use crate::FatalError;
use anyhow::Error;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use fidl_fuchsia_media::{FormatDetails, StreamOutputFormat};
use fidl_table_validation::*;
use fuchsia_stream_processors::*;
use hex::{decode, encode};
use log::info;
use mundane::hash::{Digest, Hasher, Sha256};
use num_traits::PrimInt;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::Write;
use std::rc::Rc;
#[derive(ValidFidlTable, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ValidStreamOutputFormat {
pub stream_lifetime_ordinal: u64,
pub format_details: FormatDetails,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct OutputPacket {
pub data: Vec<u8>,
pub format: Rc<ValidStreamOutputFormat>,
pub packet: ValidPacket,
pub fn output_packets(output: &[Output]) -> impl Iterator<Item = &OutputPacket> {
output.iter().filter_map(|output| match output {
Output::Packet(packet) => Some(packet),
_ => None,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Output {
Eos { stream_lifetime_ordinal: u64 },
pub trait OutputValidator {
async fn validate(&self, output: &[Output]) -> Result<(), Error>;
pub struct OutputPacketCountValidator {
pub expected_output_packet_count: usize,
impl OutputValidator for OutputPacketCountValidator {
async fn validate(&self, output: &[Output]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let actual_output_packet_count: usize = output
.filter(|output| match output {
Output::Packet(_) => true,
_ => false,
if actual_output_packet_count != self.expected_output_packet_count {
return Err(FatalError(format!(
"actual output packet count: {}; expected output packet count: {}",
actual_output_packet_count, self.expected_output_packet_count
pub struct OutputDataSizeValidator {
pub expected_output_data_size: usize,
impl OutputValidator for OutputDataSizeValidator {
async fn validate(&self, output: &[Output]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let actual_output_data_size: usize = output
.map(|output| match output {
Output::Packet(p) =>,
_ => 0,
if actual_output_data_size != self.expected_output_data_size {
return Err(FatalError(format!(
"actual output data size: {}; expected output data size: {}",
actual_output_data_size, self.expected_output_data_size
pub struct TerminatesWithValidator {
pub expected_terminal_output: Output,
impl OutputValidator for TerminatesWithValidator {
async fn validate(&self, output: &[Output]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let actual_terminal_output = output.last().ok_or(FatalError(format!(
"In terminal output: expected {:?}; found: None",
if *actual_terminal_output == self.expected_terminal_output {
} else {
"In terminal output: expected {:?}; found: {:?}",
pub struct FormatValidator {
pub expected_format: FormatDetails,
impl OutputValidator for FormatValidator {
async fn validate(&self, output: &[Output]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let packets: Vec<&OutputPacket> = output_packets(output).collect();
let format = &packets
.ok_or(FatalError(String::from("No packets in output")))?
if self.expected_format != *format {
return Err(FatalError(format!(
"Expected {:?}; got {:?}",
self.expected_format, format
pub struct BytesValidator {
pub output_file: Option<&'static str>,
pub expected_digests: Vec<ExpectedDigest>,
impl BytesValidator {
fn write_and_hash(
mut writer: impl Write,
oob: &[u8],
packets: &[&OutputPacket],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut hasher = Sha256::default();
for packet in packets {
let digest = hasher.finish().bytes();
if let None = self.expected_digests.iter().find(|e| e.bytes == digest) {
return Err(FatalError(format!(
"Expected one of {:?}; got {}",
fn output_writer(output_file: Option<&'static str>) -> Result<impl Write, Error> {
Ok(if let Some(file) = output_file {
Box::new(std::fs::File::create(file)?) as Box<dyn Write>
} else {
Box::new(std::io::sink()) as Box<dyn Write>
impl OutputValidator for BytesValidator {
async fn validate(&self, output: &[Output]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let packets: Vec<&OutputPacket> = output_packets(output).collect();
let oob = packets
.ok_or(FatalError(String::from("No packets in output")))?
self.write_and_hash(output_writer(self.output_file)?, oob.as_slice(), &packets)
pub struct ExpectedDigest {
pub label: &'static str,
pub bytes: <<Sha256 as Hasher>::Digest as Digest>::Bytes,
pub per_frame_bytes: Option<Vec<<<Sha256 as Hasher>::Digest as Digest>::Bytes>>,
impl ExpectedDigest {
pub fn new(label: &'static str, hex: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Self {
Self {
bytes: decode(hex)
.expect("Decoding static compile-time test hash as valid hex")
.expect("Taking 32 bytes from compile-time test hash"),
per_frame_bytes: None,
pub fn new_with_per_frame_digest(
label: &'static str,
hex: impl AsRef<[u8]>,
per_frame_hexen: Vec<impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
) -> Self {
Self {
per_frame_bytes: Some(
.map(|per_frame_hex| {
.expect("Decoding static compile-time test hash as valid hex")
.expect("Taking 32 bytes from compile-time test hash")
..Self::new(label, hex)
pub fn new_from_raw(label: &'static str, raw_data: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Self {
bytes: <Sha256 as Hasher>::hash(raw_data.as_slice()).bytes(),
per_frame_bytes: None,
impl fmt::Display for ExpectedDigest {
fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(w, "{:?}", self)
impl fmt::Debug for ExpectedDigest {
fn fmt(&self, w: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(w, "ExpectedDigest {{\n")?;
write!(w, "\tlabel: {}", self.label)?;
write!(w, "\tbytes: {}", encode(self.bytes))?;
write!(w, "}}")
pub struct RmseValidator<T> {
pub output_file: Option<&'static str>,
pub expected_data: Vec<T>,
pub expected_rmse: f64,
pub rmse_diff_tolerance: f64,
pub data_len_diff_tolerance: u32,
pub output_converter: fn(Vec<u8>) -> Vec<T>,
pub fn calculate_rmse<T: PrimInt + std::fmt::Debug>(
expected_data: &[T],
actual_data: &[T],
acceptable_len_diff: u32,
) -> Result<f64, Error> {
let compare_len = std::cmp::min(expected_data.len(), actual_data.len());
if std::cmp::max(expected_data.len(), actual_data.len()) - compare_len
> acceptable_len_diff.try_into().unwrap()
return Err(FatalError(format!(
"Expected data (len {}) and the actual data (len {}) have significant length difference and cannot be compared.",
expected_data.len(), actual_data.len(),
let expected_data = &expected_data[..compare_len];
let actual_data = &actual_data[..compare_len];
let mut rmse = 0.0;
let mut n = 0;
for data in std::iter::zip(actual_data.iter(), expected_data.iter()) {
let b1: f64 = num_traits::cast::cast(*data.0).unwrap();
let b2: f64 = num_traits::cast::cast(*data.1).unwrap();
rmse += (b1 - b2).powi(2);
n += 1;
Ok((rmse / n as f64).sqrt())
impl<T: PrimInt + std::fmt::Debug> RmseValidator<T> {
fn write_and_calc_rsme(
mut writer: impl Write,
packets: &[&OutputPacket],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut output_data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
for packet in packets {
writer.write_all(&;|item| output_data.push(*item));
let actual_data = (self.output_converter)(output_data);
let rmse = calculate_rmse(
info!("RMSE is {}", rmse);
if (rmse - self.expected_rmse).abs() > self.rmse_diff_tolerance {
return Err(FatalError(format!(
"expected rmse: {}; actual rmse: {}; rmse diff tolerance {}",
self.expected_rmse, rmse, self.rmse_diff_tolerance,
impl<T: PrimInt + std::fmt::Debug> OutputValidator for RmseValidator<T> {
async fn validate(&self, output: &[Output]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let packets: Vec<&OutputPacket> = output_packets(output).collect();
self.write_and_calc_rsme(output_writer(self.output_file)?, &packets)