
1// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5//! This crate implements IEEE Std 802.11-2016 MLME as a library for hardware that supports
6//! SoftMAC. This is distinct from FullMAC, which is implemented by drivers and firmware. The
7//! implementation is broadly divided between client and AP stations, with some shared components
8//! and state machine infrastructure. See the [`client`] and [`ap`] modules.
10//! [`ap`]: crate::ap
11//! [`client`]: crate::client
13mod akm_algorithm;
14pub mod ap;
15pub mod auth;
16mod block_ack;
17pub mod client;
18mod ddk_converter;
19pub mod device;
20pub mod disconnect;
21pub mod error;
22mod minstrel;
23mod probe_sequence;
25use anyhow::{bail, format_err, Error};
26pub use ddk_converter::*;
27use device::DeviceOps;
28use fuchsia_sync::Mutex;
29use futures::channel::mpsc::{self, TrySendError};
30use futures::channel::oneshot;
31use futures::{select, Future, StreamExt};
32use log::info;
33use std::sync::Arc;
34use std::time::Duration;
35use std::{cmp, fmt};
36use wlan_ffi_transport::{EthernetTxEvent, EthernetTxEventSender, WlanRxEvent, WlanRxEventSender};
37use wlan_fidl_ext::{ResponderExt, SendResultExt};
38use {
39    fidl_fuchsia_wlan_common as fidl_common, fidl_fuchsia_wlan_softmac as fidl_softmac,
40    fuchsia_trace as trace, wlan_trace as wtrace,
42pub use {fidl_fuchsia_wlan_ieee80211 as fidl_ieee80211, wlan_common as common};
44// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42084990): This trait is migratory and reads both newer and deprecated fields that
45//                         encode the same information (and prioritizes the newer fields). Remove
46//                         this trait and directly access fields once the deprecated fields for
47//                         basic rates and operating channels are removed from the SoftMAC FIDL
48//                         APIs and the platform version for WLAN is bumped to or beyond the
49//                         removal.
50// These extension methods cannot enforce that client code reads fields in a manner that is
51// backwards-compatible, but in exchange churn is greatly reduced (compared to the introduction of
52// additional types, for example).
53/// SDK backwards-compatiblity extensions for band capabilitites.
54trait WlanSoftmacBandCapabilityExt {
55    /// Gets supported basic rates with SDK backwards-compatibility.
56    fn basic_rates(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>;
58    /// Gets supported operating channels with SDK backwards-compatibility.
59    fn operating_channels(&self) -> Option<&[u8]>;
62impl WlanSoftmacBandCapabilityExt for fidl_softmac::WlanSoftmacBandCapability {
63    fn basic_rates(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
64        match (&self.basic_rates, (&self.basic_rate_count, &self.basic_rate_list)) {
65            // Prefer the newer `basic_rates` field in the SoftMAC FIDL API.
66            (Some(basic_rates), _) => Some(basic_rates),
67            (None, (Some(n), Some(basic_rates))) => {
68                Some(&basic_rates[..cmp::min(usize::from(*n), basic_rates.len())])
69            }
70            _ => None,
71        }
72    }
74    fn operating_channels(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
75        match (
76            &self.operating_channels,
77            (&self.operating_channel_count, &self.operating_channel_list),
78        ) {
79            // Prefer the newer `operating_channels` field in the SoftMAC FIDL API.
80            (Some(operating_channels), _) => Some(operating_channels),
81            (None, (Some(n), Some(operating_channels))) => {
82                Some(&operating_channels[..cmp::min(usize::from(*n), operating_channels.len())])
83            }
84            _ => None,
85        }
86    }
89trait WlanTxPacketExt {
90    fn template(mac_frame: Vec<u8>) -> Self;
93impl WlanTxPacketExt for fidl_softmac::WlanTxPacket {
94    fn template(mac_frame: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
95        fidl_softmac::WlanTxPacket {
96            mac_frame,
97            // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42056823): At time of writing, this field is ignored by the `iwlwifi`
98            //                         vendor driver (the only one other than the tap driver used
99            //                         for testing). The data used here is meaningless.
100            info: fidl_softmac::WlanTxInfo {
101                tx_flags: 0,
102                valid_fields: 0,
103                tx_vector_idx: 0,
104                phy: fidl_common::WlanPhyType::Dsss,
105                channel_bandwidth: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
106                mcs: 0,
107            },
108        }
109    }
112pub trait MlmeImpl {
113    type Config;
114    type Device: DeviceOps;
115    type TimerEvent;
116    fn new(
117        config: Self::Config,
118        device: Self::Device,
119        scheduler: common::timer::Timer<Self::TimerEvent>,
120    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Self, Error>>
121    where
122        Self: Sized;
123    fn handle_mlme_request(
124        &mut self,
125        msg: wlan_sme::MlmeRequest,
126    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>>;
127    fn handle_mac_frame_rx(
128        &mut self,
129        bytes: &[u8],
130        rx_info: fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfo,
131        async_id: trace::Id,
132    ) -> impl Future<Output = ()>;
133    fn handle_eth_frame_tx(&mut self, bytes: &[u8], async_id: trace::Id) -> Result<(), Error>;
134    fn handle_scan_complete(
135        &mut self,
136        status: zx::Status,
137        scan_id: u64,
138    ) -> impl Future<Output = ()>;
139    fn handle_timeout(&mut self, event: Self::TimerEvent) -> impl Future<Output = ()>;
140    fn access_device(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Device;
143pub struct MinstrelTimer {
144    timer: wlan_common::timer::Timer<()>,
145    current_timer: Option<common::timer::EventHandle>,
148impl minstrel::TimerManager for MinstrelTimer {
149    fn schedule(&mut self, from_now: Duration) {
150        self.current_timer.replace(self.timer.schedule_after(from_now.into(), ()));
151    }
152    fn cancel(&mut self) {
153        self.current_timer.take();
154    }
157type MinstrelWrapper = Arc<Mutex<minstrel::MinstrelRateSelector<MinstrelTimer>>>;
159// DriverEventSink is used by other devices to interact with our main loop thread. All
160// events from our ethernet device or vendor device are converted to DriverEvents
161// and sent through this sink, where they can then be handled serially. Multiple copies of
162// DriverEventSink may be safely passed between threads, including one that is used by our
163// vendor driver as the context for wlan_softmac_ifc_protocol_ops.
165pub struct DriverEventSink(mpsc::UnboundedSender<DriverEvent>);
167impl DriverEventSink {
168    pub fn new() -> (Self, mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<DriverEvent>) {
169        let (sink, stream) = mpsc::unbounded();
170        (Self(sink), stream)
171    }
173    pub fn unbounded_send(
174        &self,
175        driver_event: DriverEvent,
176    ) -> Result<(), TrySendError<DriverEvent>> {
177        self.0.unbounded_send(driver_event)
178    }
180    pub fn disconnect(&mut self) {
181        self.0.disconnect()
182    }
184    pub fn unbounded_send_or_respond<R>(
185        &self,
186        driver_event: DriverEvent,
187        responder: R,
188        response: R::Response<'_>,
189    ) -> Result<R, anyhow::Error>
190    where
191        R: ResponderExt,
192    {
193        match self.unbounded_send(driver_event) {
194            Err(e) => {
195                let error_string = e.to_string();
196                let event = e.into_inner();
197                let e = format_err!("Failed to queue {}: {}", event, error_string);
199                match responder.send(response).format_send_err() {
200                    Ok(()) => Err(e),
201                    Err(send_error) => Err(send_error.context(e)),
202                }
203            }
204            Ok(()) => Ok(responder),
205        }
206    }
209impl EthernetTxEventSender for DriverEventSink {
210    fn unbounded_send(&self, event: EthernetTxEvent) -> Result<(), (String, EthernetTxEvent)> {
211        DriverEventSink::unbounded_send(self, DriverEvent::EthernetTxEvent(event)).map_err(|e| {
212            if let (error, DriverEvent::EthernetTxEvent(event)) =
213                (format!("{:?}", e), e.into_inner())
214            {
215                (error, event)
216            } else {
217                unreachable!();
218            }
219        })
220    }
223impl WlanRxEventSender for DriverEventSink {
224    fn unbounded_send(&self, event: WlanRxEvent) -> Result<(), (String, WlanRxEvent)> {
225        DriverEventSink::unbounded_send(self, DriverEvent::WlanRxEvent(event)).map_err(|e| {
226            if let (error, DriverEvent::WlanRxEvent(event)) = (format!("{:?}", e), e.into_inner()) {
227                (error, event)
228            } else {
229                unreachable!();
230            }
231        })
232    }
235pub enum DriverEvent {
236    // Indicates that the device is being removed and our main loop should exit.
237    Stop { responder: fidl_softmac::WlanSoftmacIfcBridgeStopBridgedDriverResponder },
238    // Reports a scan is complete.
239    ScanComplete { status: zx::Status, scan_id: u64 },
240    // Reports the result of an attempted frame transmission.
241    TxResultReport { tx_result: fidl_common::WlanTxResult },
242    EthernetTxEvent(EthernetTxEvent),
243    WlanRxEvent(WlanRxEvent),
246impl fmt::Display for DriverEvent {
247    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
248        write!(
249            f,
250            "{}",
251            match self {
252                DriverEvent::Stop { .. } => "Stop",
253                DriverEvent::ScanComplete { .. } => "ScanComplete",
254                DriverEvent::TxResultReport { .. } => "TxResultReport",
255                DriverEvent::EthernetTxEvent(EthernetTxEvent { .. }) => "EthernetTxEvent",
256                DriverEvent::WlanRxEvent(WlanRxEvent { .. }) => "WlanRxEvent",
257            }
258        )
259    }
262// This Debug implementation intentionally only logs the event name to
263// avoid inadvertenaly logging sensitive content contained in the events
264// themselves, i.e., logging data contained in the MacFrameRx and EthFrameTx
265// events.
266impl fmt::Debug for DriverEvent {
267    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
268        write!(
269            f,
270            "{}",
271            match self {
272                DriverEvent::Stop { .. } => "Stop",
273                DriverEvent::ScanComplete { .. } => "ScanComplete",
274                DriverEvent::TxResultReport { .. } => "TxResultReport",
275                DriverEvent::EthernetTxEvent(EthernetTxEvent { .. }) => "EthernetTxEvent",
276                DriverEvent::WlanRxEvent(WlanRxEvent { .. }) => "WlanRxEvent",
277            }
278        )
279    }
282fn should_enable_minstrel(mac_sublayer: &fidl_common::MacSublayerSupport) -> bool {
283    mac_sublayer.device.tx_status_report_supported && !mac_sublayer.rate_selection_offload.supported
286const MINSTREL_UPDATE_INTERVAL: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_millis(100);
287// Remedy for https://fxbug.dev/42162128 (https://fxbug.dev/42108316)
289// in //src/connectivity/wlan/testing/hw-sim/test/rate_selection/src/lib.rs
290// Ensure at least one probe frame (generated every 16 data frames)
291// in every cycle:
293const MINSTREL_UPDATE_INTERVAL_HW_SIM: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_millis(83);
295pub async fn mlme_main_loop<T: MlmeImpl>(
296    init_sender: oneshot::Sender<()>,
297    config: T::Config,
298    mut device: T::Device,
299    mlme_request_stream: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<wlan_sme::MlmeRequest>,
300    driver_event_stream: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<DriverEvent>,
301) -> Result<(), Error> {
302    info!("Starting MLME main loop...");
303    let (minstrel_timer, minstrel_time_stream) = common::timer::create_timer();
304    let minstrel = device.mac_sublayer_support().await.ok().filter(should_enable_minstrel).map(
305        |mac_sublayer_support| {
306            let minstrel = Arc::new(Mutex::new(minstrel::MinstrelRateSelector::new(
307                MinstrelTimer { timer: minstrel_timer, current_timer: None },
308                if mac_sublayer_support.device.is_synthetic {
309                    MINSTREL_UPDATE_INTERVAL_HW_SIM
310                } else {
311                    MINSTREL_UPDATE_INTERVAL
312                },
313                probe_sequence::ProbeSequence::random_new(),
314            )));
315            device.set_minstrel(minstrel.clone());
316            minstrel
317        },
318    );
319    let (timer, time_stream) = common::timer::create_timer();
321    // Failure to create MLME likely indicates a problem querying the device. There is no recovery
322    // path if this occurs.
323    let mlme_impl = T::new(config, device, timer).await.expect("Failed to create MLME.");
325    info!("MLME initialization complete!");
326    init_sender.send(()).map_err(|_| format_err!("Failed to signal init complete."))?;
328    main_loop_impl(
329        mlme_impl,
330        minstrel,
331        mlme_request_stream,
332        driver_event_stream,
333        time_stream,
334        minstrel_time_stream,
335    )
336    .await
339/// Begin processing MLME events.
340/// Does not return until iface destruction is requested via DriverEvent::Stop, unless
341/// a critical error occurs. Note that MlmeHandle::stop will work in either case.
342async fn main_loop_impl<T: MlmeImpl>(
343    mut mlme_impl: T,
344    minstrel: Option<MinstrelWrapper>,
345    // A stream of requests coming from the parent SME of this MLME.
346    mut mlme_request_stream: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<wlan_sme::MlmeRequest>,
347    // A stream of events initiated by C++ device drivers and then buffered here
348    // by our MlmeHandle.
349    mut driver_event_stream: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<DriverEvent>,
350    time_stream: common::timer::EventStream<T::TimerEvent>,
351    minstrel_time_stream: common::timer::EventStream<()>,
352) -> Result<(), Error> {
353    let mut timer_stream = common::timer::make_async_timed_event_stream(time_stream).fuse();
354    let mut minstrel_timer_stream =
355        common::timer::make_async_timed_event_stream(minstrel_time_stream).fuse();
357    loop {
358        select! {
359            // Process requests from SME.
360            mlme_request = mlme_request_stream.next() => match mlme_request {
361                Some(req) => {
362                    let method_name = req.name();
363                    if let Err(e) = mlme_impl.handle_mlme_request(req).await {
364                        info!("Failed to handle mlme {} request: {}", method_name, e);
365                    }
366                },
367                None => bail!("MLME request stream terminated unexpectedly."),
368            },
369            // Process requests from our C++ drivers.
370            driver_event = driver_event_stream.next() => match driver_event {
371                Some(event) => match event {
372                    // DriverEvent::Stop indicates a safe shutdown.
373                    DriverEvent::Stop {responder} => {
374                        responder.send().format_send_err_with_context("Stop")?;
375                        return Ok(())
376                    },
377                    DriverEvent::ScanComplete { status, scan_id } => {
378                        mlme_impl.handle_scan_complete(status, scan_id).await
379                    },
380                    DriverEvent::TxResultReport { tx_result } => {
381                        if let Some(minstrel) = minstrel.as_ref() {
382                            minstrel.lock().handle_tx_result_report(&tx_result)
383                        }
384                    }
385                    DriverEvent::EthernetTxEvent(EthernetTxEvent { bytes, async_id, borrowed_operation }) => {
386                        wtrace::duration!(c"DriverEvent::EthernetTxEvent");
387                        let bytes: &[u8] = unsafe { &*bytes.as_ptr() };
388                        match mlme_impl.handle_eth_frame_tx(&bytes[..], async_id) {
389                            Ok(()) => borrowed_operation.reply(Ok(())),
390                            Err(e) => {
391                                // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42121991): Keep a counter of these failures.
392                                info!("Failed to handle eth frame: {}", e);
393                                wtrace::async_end_wlansoftmac_tx(async_id, zx::Status::INTERNAL);
394                                borrowed_operation.reply(Err(zx::Status::INTERNAL));
395                            }
396                        }
397                    }
398                    DriverEvent::WlanRxEvent(WlanRxEvent { bytes, rx_info, async_id }) => {
399                        wtrace::duration!(c"DriverEvent::WlanRxEvent");
400                        mlme_impl.handle_mac_frame_rx(&bytes[..], rx_info, async_id).await;
401                    }
404                },
405                None => bail!("Driver event stream terminated unexpectedly."),
406            },
407            timed_event = timer_stream.select_next_some() => {
408                mlme_impl.handle_timeout(timed_event.event).await;
409            }
410            _minstrel_timeout = minstrel_timer_stream.select_next_some() => {
411                if let Some(minstrel) = minstrel.as_ref() {
412                    minstrel.lock().handle_timeout()
413                }
414            }
415        }
416    }
420pub mod test_utils {
421    use super::*;
422    use crate::device::FakeDevice;
423    use ieee80211::{MacAddr, MacAddrBytes};
424    use wlan_common::channel;
425    use {fidl_fuchsia_wlan_common as fidl_common, fidl_fuchsia_wlan_mlme as fidl_mlme};
427    pub struct FakeMlme {
428        device: FakeDevice,
429    }
431    impl MlmeImpl for FakeMlme {
432        type Config = ();
433        type Device = FakeDevice;
434        type TimerEvent = ();
436        async fn new(
437            _config: Self::Config,
438            device: Self::Device,
439            _scheduler: wlan_common::timer::Timer<Self::TimerEvent>,
440        ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
441            Ok(Self { device })
442        }
444        async fn handle_mlme_request(
445            &mut self,
446            _msg: wlan_sme::MlmeRequest,
447        ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
448            unimplemented!()
449        }
451        async fn handle_mac_frame_rx(
452            &mut self,
453            _bytes: &[u8],
454            _rx_info: fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfo,
455            _async_id: trace::Id,
456        ) {
457            unimplemented!()
458        }
460        fn handle_eth_frame_tx(
461            &mut self,
462            _bytes: &[u8],
463            _async_id: trace::Id,
464        ) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
465            unimplemented!()
466        }
468        async fn handle_scan_complete(&mut self, _status: zx::Status, _scan_id: u64) {
469            unimplemented!()
470        }
472        async fn handle_timeout(&mut self, _event: Self::TimerEvent) {
473            unimplemented!()
474        }
476        fn access_device(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Device {
477            &mut self.device
478        }
479    }
481    pub(crate) fn fake_wlan_channel() -> channel::Channel {
482        channel::Channel { primary: 1, cbw: channel::Cbw::Cbw20 }
483    }
485    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
486    pub struct MockWlanRxInfo {
487        pub rx_flags: fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfoFlags,
488        pub valid_fields: fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfoValid,
489        pub phy: fidl_common::WlanPhyType,
490        pub data_rate: u32,
491        pub channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel,
492        pub mcs: u8,
493        pub rssi_dbm: i8,
494        pub snr_dbh: i16,
495    }
497    impl MockWlanRxInfo {
498        pub(crate) fn with_channel(channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel) -> Self {
499            Self {
500                valid_fields: fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfoValid::CHAN_WIDTH
501                    | fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfoValid::RSSI
502                    | fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfoValid::SNR,
503                channel,
504                rssi_dbm: -40,
505                snr_dbh: 35,
507                // Default to 0 for these fields since there are no
508                // other reasonable values to mock.
509                rx_flags: fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfoFlags::empty(),
510                phy: fidl_common::WlanPhyType::Dsss,
511                data_rate: 0,
512                mcs: 0,
513            }
514        }
515    }
517    impl From<MockWlanRxInfo> for fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfo {
518        fn from(mock_rx_info: MockWlanRxInfo) -> fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfo {
519            fidl_softmac::WlanRxInfo {
520                rx_flags: mock_rx_info.rx_flags,
521                valid_fields: mock_rx_info.valid_fields,
522                phy: mock_rx_info.phy,
523                data_rate: mock_rx_info.data_rate,
524                channel: mock_rx_info.channel,
525                mcs: mock_rx_info.mcs,
526                rssi_dbm: mock_rx_info.rssi_dbm,
527                snr_dbh: mock_rx_info.snr_dbh,
528            }
529        }
530    }
532    pub(crate) fn fake_key(address: MacAddr) -> fidl_mlme::SetKeyDescriptor {
533        fidl_mlme::SetKeyDescriptor {
534            cipher_suite_oui: [1, 2, 3],
535            cipher_suite_type: fidl_ieee80211::CipherSuiteType::from_primitive_allow_unknown(4),
536            key_type: fidl_mlme::KeyType::Pairwise,
537            address: address.to_array(),
538            key_id: 6,
539            key: vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],
540            rsc: 8,
541        }
542    }
544    pub(crate) fn fake_set_keys_req(address: MacAddr) -> wlan_sme::MlmeRequest {
545        wlan_sme::MlmeRequest::SetKeys(fidl_mlme::SetKeysRequest {
546            keylist: vec![fake_key(address)],
547        })
548    }
552mod tests {
553    use super::device::FakeDevice;
554    use super::test_utils::FakeMlme;
555    use super::*;
556    use fuchsia_async::TestExecutor;
557    use std::task::Poll;
558    use wlan_common::assert_variant;
560    // The following type definitions emulate the definition of FIDL requests and responder types.
561    // In addition to testing `unbounded_send_or_respond_with_error`, these tests demonstrate how
562    // `unbounded_send_or_respond_with_error` would be used in the context of a FIDL request.
563    //
564    // As such, the `Request` type is superfluous but provides a meaningful example for the reader.
565    enum Request {
566        Ax { responder: RequestAxResponder },
567        Cx { responder: RequestCxResponder },
568    }
570    struct RequestAxResponder {}
571    impl RequestAxResponder {
572        fn send(self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
573            Ok(())
574        }
575    }
577    struct RequestCxResponder {}
578    impl RequestCxResponder {
579        fn send(self, _result: Result<u64, u64>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
580            Ok(())
581        }
582    }
584    impl ResponderExt for RequestAxResponder {
585        type Response<'a> = ();
586        const REQUEST_NAME: &'static str = stringify!(RequestAx);
588        fn send(self, _: Self::Response<'_>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
589            Self::send(self)
590        }
591    }
593    impl ResponderExt for RequestCxResponder {
594        type Response<'a> = Result<u64, u64>;
595        const REQUEST_NAME: &'static str = stringify!(RequestCx);
597        fn send(self, response: Self::Response<'_>) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
598            Self::send(self, response)
599        }
600    }
602    #[test]
603    fn unbounded_send_or_respond_with_error_simple() {
604        let (driver_event_sink, _driver_event_stream) = DriverEventSink::new();
605        if let Request::Ax { responder } = (Request::Ax { responder: RequestAxResponder {} }) {
606            let _responder: RequestAxResponder = driver_event_sink
607                .unbounded_send_or_respond(
608                    DriverEvent::ScanComplete { status: zx::Status::OK, scan_id: 3 },
609                    responder,
610                    (),
611                )
612                .unwrap();
613        }
614    }
616    #[test]
617    fn unbounded_send_or_respond_with_error_simple_with_error() {
618        let (driver_event_sink, _driver_event_stream) = DriverEventSink::new();
619        if let Request::Cx { responder } = (Request::Cx { responder: RequestCxResponder {} }) {
620            let _responder: RequestCxResponder = driver_event_sink
621                .unbounded_send_or_respond(
622                    DriverEvent::ScanComplete { status: zx::Status::IO_REFUSED, scan_id: 0 },
623                    responder,
624                    Err(10),
625                )
626                .unwrap();
627        }
628    }
630    #[fuchsia::test(allow_stalls = false)]
631    async fn start_and_stop_main_loop() {
632        let (fake_device, _fake_device_state) = FakeDevice::new().await;
633        let (device_sink, device_stream) = mpsc::unbounded();
634        let (_mlme_request_sink, mlme_request_stream) = mpsc::unbounded();
635        let (init_sender, mut init_receiver) = oneshot::channel();
636        let mut main_loop = Box::pin(mlme_main_loop::<FakeMlme>(
637            init_sender,
638            (),
639            fake_device,
640            mlme_request_stream,
641            device_stream,
642        ));
643        assert_variant!(TestExecutor::poll_until_stalled(&mut main_loop).await, Poll::Pending);
644        assert_eq!(TestExecutor::poll_until_stalled(&mut init_receiver).await, Poll::Ready(Ok(())));
646        // Create a `WlanSoftmacIfcBridge` proxy and stream in order to send a `StopBridgedDriver`
647        // message and extract its responder.
648        let (softmac_ifc_bridge_proxy, mut softmac_ifc_bridge_request_stream) =
649            fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream::<fidl_softmac::WlanSoftmacIfcBridgeMarker>();
651        let mut stop_response_fut = softmac_ifc_bridge_proxy.stop_bridged_driver();
652        assert_variant!(
653            TestExecutor::poll_until_stalled(&mut stop_response_fut).await,
654            Poll::Pending
655        );
656        let Some(Ok(fidl_softmac::WlanSoftmacIfcBridgeRequest::StopBridgedDriver { responder })) =
657            softmac_ifc_bridge_request_stream.next().await
658        else {
659            panic!("Did not receive StopBridgedDriver message");
660        };
662        device_sink
663            .unbounded_send(DriverEvent::Stop { responder })
664            .expect("Failed to send stop event");
665        assert_variant!(
666            TestExecutor::poll_until_stalled(&mut main_loop).await,
667            Poll::Ready(Ok(()))
668        );
669        assert_variant!(
670            TestExecutor::poll_until_stalled(&mut stop_response_fut).await,
671            Poll::Ready(Ok(()))
672        );
673        assert!(device_sink.is_closed());
674    }