
1use crate::error;
2use crate::polyfill::{unwrap_const, ArrayFlatMap, LeadingZerosStripped};
3use core::num::NonZeroU64;
5/// The exponent `e` of an RSA public key.
6#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
7pub struct PublicExponent(NonZeroU64);
9impl PublicExponent {
10    #[cfg(test)]
11    const ALL_CONSTANTS: [Self; 3] = [Self::_3, Self::_65537, Self::MAX];
13    pub(super) const _3: Self = Self(unwrap_const(NonZeroU64::new(3)));
14    pub(super) const _65537: Self = Self(unwrap_const(NonZeroU64::new(65537)));
16    // This limit was chosen to bound the performance of the simple
17    // exponentiation-by-squaring implementation in `elem_exp_vartime`. In
18    // particular, it helps mitigate theoretical resource exhaustion attacks. 33
19    // bits was chosen as the limit based on the recommendations in [1] and
20    // [2]. Windows CryptoAPI (at least older versions) doesn't support values
21    // larger than 32 bits [3], so it is unlikely that exponents larger than 32
22    // bits are being used for anything Windows commonly does.
23    //
24    // [1] https://www.imperialviolet.org/2012/03/16/rsae.html
25    // [2] https://www.imperialviolet.org/2012/03/17/rsados.html
26    // [3] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa387685(VS.85).aspx
27    const MAX: Self = Self(unwrap_const(NonZeroU64::new((1u64 << 33) - 1)));
29    pub(super) fn from_be_bytes(
30        input: untrusted::Input,
31        min_value: Self,
32    ) -> Result<Self, error::KeyRejected> {
33        // See `PublicKey::from_modulus_and_exponent` for background on the step
34        // numbering.
36        if input.len() > 5 {
37            return Err(error::KeyRejected::too_large());
38        }
39        let value = input.read_all(error::KeyRejected::invalid_encoding(), |input| {
40            // The exponent can't be zero and it can't be prefixed with
41            // zero-valued bytes.
42            if input.peek(0) {
43                return Err(error::KeyRejected::invalid_encoding());
44            }
45            let mut value = 0u64;
46            loop {
47                let byte = input
48                    .read_byte()
49                    .map_err(|untrusted::EndOfInput| error::KeyRejected::invalid_encoding())?;
50                value = (value << 8) | u64::from(byte);
51                if input.at_end() {
52                    return Ok(value);
53                }
54            }
55        })?;
57        // Step 2 / Step b. NIST SP800-89 defers to FIPS 186-3, which requires
58        // `e >= 65537`. We enforce this when signing, but are more flexible in
59        // verification, for compatibility. Only small public exponents are
60        // supported.
61        let value = NonZeroU64::new(value).ok_or_else(error::KeyRejected::too_small)?;
62        if value < min_value.0 {
63            return Err(error::KeyRejected::too_small());
64        }
65        if value > Self::MAX.0 {
66            return Err(error::KeyRejected::too_large());
67        }
69        // Step 3 / Step c.
70        if value.get() & 1 != 1 {
71            return Err(error::KeyRejected::invalid_component());
72        }
74        Ok(Self(value))
75    }
77    /// The big-endian encoding of the exponent.
78    ///
79    /// There are no leading zeros.
80    pub fn be_bytes(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = u8> + Clone + '_ {
81        // The `unwrap()` won't fail as `self.0` is only a few bytes long.
82        let bytes = ArrayFlatMap::new(core::iter::once(self.0.get()), u64::to_be_bytes).unwrap();
83        LeadingZerosStripped::new(bytes)
84    }
86    pub(super) fn value(self) -> NonZeroU64 {
87        self.0
88    }
92mod tests {
93    use super::*;
95    #[test]
96    fn test_public_exponent_constants() {
97        for value in PublicExponent::ALL_CONSTANTS.iter() {
98            let value: u64 = value.0.into();
99            assert_eq!(value & 1, 1);
100            assert!(value >= PublicExponent::_3.0.into()); // The absolute minimum.
101            assert!(value <= PublicExponent::MAX.0.into());
102        }
103    }