
1use std::iter::Iterator;
2use std::clone::Clone;
4/// An enum representing the different types in the run-length encoded data used to encode
5/// huffman table lengths
6#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
7pub enum EncodedLength {
8    // An actual length value
9    Length(u8),
10    // Copy the previous value n times
11    CopyPrevious(u8),
12    // Repeat zero n times (with n represented by 3 bits)
13    RepeatZero3Bits(u8),
14    // Repeat zero n times (with n represented by 7 bits)
15    RepeatZero7Bits(u8),
18impl EncodedLength {
19    fn from_prev_and_repeat(prev: u8, repeat: u8) -> EncodedLength {
20        match prev {
21            0 => {
22                if repeat <= 10 {
23                    EncodedLength::RepeatZero3Bits(repeat)
24                } else {
25                    EncodedLength::RepeatZero7Bits(repeat)
26                }
27            }
28            1...15 => EncodedLength::CopyPrevious(repeat),
29            _ => panic!(),
30        }
31    }
34pub const COPY_PREVIOUS: usize = 16;
35pub const REPEAT_ZERO_3_BITS: usize = 17;
36pub const REPEAT_ZERO_7_BITS: usize = 18;
38const MIN_REPEAT: u8 = 3;
40/// Push an `EncodedLength` to the vector and update the frequency table.
41fn update_out_and_freq(
42    encoded: EncodedLength,
43    output: &mut Vec<EncodedLength>,
44    frequencies: &mut [u16; 19],
45) {
46    let index = match encoded {
47        EncodedLength::Length(l) => usize::from(l),
48        EncodedLength::CopyPrevious(_) => COPY_PREVIOUS,
49        EncodedLength::RepeatZero3Bits(_) => REPEAT_ZERO_3_BITS,
50        EncodedLength::RepeatZero7Bits(_) => REPEAT_ZERO_7_BITS,
51    };
53    frequencies[index] += 1;
55    output.push(encoded);
58/// Convenience function to check if the repeat counter should be incremented further
59fn not_max_repetitions(length_value: u8, repeats: u8) -> bool {
60    (length_value == 0 && repeats < 138) || repeats < 6
63///Convenience version for unit tests.
65pub fn encode_lengths<'a, I>(lengths: I) -> (Vec<EncodedLength>, [u16; 19])
67    I: Iterator<Item = &'a u8> + Clone,
69    let mut freqs = [0u16; 19];
70    let mut encoded: Vec<EncodedLength> = Vec::new();
71    encode_lengths_m(lengths, &mut encoded, &mut freqs);
72    (encoded, freqs)
75/// Run-length encodes the lengths of the values in `lengths` according to the deflate
76/// specification. This is used for writing the code lengths for the huffman tables for
77/// the deflate stream.
79/// Returns a tuple containing a vec of the encoded lengths
80/// Populates the supplied array with the frequency of the different encoded length values
81/// The frequency array is taken as a parameter rather than returned to avoid
82/// excessive memcpying.
83pub fn encode_lengths_m<'a, I>(
84    lengths: I,
85    mut out: &mut Vec<EncodedLength>,
86    mut frequencies: &mut [u16; 19],
87) where
88    I: Iterator<Item = &'a u8> + Clone,
90    out.clear();
91    // Number of repetitions of the current value
92    let mut repeat = 0;
93    let mut iter = lengths.clone().enumerate().peekable();
94    // Previous value
95    // We set it to the compliment of the first falue to simplify the code.
96    let mut prev = !iter.peek().expect("No length values!").1;
98    while let Some((n, &l)) = {
99        if l == prev && not_max_repetitions(l, repeat) {
100            repeat += 1;
101        }
102        if l != prev || iter.peek().is_none() || !not_max_repetitions(l, repeat) {
103            if repeat >= MIN_REPEAT {
104                // The previous value has been repeated enough times to write out a repeat code.
106                let val = EncodedLength::from_prev_and_repeat(prev, repeat);
107                update_out_and_freq(val, &mut out, &mut frequencies);
108                repeat = 0;
109                // If we have a new length value, output l unless the last value is 0 or l is the
110                // last byte.
111                if l != prev {
112                    if l != 0 || iter.peek().is_none() {
113                        update_out_and_freq(EncodedLength::Length(l), &mut out, &mut frequencies);
114                        repeat = 0;
115                    } else {
116                        // If we have a zero, we start repeat at one instead of outputting, as
117                        // there are separate codes for repeats of zero so we don't need a literal
118                        // to define what byte to repeat.
119                        repeat = 1;
120                    }
121                }
122            } else {
123                // There haven't been enough repetitions of the previous value,
124                // so just we output the lengths directly.
126                // If we are at the end, and we have a value that is repeated, we need to
127                // skip a byte and output the last one.
128                let extra_skip = if iter.peek().is_none() && l == prev {
129                    1
130                } else {
131                    0
132                };
134                // Get to the position of the next byte to output by starting at zero and skipping.
135                let b_iter = lengths.clone().skip(n + extra_skip - repeat as usize);
137                // As repeats of zeroes have separate codes, we don't need to output a literal here
138                // if we have a zero (unless we are at the end).
139                let extra = if l != 0 || iter.peek().is_none() {
140                    1
141                } else {
142                    0
143                };
145                for &i in b_iter.take(repeat as usize + extra) {
146                    update_out_and_freq(EncodedLength::Length(i), &mut out, &mut frequencies);
147                }
149                // If the current byte is zero we start repeat at 1 as we didn't output the literal
150                // directly.
151                repeat = 1 - extra as u8;
152            }
153        }
154        prev = l;
155    }
159pub fn huffman_lengths_from_frequency(frequencies: &[u16], max_len: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
160    in_place::gen_lengths(frequencies, max_len)
163pub type LeafVec = Vec<in_place::Node>;
165/// Generate a set of canonical huffman lengths from the given frequencies, with a maximum length
166/// of `max_len`. The lengths are put in the lens slice parameter. Unused lengths are set to 0.
168/// The leaf buffer is passed in to avoid allocating it every time this function is called.
169/// The existing data contained in it is not preserved.
170pub fn huffman_lengths_from_frequency_m(
171    frequencies: &[u16],
172    max_len: usize,
173    leaf_buffer: &mut LeafVec,
174    lens: &mut [u8],
175) {
176    in_place::in_place_lengths(frequencies, max_len, leaf_buffer, lens);
179mod in_place {
180    type WeightType = u32;
182    pub fn validate_lengths(lengths: &[u8]) -> bool {
183        // Avoid issue with floating point on mips:
184        if cfg!(any(target_arch = "mips", target_arch = "mipsel",
185                    target_arch = "mips64", target_arch = "mipsel64")) {
186            true
187        } else {
188            let v = lengths.iter().fold(0f64, |acc, &n| {
189                acc + if n != 0 { 2f64.powi(-(n as i32)) } else { 0f64 }
190            });
191            !(v > 1.0)
192        }
193    }
195    #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
196    pub struct Node {
197        value: WeightType,
198        symbol: u16,
199    }
201    fn step_1(leaves: &mut [Node]) {
202        // If there are less than 2 non-zero frequencies, this function should not have been
203        // called and we should not have gotten to this point.
204        debug_assert!(leaves.len() >= 2);
205        let mut root = 0;
206        let mut leaf = 2;
208        leaves[0].value += leaves[1].value;
210        for next in 1..leaves.len() - 1 {
211            if (leaf >= leaves.len()) || (leaves[root].value < leaves[leaf].value) {
212                leaves[next].value = leaves[root].value;
213                leaves[root].value = next as WeightType;
214                root += 1;
215            } else {
216                leaves[next].value = leaves[leaf].value;
217                leaf += 1;
218            }
220            if (leaf >= leaves.len()) ||
221                (root < next && (leaves[root].value < leaves[leaf].value))
222            {
223                leaves[next].value += leaves[root].value;
224                leaves[root].value = next as WeightType;
225                root += 1;
226            } else {
227                leaves[next].value += leaves[leaf].value;
228                leaf += 1;
229            }
230        }
231    }
233    fn step_2(leaves: &mut [Node]) {
234        debug_assert!(leaves.len() >= 2);
235        let n = leaves.len();
237        leaves[n - 2].value = 0;
238        for t in (0..(n + 1 - 3)).rev() {
239            leaves[t].value = leaves[leaves[t].value as usize].value + 1;
240        }
242        let mut available = 1 as usize;
243        let mut used = 0;
244        let mut depth = 0;
245        let mut root = n as isize - 2;
246        let mut next = n as isize - 1;
248        while available > 0 {
249            while root >= 0 && leaves[root as usize].value == depth {
250                used += 1;
251                root -= 1;
252            }
253            while available > used {
254                leaves[next as usize].value = depth;
255                next -= 1;
256                available -= 1;
257            }
258            available = 2 * used;
259            depth += 1;
260            used = 0;
261        }
262    }
264    const MAX_NUMBER_OF_CODES: usize = 32;
265    const NUM_CODES_LENGTH: usize = MAX_NUMBER_OF_CODES + 1;
267    /// Checks if any of the lengths exceed `max_len`, and if that is the case, alters the length
268    /// table so that no codes exceed `max_len`.
269    /// This is ported from miniz (which is released as public domain by Rich Geldreich
270    ///
271    ///
272    /// This will not generate optimal (minimim-redundancy) codes, however in most cases
273    /// this won't make a large difference.
274    pub fn enforce_max_code_lengths(
275        num_codes: &mut [u16; NUM_CODES_LENGTH],
276        num_used: usize,
277        max_len: usize,
278    ) {
279        debug_assert!(max_len <= 15);
281        if num_used <= 1 {
282            return;
283        } else {
284            let mut num_above_max = 0u16;
285            for &l in num_codes[(max_len as usize + 1)..].iter() {
286                num_above_max += l;
287            }
289            num_codes[max_len] += num_above_max;
291            let mut total = 0u32;
292            for i in (1..max_len + 1).rev() {
293                // This should be safe as max_len won't be higher than 15, and num_codes[i] can't
294                // be higher than 288,
295                // and 288 << 15 will not be anywhere close to overflowing 32 bits
296                total += (num_codes[i] as u32) << (max_len - i);
297            }
299            // miniz uses unsigned long here. 32-bits should be sufficient though,
300            // as max_len won't be longer than 15 anyhow.
301            while total != 1u32 << max_len {
302                num_codes[max_len] -= 1;
303                for i in (1..max_len).rev() {
304                    if num_codes[i] != 0 {
305                        num_codes[i] -= 1;
306                        num_codes[i + 1] += 2;
307                        break;
308                    }
309                }
310                total -= 1;
311            }
312        }
313    }
316    #[cfg(test)]
317    /// Convenience wrapper for tests.
318    pub fn gen_lengths(frequencies: &[u16], max_len: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
319        let mut lens = vec![0u8; frequencies.len()];
320        let mut leaves = Vec::new();
321        in_place_lengths(frequencies, max_len, &mut leaves, lens.as_mut_slice());
322        lens
323    }
325    /// Generate huffman code lengths, using the algorithm described by
326    /// Moffat and Katajainen in In-Place Calculation of Minimum-Redundancy Codes
327    ///
328    /// and it's implementation.
329    ///
330    /// This is significantly faster, and seems to generally create lengths that result in length
331    /// tables that are better compressible than the algorithm used previously. The downside of this
332    /// algorithm is that it's not length-limited, so if too long code lengths are generated,
333    /// it might result in a sub-optimal tables as the length-restricting function isn't optimal.
334    pub fn in_place_lengths(
335        frequencies: &[u16],
336        max_len: usize,
337        mut leaves: &mut Vec<Node>,
338        lengths: &mut [u8],
339    ) {
341        debug_assert!(lengths.len() >= frequencies.len());
343        for l in lengths.iter_mut() {
344            *l = 0;
345        }
347        // Clear any previous leaves in the leaf buffer.
348        leaves.clear();
350        // Discard zero length nodes as they won't be given a code and thus don't need to
351        // participate in code length generation and create a new vec of the remaining
352        // symbols and weights.
353        leaves.extend(frequencies.iter().enumerate().filter_map(
354            |(n, f)| if *f > 0 {
355                Some(Node {
356                    value: *f as WeightType,
357                    symbol: n as u16,
358                })
359            } else {
360                None
361            },
362        ));
364        // Special cases with zero or 1 value having a non-zero frequency
365        if leaves.len() == 1 {
366            lengths[leaves[0].symbol as usize] = 1;
367            return;
368        } else if leaves.is_empty() {
369            return;
370        }
372        // Sort the leaves by value. As the sort in the standard library is stable, we don't
373        // have to worry about the symbol code here.
374        leaves.sort_by(|a, b| a.value.cmp(&b.value));
376        step_1(&mut leaves);
377        step_2(&mut leaves);
379        // Count how many codes of each length used, for usage in the next section.
380        let mut num_codes = [0u16; NUM_CODES_LENGTH];
381        for l in leaves.iter() {
382            num_codes[l.value as usize] += 1;
383        }
385        // As the algorithm used here doesn't limit the maximum length that can be generated
386        // we need to make sure none of the lengths exceed `max_len`
387        enforce_max_code_lengths(&mut num_codes, leaves.len(), max_len);
389        // Output the actual lengths
390        let mut leaf_it = leaves.iter().rev();
391        // Start at 1 since the length table is already filled with zeroes.
392        for (&n_codes, i) in num_codes[1..max_len + 1].iter().zip(1..(max_len as u8) + 1) {
393            for _ in 0..n_codes {
394                lengths[ as usize] = i;
395            }
396        }
398        debug_assert_eq!(, None);
399        debug_assert!(
400            validate_lengths(lengths),
401            "The generated length codes were not valid!"
402        );
403    }
409mod test {
410    use super::*;
411    use std::u16;
412    use huffman_table::NUM_LITERALS_AND_LENGTHS;
414    fn lit(value: u8) -> EncodedLength {
415        EncodedLength::Length(value)
416    }
418    fn zero(repeats: u8) -> EncodedLength {
419        match repeats {
420            0...1 => EncodedLength::Length(0),
421            2...10 => EncodedLength::RepeatZero3Bits(repeats),
422            _ => EncodedLength::RepeatZero7Bits(repeats),
423        }
424    }
426    fn copy(copies: u8) -> EncodedLength {
427        EncodedLength::CopyPrevious(copies)
428    }
430    #[test]
431    fn test_encode_lengths() {
432        use huffman_table::FIXED_CODE_LENGTHS;
433        let enc = encode_lengths(FIXED_CODE_LENGTHS.iter());
434        // There are no lengths lower than 6 in the fixed table
435        assert_eq!(enc.1[0..7], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
436        // Neither are there any lengths above 9
437        assert_eq!(enc.1[10..16], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
438        // Also there are no zero-length codes so there shouldn't be any repetitions of zero
439        assert_eq!(enc.1[17..19], [0, 0]);
441        let test_lengths = [0, 0, 5, 0, 15, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5];
442        let enc = encode_lengths(test_lengths.iter()).0;
443        assert_eq!(
444            enc,
445            vec![
446                lit(0),
447                lit(0),
448                lit(5),
449                lit(0),
450                lit(15),
451                lit(1),
452                zero(3),
453                lit(2),
454                lit(4),
455                copy(3),
456                lit(3),
457                lit(5),
458                copy(3),
459            ]
460        );
461        let test_lengths = [0, 0, 0, 5, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0];
462        let enc = encode_lengths(test_lengths.iter()).0;
463        assert_eq!(enc, vec![zero(3), lit(5), lit(2), lit(3), zero(3)]);
465        let test_lengths = [0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0];
466        let enc = encode_lengths(test_lengths.iter()).0;
467        assert_eq!(
468            enc,
469            vec![
470                zero(3),
471                lit(3),
472                lit(3),
473                lit(3),
474                lit(5),
475                lit(4),
476                copy(3),
477                lit(0),
478                lit(0),
479            ]
480        );
483        let lens = [
484            0,
485            0,
486            4,
487            0,
488            0,
489            4,
490            0,
491            0,
492            0,
493            0,
494            0,
495            4,
496            4,
497            0,
498            0,
499            0,
500            0,
501            0,
502            0,
503            0,
504            0,
505            0,
506            3,
507            0,
508            0,
509            0,
510            0,
511            0,
512            0,
513            0,
514            0,
515            0,
516            0,
517            0,
518            0,
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526            0,
527            0,
528            0,
529            0,
530            0,
531            0,
532            0,
533            0,
534            0,
535            0,
536            0,
537            0,
538            0,
539            4,
540            0,
541            0,
542            0,
543            0,
544            0,
545            0,
546            0,
547            0,
548            0,
549            0,
550            0,
551            0,
552            0,
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555            0,
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740            4,
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767            0,
768            0,
769            1,
770            1,
771        ];
773        let _ = encode_lengths(lens.iter()).0;
775        let lens = [
776            0,
777            0,
778            0,
779            0,
780            0,
781            0,
782            0,
783            0,
784            0,
785            0,
786            9,
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789            9,
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808            6,
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812            8,
813            0,
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816            0,
817            8,
818            0,
819            0,
820            7,
821            8,
822            7,
823            8,
824            6,
825            6,
826            8,
827            0,
828            7,
829            6,
830            7,
831            8,
832            7,
833            7,
834            8,
835            0,
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840            8,
841            8,
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873            6,
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875            7,
876            7,
877            6,
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911            0,
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913            0,
914            0,
915            0,
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937            0,
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940            0,
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950            0,
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955            0,
956            0,
957            0,
958            0,
959            0,
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967            0,
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969            0,
970            0,
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978            0,
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991            0,
992            0,
993            0,
994            0,
995            0,
996            0,
997            0,
998            0,
999            0,
1000            0,
1001            0,
1002            0,
1003            0,
1004            0,
1005            0,
1006            0,
1007            0,
1008            0,
1009            0,
1010            0,
1011            0,
1012            0,
1013            0,
1014            0,
1015            0,
1016            0,
1017            0,
1018            0,
1019            0,
1020            0,
1021            0,
1022            0,
1023            0,
1024            0,
1025            0,
1026            0,
1027            0,
1028            0,
1029            0,
1030            0,
1031            0,
1032            10,
1033            4,
1034            3,
1035            3,
1036            4,
1037            4,
1038            5,
1039            5,
1040            5,
1041            5,
1042            5,
1043            8,
1044            8,
1045            6,
1046            7,
1047            8,
1048            10,
1049            10,
1050            0,
1051            9, /* litlen */
1052            0,
1053            0,
1054            0,
1055            0,
1056            0,
1057            0,
1058            0,
1059            8,
1060            8,
1061            8,
1062            8,
1063            6,
1064            6,
1065            5,
1066            5,
1067            5,
1068            5,
1069            6,
1070            5,
1071            5,
1072            4,
1073            4,
1074            4,
1075            4,
1076            4,
1077            4,
1078            3,
1079            4,
1080            3,
1081            4,
1082        ];
1084        let enc = encode_lengths(lens.iter()).0;
1086        assert_eq!(
1087            &enc[..10],
1088            &[
1089                zero(10),
1090                lit(9),
1091                lit(0),
1092                lit(0),
1093                lit(9),
1094                zero(18),
1095                lit(6),
1096                zero(3),
1097                lit(8),
1098                zero(4)
1099            ]
1100        );
1101        assert_eq!(
1102            &enc[10..20],
1103            &[
1104                lit(8),
1105                lit(0),
1106                lit(0),
1107                lit(7),
1108                lit(8),
1109                lit(7),
1110                lit(8),
1111                lit(6),
1112                lit(6),
1113                lit(8)
1114            ]
1115        );
1117        let enc = encode_lengths([1, 1, 1, 2].iter()).0;
1118        assert_eq!(enc, vec![lit(1), lit(1), lit(1), lit(2)]);
1119        let enc = encode_lengths([0, 0, 3].iter()).0;
1120        assert_eq!(enc, vec![lit(0), lit(0), lit(3)]);
1121        let enc = encode_lengths([0, 0, 0, 5, 2].iter()).0;
1122        assert_eq!(enc, vec![zero(3), lit(5), lit(2)]);
1124        let enc = encode_lengths([0, 0, 0, 5, 0].iter()).0;
1125        assert!(*enc.last().unwrap() != lit(5));
1127        let enc = encode_lengths([0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0].iter()).0;
1128        assert_eq!(*enc.last().unwrap(), zero(0));
1129    }
1131    #[test]
1132    fn test_lengths_from_frequencies() {
1133        let frequencies = [1, 1, 5, 7, 10, 14];
1135        let expected = [4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2];
1136        let res = huffman_lengths_from_frequency(&frequencies, 4);
1138        assert_eq!(expected, res.as_slice());
1140        let frequencies = [1, 5, 1, 7, 10, 14];
1141        let expected = [4, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2];
1143        let res = huffman_lengths_from_frequency(&frequencies, 4);
1145        assert_eq!(expected, res.as_slice());
1147        let frequencies = [0, 25, 0, 10, 2, 4];
1149        let res = huffman_lengths_from_frequency(&frequencies, 4);
1150        assert_eq!(res[0], 0);
1151        assert_eq!(res[2], 0);
1152        assert!(res[1] < 4);
1154        // Only one value
1155        let frequencies = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 0, 0, 0];
1156        let res = huffman_lengths_from_frequency(&frequencies, 5);
1157        let expected = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0];
1158        assert_eq!(expected, res.as_slice());
1160        // No values
1161        let frequencies = [0; 30];
1162        let res = huffman_lengths_from_frequency(&frequencies, 5);
1163        for (a, b) in frequencies.iter().zip(res.iter()) {
1164            assert_eq!(*a, (*b).into());
1165        }
1166        // assert_eq!(frequencies, res.as_slice());
1168        let mut frequencies = vec![3; NUM_LITERALS_AND_LENGTHS];
1169        frequencies[55] = u16::MAX / 3;
1170        frequencies[125] = u16::MAX / 3;
1172        let res = huffman_lengths_from_frequency(&frequencies, 15);
1173        assert_eq!(res.len(), NUM_LITERALS_AND_LENGTHS);
1174        assert!(res[55] < 3);
1175        assert!(res[125] < 3);
1176    }
1178    #[test]
1179    /// Test if the bit lengths for a set of frequencies are optimal (give the best compression
1180    /// give the provided frequencies).
1181    fn optimal_lengths() {
1182        let freqs = [
1183            0,
1184            0,
1185            0,
1186            0,
1187            0,
1188            0,
1189            0,
1190            0,
1191            0,
1192            0,
1193            44,
1194            0,
1195            0,
1196            0,
1197            0,
1198            0,
1199            0,
1200            0,
1201            0,
1202            0,
1203            0,
1204            0,
1205            0,
1206            0,
1207            0,
1208            0,
1209            0,
1210            0,
1211            0,
1212            0,
1213            0,
1214            0,
1215            68,
1216            0,
1217            14,
1218            0,
1219            0,
1220            0,
1221            0,
1222            3,
1223            7,
1224            6,
1225            1,
1226            0,
1227            12,
1228            14,
1229            9,
1230            2,
1231            6,
1232            9,
1233            4,
1234            1,
1235            1,
1236            4,
1237            1,
1238            1,
1239            0,
1240            0,
1241            1,
1242            3,
1243            0,
1244            6,
1245            0,
1246            0,
1247            0,
1248            4,
1249            4,
1250            1,
1251            2,
1252            5,
1253            3,
1254            2,
1255            2,
1256            9,
1257            0,
1258            0,
1259            3,
1260            1,
1261            5,
1262            5,
1263            8,
1264            0,
1265            6,
1266            10,
1267            5,
1268            2,
1269            0,
1270            0,
1271            1,
1272            2,
1273            0,
1274            8,
1275            11,
1276            4,
1277            0,
1278            1,
1279            3,
1280            31,
1281            13,
1282            23,
1283            22,
1284            56,
1285            22,
1286            8,
1287            11,
1288            43,
1289            0,
1290            7,
1291            33,
1292            15,
1293            45,
1294            40,
1295            16,
1296            1,
1297            28,
1298            37,
1299            35,
1300            26,
1301            3,
1302            7,
1303            11,
1304            9,
1305            1,
1306            1,
1307            0,
1308            1,
1309            0,
1310            0,
1311            0,
1312            0,
1313            0,
1314            0,
1315            0,
1316            0,
1317            0,
1318            0,
1319            0,
1320            0,
1321            0,
1322            0,
1323            0,
1324            0,
1325            0,
1326            0,
1327            0,
1328            0,
1329            0,
1330            0,
1331            0,
1332            0,
1333            0,
1334            0,
1335            0,
1336            0,
1337            0,
1338            0,
1339            0,
1340            0,
1341            0,
1342            0,
1343            0,
1344            0,
1345            0,
1346            0,
1347            0,
1348            0,
1349            0,
1350            0,
1351            0,
1352            0,
1353            0,
1354            0,
1355            0,
1356            0,
1357            0,
1358            0,
1359            0,
1360            0,
1361            0,
1362            0,
1363            0,
1364            0,
1365            0,
1366            0,
1367            0,
1368            0,
1369            0,
1370            0,
1371            0,
1372            0,
1373            0,
1374            0,
1375            0,
1376            0,
1377            0,
1378            0,
1379            0,
1380            0,
1381            0,
1382            0,
1383            0,
1384            0,
1385            0,
1386            0,
1387            0,
1388            0,
1389            0,
1390            0,
1391            0,
1392            0,
1393            0,
1394            0,
1395            0,
1396            0,
1397            0,
1398            0,
1399            0,
1400            0,
1401            0,
1402            0,
1403            0,
1404            0,
1405            0,
1406            0,
1407            0,
1408            0,
1409            0,
1410            0,
1411            0,
1412            0,
1413            0,
1414            0,
1415            0,
1416            0,
1417            0,
1418            0,
1419            0,
1420            0,
1421            0,
1422            0,
1423            0,
1424            0,
1425            0,
1426            0,
1427            0,
1428            0,
1429            0,
1430            0,
1431            0,
1432            0,
1433            0,
1434            0,
1435            0,
1436            0,
1437            0,
1438            0,
1439            1,
1440            126,
1441            114,
1442            66,
1443            31,
1444            41,
1445            25,
1446            15,
1447            21,
1448            20,
1449            16,
1450            15,
1451            10,
1452            7,
1453            5,
1454            1,
1455            1,
1456        ];
1459        let lens = huffman_lengths_from_frequency(&freqs, 15);
1461        // Lengths produced by miniz for this frequency table for comparison
1462        // the number of total bits encoded with these huffman codes is 7701
1463        // NOTE: There can be more than one set of optimal lengths for a set of frequencies,
1464        // (though there may be a difference in how well the table itself can be represented)
1465        // so testing for a specific length table is not ideal since different algorithms
1466        // may produce different length tables.
1467        // let lens3 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1468        // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1469        // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 8, 8, 10, 0, 7, 7, 7, 10, 8, 7, 8,
1470        // 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 0, 0, 10, 9, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 10, 9, 8, 9, 9, 9, 7, 0,
1471        // 0, 9, 10, 8, 8, 7, 0, 8, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 10, 9, 0, 7, 7, 8, 0, 10, 9, 6, 7, 6,
1472        // 6, 5, 6, 7, 7, 5, 0, 8, 5, 7, 5, 5, 6, 10, 6, 5, 5, 6, 9, 8, 7, 7, 10, 10, 0,
1473        // 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1474        // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1475        // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1476        // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1477        // 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1478        // 0, 0, 10, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 10, 10];
1479        //
1482        let num_bits = lens.iter()
1483            .zip(freqs.iter())
1484            .fold(0, |a, (&f, &l)| a + (f as u16 * l));
1485        assert_eq!(num_bits, 7701);
1486    }