1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
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//! Safe Rust interface to Android `libbinder`.
//! This crate is primarily designed as an target for a Rust AIDL compiler
//! backend, and should generally not be used directly by users. It is built on
//! top of the binder NDK library to be usable by APEX modules, and therefore
//! only exposes functionality available in the NDK interface.
//! # Example
//! The following example illustrates how the AIDL backend will use this crate.
//! ```
//! use binder::{
//! declare_binder_interface, Binder, IBinder, Interface, Remotable, Parcel, SpIBinder,
//! StatusCode, TransactionCode,
//! };
//! // Generated by AIDL compiler
//! pub trait ITest: Interface {
//! fn test(&self) -> binder::Result<String>;
//! }
//! // Creates a new local (native) service object, BnTest, and a remote proxy
//! // object, BpTest, that are the typed interfaces for their respective ends
//! // of the binder transaction. Generated by AIDL compiler.
//! declare_binder_interface! {
//! ITest["android.os.ITest"] {
//! native: BnTest(on_transact),
//! proxy: BpTest,
//! }
//! }
//! // Generated by AIDL compiler
//! fn on_transact(
//! service: &dyn ITest,
//! code: TransactionCode,
//! _data: &BorrowedParcel,
//! reply: &mut BorrowedParcel,
//! ) -> binder::Result<()> {
//! match code {
//! reply.write(&service.test()?)?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! _ => Err(StatusCode::UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION),
//! }
//! }
//! // Generated by AIDL compiler
//! impl ITest for Binder<BnTest> {
//! fn test(&self) -> binder::Result<String> {
//! self.0.test()
//! }
//! }
//! // Generated by AIDL compiler
//! impl ITest for BpTest {
//! fn test(&self) -> binder::Result<String> {
//! let reply = self
//! .as_binder()
//! .transact(SpIBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION, 0, |_| Ok(()))?;
//! }
//! }
//! // User implemented:
//! // Local implementation of the ITest remotable interface.
//! struct TestService;
//! impl Interface for TestService {}
//! impl ITest for TestService {
//! fn test(&self) -> binder::Result<String> {
//! Ok("testing service".to_string())
//! }
//! }
//! ```
mod binder;
mod binder_async;
mod error;
mod native;
mod parcel;
mod proxy;
#[cfg(not(any(trusty, android_ndk)))]
mod service;
#[cfg(not(any(trusty, android_ndk)))]
mod state;
#[cfg(not(any(android_vendor, android_ndk, android_vndk, trusty)))]
mod system_only;
use binder_ndk_sys as sys;
pub use crate::binder_async::{BinderAsyncPool, BoxFuture};
pub use binder::{BinderFeatures, FromIBinder, IBinder, Interface, Strong, Weak};
pub use error::{ExceptionCode, IntoBinderResult, Status, StatusCode};
pub use parcel::{ParcelFileDescriptor, Parcelable, ParcelableHolder};
pub use proxy::{DeathRecipient, SpIBinder, WpIBinder};
#[cfg(not(any(trusty, android_ndk)))]
pub use service::{
add_service, check_interface, check_service, force_lazy_services_persist,
get_declared_instances, is_declared, is_handling_transaction, register_lazy_service,
wait_for_interface, wait_for_service, LazyServiceGuard,
#[cfg(not(any(trusty, android_ndk)))]
pub use service::{get_interface, get_service};
#[cfg(not(any(trusty, android_ndk)))]
pub use state::{ProcessState, ThreadState};
#[cfg(not(any(android_vendor, android_vndk, android_ndk, trusty)))]
pub use system_only::{delegate_accessor, Accessor, AccessorProvider, ConnectionInfo};
/// Binder result containing a [`Status`] on error.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Status>;
/// Advanced Binder APIs needed internally by AIDL or when manually using Binder
/// without AIDL.
pub mod binder_impl {
pub use crate::binder::{
IBinderInternal, InterfaceClass, LocalStabilityType, Remotable, Stability, StabilityType,
ToAsyncInterface, ToSyncInterface, TransactionCode, TransactionFlags, VintfStabilityType,
pub use crate::binder::{FLAG_CLEAR_BUF, FLAG_PRIVATE_LOCAL};
pub use crate::binder_async::BinderAsyncRuntime;
pub use crate::error::status_t;
pub use crate::native::Binder;
pub use crate::parcel::{
BorrowedParcel, Deserialize, DeserializeArray, DeserializeOption, Parcel,
ParcelableMetadata, Serialize, SerializeArray, SerializeOption, UnstructuredParcelable,
pub use crate::proxy::{AssociateClass, Proxy};
/// Unstable, in-development API that only allowlisted clients are allowed to use.
pub mod unstable_api {
pub use crate::binder::AsNative;
pub use crate::error::status_result;
pub use crate::proxy::unstable_api::new_spibinder;
pub use crate::sys::AIBinder;
pub use crate::sys::AParcel;