndLf => ChunkedState::read_end_lf(cx, body),
203 End => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::End)),
204 }
205 }
206 fn read_size<R: MemRead>(
207 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
208 rdr: &mut R,
209 size: &mut u64,
210 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
211 trace!("Read chunk hex size");
213 macro_rules! or_overflow {
214 ($e:expr) => (
215 match $e {
216 Some(val) => val,
217 None => return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
218 io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
219 "invalid chunk size: overflow",
220 ))),
221 }
222 )
223 }
225 let radix = 16;
226 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
227 b @ b'0'..=b'9' => {
228 *size = or_overflow!(size.checked_mul(radix));
229 *size = or_overflow!(size.checked_add((b - b'0') as u64));
230 }
231 b @ b'a'..=b'f' => {
232 *size = or_overflow!(size.checked_mul(radix));
233 *size = or_overflow!(size.checked_add((b + 10 - b'a') as u64));
234 }
235 b @ b'A'..=b'F' => {
236 *size = or_overflow!(size.checked_mul(radix));
237 *size = or_overflow!(size.checked_add((b + 10 - b'A') as u64));
238 }
239 b'\t' | b' ' => return Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::SizeLws)),
240 b';' => return Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Extension)),
241 b'\r' => return Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::SizeLf)),
242 _ => {
243 return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
244 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
245 "Invalid chunk size line: Invalid Size",
246 )));
247 }
248 }
249 Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Size))
250 }
251 fn read_size_lws<R: MemRead>(
252 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
253 rdr: &mut R,
254 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
255 trace!("read_size_lws");
256 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
257 b'\t' | b' ' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::SizeLws)),
259 b';' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Extension)),
260 b'\r' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::SizeLf)),
261 _ => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
262 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
263 "Invalid chunk size linear white space",
264 ))),
265 }
266 }
267 fn read_extension<R: MemRead>(
268 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
269 rdr: &mut R,
270 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
271 trace!("read_extension");
272 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
279 b'\r' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::SizeLf)),
280 b'\n' => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
281 io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
282 "invalid chunk extension contains newline",
283 ))),
284 _ => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Extension)), }
286 }
287 fn read_size_lf<R: MemRead>(
288 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
289 rdr: &mut R,
290 size: u64,
291 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
292 trace!("Chunk size is {:?}", size);
293 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
294 b'\n' => {
295 if size == 0 {
296 Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::EndCr))
297 } else {
298 debug!("incoming chunked header: {0:#X} ({0} bytes)", size);
299 Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Body))
300 }
301 }
302 _ => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
303 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
304 "Invalid chunk size LF",
305 ))),
306 }
307 }
309 fn read_body<R: MemRead>(
310 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
311 rdr: &mut R,
312 rem: &mut u64,
313 buf: &mut Option<Bytes>,
314 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
315 trace!("Chunked read, remaining={:?}", rem);
317 let rem_cap = match *rem {
319 r if r > usize::MAX as u64 => usize::MAX,
320 r => r as usize,
321 };
323 let to_read = rem_cap;
324 let slice = ready!(rdr.read_mem(cx, to_read))?;
325 let count = slice.len();
327 if count == 0 {
328 *rem = 0;
329 return Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
330 io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof,
331 IncompleteBody,
332 )));
333 }
334 *buf = Some(slice);
335 *rem -= count as u64;
337 if *rem > 0 {
338 Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Body))
339 } else {
340 Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::BodyCr))
341 }
342 }
343 fn read_body_cr<R: MemRead>(
344 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
345 rdr: &mut R,
346 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
347 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
348 b'\r' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::BodyLf)),
349 _ => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
350 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
351 "Invalid chunk body CR",
352 ))),
353 }
354 }
355 fn read_body_lf<R: MemRead>(
356 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
357 rdr: &mut R,
358 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
359 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
360 b'\n' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Size)),
361 _ => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
362 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
363 "Invalid chunk body LF",
364 ))),
365 }
366 }
368 fn read_trailer<R: MemRead>(
369 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
370 rdr: &mut R,
371 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
372 trace!("read_trailer");
373 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
374 b'\r' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::TrailerLf)),
375 _ => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Trailer)),
376 }
377 }
378 fn read_trailer_lf<R: MemRead>(
379 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
380 rdr: &mut R,
381 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
382 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
383 b'\n' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::EndCr)),
384 _ => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
385 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
386 "Invalid trailer end LF",
387 ))),
388 }
389 }
391 fn read_end_cr<R: MemRead>(
392 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
393 rdr: &mut R,
394 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
395 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
396 b'\r' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::EndLf)),
397 _ => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::Trailer)),
398 }
399 }
400 fn read_end_lf<R: MemRead>(
401 cx: &mut task::Context<'_>,
402 rdr: &mut R,
403 ) -> Poll<Result<ChunkedState, io::Error>> {
404 match byte!(rdr, cx) {
405 b'\n' => Poll::Ready(Ok(ChunkedState::End)),
406 _ => Poll::Ready(Err(io::Error::new(
407 io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
408 "Invalid chunk end LF",
409 ))),
410 }
411 }
415struct IncompleteBody;
417impl fmt::Display for IncompleteBody {
418 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
419 write!(f, "end of file before message length reached")
420 }
423impl StdError for IncompleteBody {}
426mod tests {
427 use super::*;
428 use std::pin::Pin;
429 use std::time::Duration;
430 use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, ReadBuf};
432 impl<'a> MemRead for &'a [u8] {
433 fn read_mem(&mut self, _: &mut task::Context<'_>, len: usize) -> Poll<io::Result<Bytes>> {
434 let n = std::cmp::min(len, self.len());
435 if n > 0 {
436 let (a, b) = self.split_at(n);
437 let buf = Bytes::copy_from_slice(a);
438 *self = b;
439 Poll::Ready(Ok(buf))
440 } else {
441 Poll::Ready(Ok(Bytes::new()))
442 }
443 }
444 }
446 impl<'a> MemRead for &'a mut (dyn AsyncRead + Unpin) {
447 fn read_mem(&mut self, cx: &mut task::Context<'_>, len: usize) -> Poll<io::Result<Bytes>> {
448 let mut v = vec![0; len];
449 let mut buf = ReadBuf::new(&mut v);
450 ready!(Pin::new(self).poll_read(cx, &mut buf)?);
451 Poll::Ready(Ok(Bytes::copy_from_slice(&buf.filled())))
452 }
453 }
455 #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
456 impl MemRead for Bytes {
457 fn read_mem(&mut self, _: &mut task::Context<'_>, len: usize) -> Poll<io::Result<Bytes>> {
458 let n = std::cmp::min(len, self.len());
459 let ret = self.split_to(n);
460 Poll::Ready(Ok(ret))
461 }
462 }
464 #[tokio::test]
475 async fn test_read_chunk_size() {
476 use std::io::ErrorKind::{InvalidData, InvalidInput, UnexpectedEof};
478 async fn read(s: &str) -> u64 {
479 let mut state = ChunkedState::Size;
480 let rdr = &mut s.as_bytes();
481 let mut size = 0;
482 loop {
483 let result =
484 futures_util::future::poll_fn(|cx| state.step(cx, rdr, &mut size, &mut None))
485 .await;
486 let desc = format!("read_size failed for {:?}", s);
487 state = result.expect(desc.as_str());
488 if state == ChunkedState::Body || state == ChunkedState::EndCr {
489 break;
490 }
491 }
492 size
493 }
495 async fn read_err(s: &str, expected_err: io::ErrorKind) {
496 let mut state = ChunkedState::Size;
497 let rdr = &mut s.as_bytes();
498 let mut size = 0;
499 loop {
500 let result =
501 futures_util::future::poll_fn(|cx| state.step(cx, rdr, &mut size, &mut None))
502 .await;
503 state = match result {
504 Ok(s) => s,
505 Err(e) => {
506 assert!(
507 expected_err == e.kind(),
508 "Reading {:?}, expected {:?}, but got {:?}",
509 s,
510 expected_err,
511 e.kind()
512 );
513 return;
514 }
515 };
516 if state == ChunkedState::Body || state == ChunkedState::End {
517 panic!("Was Ok. Expected Err for {:?}", s);
518 }
519 }
520 }
522 assert_eq!(1, read("1\r\n").await);
523 assert_eq!(1, read("01\r\n").await);
524 assert_eq!(0, read("0\r\n").await);
525 assert_eq!(0, read("00\r\n").await);
526 assert_eq!(10, read("A\r\n").await);
527 assert_eq!(10, read("a\r\n").await);
528 assert_eq!(255, read("Ff\r\n").await);
529 assert_eq!(255, read("Ff \r\n").await);
530 read_err("F\rF", InvalidInput).await;
532 read_err("F", UnexpectedEof).await;
533 read_err("X\r\n", InvalidInput).await;
535 read_err("1X\r\n", InvalidInput).await;
536 read_err("-\r\n", InvalidInput).await;
537 read_err("-1\r\n", InvalidInput).await;
538 assert_eq!(1, read("1;extension\r\n").await);
540 assert_eq!(10, read("a;ext name=value\r\n").await);
541 assert_eq!(1, read("1;extension;extension2\r\n").await);
542 assert_eq!(1, read("1;;; ;\r\n").await);
543 assert_eq!(2, read("2; extension...\r\n").await);
544 assert_eq!(3, read("3 ; extension=123\r\n").await);
545 assert_eq!(3, read("3 ;\r\n").await);
546 assert_eq!(3, read("3 ; \r\n").await);
547 read_err("1 invalid extension\r\n", InvalidInput).await;
549 read_err("1 A\r\n", InvalidInput).await;
550 read_err("1;no CRLF", UnexpectedEof).await;
551 read_err("1;reject\nnewlines\r\n", InvalidData).await;
552 read_err("f0000000000000003\r\n", InvalidData).await;
554 }
556 #[tokio::test]
557 async fn test_read_sized_early_eof() {
558 let mut bytes = &b"foo bar"[..];
559 let mut decoder = Decoder::length(10);
560 assert_eq!(decoder.decode_fut(&mut bytes).await.unwrap().len(), 7);
561 let e = decoder.decode_fut(&mut bytes).await.unwrap_err();
562 assert_eq!(e.kind(), io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof);
563 }
565 #[tokio::test]
566 async fn test_read_chunked_early_eof() {
567 let mut bytes = &b"\
568 9\r\n\
569 foo bar\
570 "[..];
571 let mut decoder = Decoder::chunked();
572 assert_eq!(decoder.decode_fut(&mut bytes).await.unwrap().len(), 7);
573 let e = decoder.decode_fut(&mut bytes).await.unwrap_err();
574 assert_eq!(e.kind(), io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof);
575 }
577 #[tokio::test]
578 async fn test_read_chunked_single_read() {
579 let mut mock_buf = &b"10\r\n1234567890abcdef\r\n0\r\n"[..];
580 let buf = Decoder::chunked()
581 .decode_fut(&mut mock_buf)
582 .await
583 .expect("decode");
584 assert_eq!(16, buf.len());
585 let result = String::from_utf8(buf.as_ref().to_vec()).expect("decode String");
586 assert_eq!("1234567890abcdef", &result);
587 }
589 #[tokio::test]
590 async fn test_read_chunked_trailer_with_missing_lf() {
591 let mut mock_buf = &b"10\r\n1234567890abcdef\r\n0\r\nbad\r\r\n"[..];
592 let mut decoder = Decoder::chunked();
593 decoder.decode_fut(&mut mock_buf).await.expect("decode");
594 let e = decoder.decode_fut(&mut mock_buf).await.unwrap_err();
595 assert_eq!(e.kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput);
596 }
598 #[tokio::test]
599 async fn test_read_chunked_after_eof() {
600 let mut mock_buf = &b"10\r\n1234567890abcdef\r\n0\r\n\r\n"[..];
601 let mut decoder = Decoder::chunked();
603 let buf = decoder.decode_fut(&mut mock_buf).await.unwrap();
605 assert_eq!(16, buf.len());
606 let result = String::from_utf8(buf.as_ref().to_vec()).expect("decode String");
607 assert_eq!("1234567890abcdef", &result);
609 let buf = decoder.decode_fut(&mut mock_buf).await.expect("decode");
611 assert_eq!(0, buf.len());
613 let buf = decoder.decode_fut(&mut mock_buf).await.expect("decode");
615 assert_eq!(0, buf.len());
616 }
618 async fn read_async(mut decoder: Decoder, content: &[u8], block_at: usize) -> String {
621 let mut outs = Vec::new();
623 let mut ins = if block_at == 0 {
624 tokio_test::io::Builder::new()
625 .wait(Duration::from_millis(10))
626 .read(content)
627 .build()
628 } else {
629 tokio_test::io::Builder::new()
630 .read(&content[..block_at])
631 .wait(Duration::from_millis(10))
632 .read(&content[block_at..])
633 .build()
634 };
636 let mut ins = &mut ins as &mut (dyn AsyncRead + Unpin);
638 loop {
639 let buf = decoder
640 .decode_fut(&mut ins)
641 .await
642 .expect("unexpected decode error");
643 if buf.is_empty() {
644 break; }
646 outs.extend(buf.as_ref());
647 }
649 String::from_utf8(outs).expect("decode String")
650 }
652 async fn all_async_cases(content: &str, expected: &str, decoder: Decoder) {
655 let content_len = content.len();
656 for block_at in 0..content_len {
657 let actual = read_async(decoder.clone(), content.as_bytes(), block_at).await;
658 assert_eq!(expected, &actual) }
660 }
662 #[tokio::test]
663 async fn test_read_length_async() {
664 let content = "foobar";
665 all_async_cases(content, content, Decoder::length(content.len() as u64)).await;
666 }
668 #[tokio::test]
669 async fn test_read_chunked_async() {
670 let content = "3\r\nfoo\r\n3\r\nbar\r\n0\r\n\r\n";
671 let expected = "foobar";
672 all_async_cases(content, expected, Decoder::chunked()).await;
673 }
675 #[tokio::test]
676 async fn test_read_eof_async() {
677 let content = "foobar";
678 all_async_cases(content, content, Decoder::eof()).await;
679 }
681 #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
682 #[bench]
683 fn bench_decode_chunked_1kb(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
684 let rt = new_runtime();
686 const LEN: usize = 1024;
687 let mut vec = Vec::new();
688 vec.extend(format!("{:x}\r\n", LEN).as_bytes());
689 vec.extend(&[0; LEN][..]);
690 vec.extend(b"\r\n");
691 let content = Bytes::from(vec);
693 b.bytes = LEN as u64;
695 b.iter(|| {
696 let mut decoder = Decoder::chunked();
697 rt.block_on(async {
698 let mut raw = content.clone();
699 let chunk = decoder.decode_fut(&mut raw).await.unwrap();
700 assert_eq!(chunk.len(), LEN);
701 });
702 });
703 }
705 #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
706 #[bench]
707 fn bench_decode_length_1kb(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
708 let rt = new_runtime();
710 const LEN: usize = 1024;
711 let content = Bytes::from(&[0; LEN][..]);
712 b.bytes = LEN as u64;
714 b.iter(|| {
715 let mut decoder = Decoder::length(LEN as u64);
716 rt.block_on(async {
717 let mut raw = content.clone();
718 let chunk = decoder.decode_fut(&mut raw).await.unwrap();
719 assert_eq!(chunk.len(), LEN);
720 });
721 });
722 }
724 #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
725 fn new_runtime() -> tokio::runtime::Runtime {
726 tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
727 .enable_all()
728 .build()
729 .expect("rt build")
730 }