
1// Copyright 2015-2018 Benjamin Fry <>
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4//> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5//>, at your option. This file may not be
6// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
8//! Reserved zone names.
10//! see [Special-Use Domain Names](, RFC 6761 February, 2013
12use std::ops::Deref;
14use lazy_static::lazy_static;
16use crate::rr::domain::Name;
18lazy_static! {
19    /// Default Name usage, everything is normal...
20    pub static ref DEFAULT: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::default();
23lazy_static! {
24    static ref ARPA: Name = Name::from_ascii("arpa.").unwrap();
25    /// zone for ipv4 reverse addresses
26    pub static ref IN_ADDR_ARPA: Name = Name::from_ascii("in-addr").unwrap().append_domain(&ARPA).unwrap();
27    /// zone for ipv6 reverse addresses
28    pub static ref IP6_ARPA: Name = Name::from_ascii("ip6").unwrap().append_domain(&ARPA).unwrap();
31lazy_static! {
32    /// localhost.
33    ///
34    /// [Special-Use Domain Names](, RFC 6761 February, 2013
35    ///
36    /// ```text
37    /// 6.3.  Domain Name Reservation Considerations for "localhost."
38    ///
39    ///    The domain "localhost." and any names falling within ".localhost."
40    ///    are special in the following ways:
41    /// ```
43    /// localhost. usage
44    pub static ref LOCALHOST: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::localhost(Name::from_ascii("localhost.").unwrap());
46    /// usage; 127/8 is reserved for loopback
47    pub static ref IN_ADDR_ARPA_127: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::localhost(Name::from_ascii("127").unwrap().append_domain(&IN_ADDR_ARPA).unwrap());
49    /// usage; 1/128 is the only address in ipv6 loopback
50    pub static ref IP6_ARPA_1: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::localhost(Name::from_ascii("").unwrap().append_domain(&IP6_ARPA).unwrap());
53lazy_static! {
54    /// .local.
55    ///
56    /// [Multicast DNS](, RFC 6762  February 2013
57    ///
58    /// ```text
59    /// This document specifies that the DNS top-level domain ".local." is a
60    ///   special domain with special semantics, namely that any fully
61    ///   qualified name ending in ".local." is link-local, and names within
62    ///   this domain are meaningful only on the link where they originate.
63    ///   This is analogous to IPv4 addresses in the 169.254/16 prefix or IPv6
64    ///   addresses in the FE80::/10 prefix, which are link-local and
65    ///   meaningful only on the link where they originate.
66    /// ```
68    /// localhost. usage
69    pub static ref LOCAL: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::local(Name::from_ascii("local.").unwrap());
71    // RFC 6762                      Multicast DNS                February 2013
73    // Any DNS query for a name ending with "" MUST
74    //  be sent to the mDNS IPv4 link-local multicast address
75    //  or the mDNS IPv6 multicast address FF02::FB.  Since names under
76    //  this domain correspond to IPv4 link-local addresses, it is logical
77    //  that the local link is the best place to find information
78    //  pertaining to those names.
79    //
80    //  Likewise, any DNS query for a name within the reverse mapping
81    //  domains for IPv6 link-local addresses ("",
82    //  "", "", and "") MUST
83    //  be sent to the mDNS IPv6 link-local multicast address FF02::FB or
84    //  the mDNS IPv4 link-local multicast address
86    /// usage link-local, i.e. mDNS
87    pub static ref IN_ADDR_ARPA_169_254: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::local(Name::from_ascii("254.169").unwrap().append_domain(&IN_ADDR_ARPA).unwrap());
89    /// usage link-local, i.e. mDNS
90    pub static ref IP6_ARPA_FE_8: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::local(Name::from_ascii("8.e.f").unwrap().append_domain(&IP6_ARPA).unwrap());
91    /// usage link-local, i.e. mDNS
92    pub static ref IP6_ARPA_FE_9: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::local(Name::from_ascii("9.e.f").unwrap().append_domain(&IP6_ARPA).unwrap());
93    /// usage link-local, i.e. mDNS
94    pub static ref IP6_ARPA_FE_B: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::local(Name::from_ascii("b.e.f").unwrap().append_domain(&IP6_ARPA).unwrap());
97lazy_static! {
98    /// invalid.
99    ///
100    /// [Special-Use Domain Names](, RFC 6761 February, 2013
101    ///
102    /// ```text
103    /// 6.4.  Domain Name Reservation Considerations for "invalid."
104    ///
105    ///    The domain "invalid." and any names falling within ".invalid." are
106    ///    special in the ways listed below.  In the text below, the term
107    ///    "invalid" is used in quotes to signify such names, as opposed to
108    ///    names that may be invalid for other reasons (e.g., being too long).
109    /// ```
111    /// invalid. name usage
112    pub static ref INVALID: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage::invalid(Name::from_ascii("invalid.").unwrap());
115lazy_static! {
116    /// invalid.
117    ///
118    /// [The ".onion" Special-Use Domain Name](, RFC 7686 October, 2015
119    ///
120    /// ```text
121    /// 1.  Introduction
122    ///
123    ///   The Tor network has the ability to host network
124    ///   services using the ".onion" Special-Use Top-Level Domain Name.  Such
125    ///   names can be used as other domain names would be (e.g., in URLs
126    ///   [RFC3986]), but instead of using the DNS infrastructure, .onion names
127    ///   functionally correspond to the identity of a given service, thereby
128    ///   combining location and authentication.
129    /// ```
131    /// onion. name usage
132    pub static ref ONION: ZoneUsage = ZoneUsage {
133        user: UserUsage::Normal, // the domain is special, but this is what seems to match the most
134        app: AppUsage::Normal, // the domain is special, but this is what seems to match the most
135        .. ZoneUsage::invalid(Name::from_ascii("onion.").unwrap())
136    };
139/// Users:
141///   Are human users expected to recognize these names as special and
142///   use them differently?  In what way?
143#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
144pub enum UserUsage {
145    /// Users are free to use these names as they would any other
146    /// reverse-mapping names.  However, since there is no central
147    /// authority responsible for use of private addresses, users SHOULD
148    /// be aware that these names are likely to yield different results
149    /// on different networks.
150    Normal,
152    /// Users are free to use localhost names as they would any other
153    /// domain names.  Users may assume that IPv4 and IPv6 address
154    /// queries for localhost names will always resolve to the respective
155    /// IP loopback address.
156    Loopback,
158    /// Multi-cast link-local usage
159    LinkLocal,
161    /// Users are free to use "invalid" names as they would any other
162    /// domain names.  Users MAY assume that queries for "invalid" names
163    /// will always return NXDOMAIN responses.
164    NxDomain,
167/// Application Software:
169///   Are writers of application software expected to make their
170///   software recognize these names as special and treat them
171///   differently?  In what way?  (For example, if a human user enters
172///   such a name, should the application software reject it with an
173///   error message?)
174#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
175pub enum AppUsage {
176    /// Application software SHOULD NOT recognize these names as special,
177    /// and SHOULD use these names as they would other reverse-mapping
178    /// names.
179    ///
180    /// Application software SHOULD NOT recognize test names as special,
181    /// and SHOULD use test names as they would other domain names.
182    ///
183    /// Application software SHOULD NOT recognize example names as
184    /// special and SHOULD use example names as they would other domain
185    /// names.
186    Normal,
188    /// Application software MAY recognize localhost names as special, or
189    /// MAY pass them to name resolution APIs as they would for other
190    /// domain names.
191    Loopback,
193    /// Link local, generally for mDNS
194    LinkLocal,
196    /// Application software MAY recognize "invalid" names as special or
197    /// MAY pass them to name resolution APIs as they would for other
198    /// domain names.
199    NxDomain,
202/// Name Resolution APIs and Libraries:
204///   Are writers of name resolution APIs and libraries expected to
205///   make their software recognize these names as special and treat
206///   them differently?  If so, how?
207#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
208pub enum ResolverUsage {
209    /// Name resolution APIs and libraries SHOULD NOT recognize these
210    /// names as special and SHOULD NOT treat them differently.  Name
211    /// resolution APIs SHOULD send queries for these names to their
212    /// configured caching DNS server(s).
213    ///
214    /// Name resolution APIs and libraries SHOULD NOT recognize test
215    /// names as special and SHOULD NOT treat them differently.  Name
216    /// resolution APIs SHOULD send queries for test names to their
217    /// configured caching DNS server(s).
218    ///
219    /// Name resolution APIs and libraries SHOULD NOT recognize example
220    /// names as special and SHOULD NOT treat them differently.  Name
221    /// resolution APIs SHOULD send queries for example names to their
222    /// configured caching DNS server(s).
223    Normal,
225    /// Name resolution APIs and libraries SHOULD recognize localhost
226    /// names as special and SHOULD always return the IP loopback address
227    /// for address queries and negative responses for all other query
228    /// types.  Name resolution APIs SHOULD NOT send queries for
229    /// localhost names to their configured caching DNS server(s).
230    Loopback,
232    /// Link local, generally for mDNS
233    ///
234    /// Any DNS query for a name ending with ".local." MUST be sent to the
235    /// mDNS IPv4 link-local multicast address (or its IPv6
236    /// equivalent FF02::FB).  The design rationale for using a fixed
237    /// multicast address instead of selecting from a range of multicast
238    /// addresses using a hash function is discussed in Appendix B.
239    /// Implementers MAY choose to look up such names concurrently via other
240    /// mechanisms (e.g., Unicast DNS) and coalesce the results in some
241    /// fashion.  Implementers choosing to do this should be aware of the
242    /// potential for user confusion when a given name can produce different
243    /// results depending on external network conditions (such as, but not
244    /// limited to, which name lookup mechanism responds faster).
245    LinkLocal,
247    /// Name resolution APIs and libraries SHOULD recognize "invalid"
248    /// names as special and SHOULD always return immediate negative
249    /// responses.  Name resolution APIs SHOULD NOT send queries for
250    /// "invalid" names to their configured caching DNS server(s).
251    NxDomain,
254/// Caching DNS Servers:
256///   Are developers of caching domain name servers expected to make
257///   their implementations recognize these names as special and treat
258///   them differently?  If so, how?
259#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
260pub enum CacheUsage {
261    /// Caching DNS servers SHOULD recognize these names as special and
262    /// SHOULD NOT, by default, attempt to look up NS records for them,
263    /// or otherwise query authoritative DNS servers in an attempt to
264    /// resolve these names.  Instead, caching DNS servers SHOULD, by
265    /// default, generate immediate (positive or negative) responses for
266    /// all such queries.  This is to avoid unnecessary load on the root
267    /// name servers and other name servers.  Caching DNS servers SHOULD
268    /// offer a configuration option (disabled by default) to enable
269    /// upstream resolution of such names, for use in private networks
270    /// where private-address reverse-mapping names are known to be
271    /// handled by an authoritative DNS server in said private network.
272    NonRecursive,
274    /// Caching DNS servers SHOULD recognize "invalid" names as special
275    /// and SHOULD NOT attempt to look up NS records for them, or
276    /// otherwise query authoritative DNS servers in an attempt to
277    /// resolve "invalid" names.  Instead, caching DNS servers SHOULD
278    /// generate immediate NXDOMAIN responses for all such queries.  This
279    /// is to avoid unnecessary load on the root name servers and other
280    /// name servers.
281    NxDomain,
283    /// Caching DNS servers SHOULD recognize localhost names as special
284    /// and SHOULD NOT attempt to look up NS records for them, or
285    /// otherwise query authoritative DNS servers in an attempt to
286    /// resolve localhost names.  Instead, caching DNS servers SHOULD,
287    /// for all such address queries, generate an immediate positive
288    /// response giving the IP loopback address, and for all other query
289    /// types, generate an immediate negative response.  This is to avoid
290    /// unnecessary load on the root name servers and other name servers.
291    Loopback,
293    /// Caching DNS servers SHOULD NOT recognize example names as special
294    /// and SHOULD resolve them normally.
295    Normal,
298/// Authoritative DNS Servers:
300///   Are developers of authoritative domain name servers expected to
301///   make their implementations recognize these names as special and
302///   treat them differently?  If so, how?
303#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
304pub enum AuthUsage {
305    /// Authoritative DNS servers SHOULD recognize these names as special
306    /// and SHOULD, by default, generate immediate negative responses for
307    /// all such queries, unless explicitly configured by the
308    /// administrator to give positive answers for private-address
309    /// reverse-mapping names.
310    Local,
312    /// Authoritative DNS servers SHOULD recognize these names as special
313    /// and SHOULD, by default, generate immediate negative responses for
314    /// all such queries, unless explicitly configured by the
315    /// administrator to give positive answers for private-address
316    /// reverse-mapping names.
317    NxDomain,
319    /// Authoritative DNS servers SHOULD recognize localhost names as
320    /// special and handle them as described above for caching DNS
321    /// servers.
322    Loopback,
324    /// Authoritative DNS servers SHOULD NOT recognize example names as
325    /// special.
326    Normal,
329/// DNS Server Operators:
331///   Does this reserved Special-Use Domain Name have any potential
332///   impact on DNS server operators?  If they try to configure their
333///   authoritative DNS server as authoritative for this reserved name,
334///   will compliant name server software reject it as invalid?  Do DNS
335///   server operators need to know about that and understand why?
336///   Even if the name server software doesn't prevent them from using
337///   this reserved name, are there other ways that it may not work as
338///  expected, of which the DNS server operator should be aware?
339#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
340pub enum OpUsage {
341    /// DNS server operators SHOULD, if they are using private addresses,
342    /// configure their authoritative DNS servers to act as authoritative
343    /// for these names.
344    ///
345    /// DNS server operators SHOULD, if they are using test names,
346    /// configure their authoritative DNS servers to act as authoritative
347    /// for test names.
348    Normal,
350    /// DNS server operators SHOULD be aware that the effective RDATA for
351    /// localhost names is defined by protocol specification and cannot
352    /// be modified by local configuration.
353    Loopback,
355    /// DNS server operators SHOULD be aware that the effective RDATA for
356    /// "invalid" names is defined by protocol specification to be
357    /// nonexistent and cannot be modified by local configuration.
358    NxDomain,
361/// DNS Registries/Registrars:
363///   How should DNS Registries/Registrars treat requests to register
364///   this reserved domain name?  Should such requests be denied?
365///   Should such requests be allowed, but only to a specially-
366///   designated entity?  (For example, the name "" is
367///   reserved for documentation examples and is not available for
368///   registration; however, the name is in fact registered; and there
369///   is even a web site at that name, which states circularly that the
370///   name is reserved for use in documentation and cannot be
371///   registered!)
372#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
373pub enum RegistryUsage {
374    /// Stanard checks apply
375    Normal,
377    /// DNS Registries/Registrars MUST NOT grant requests to register
378    /// test names in the normal way to any person or entity.  Test names
379    /// are reserved for use in private networks and fall outside the set
380    /// of names available for allocation by registries/registrars.
381    /// Attempting to allocate a test name as if it were a normal DNS
382    /// domain name will probably not work as desired, for reasons 4, 5,
383    /// and 6 above.
384    ///
385    /// DNS Registries/Registrars MUST NOT grant requests to register
386    /// localhost names in the normal way to any person or entity.
387    /// Localhost names are defined by protocol specification and fall
388    /// outside the set of names available for allocation by registries/
389    /// registrars.  Attempting to allocate a localhost name as if it
390    /// were a normal DNS domain name will probably not work as desired,
391    /// for reasons 2, 3, 4, and 5 above.
392    ///
393    /// DNS Registries/Registrars MUST NOT grant requests to register
394    /// "invalid" names in the normal way to any person or entity.  These
395    /// "invalid" names are defined by protocol specification to be
396    /// nonexistent, and they fall outside the set of names available for
397    /// allocation by registries/registrars.  Attempting to allocate a
398    /// "invalid" name as if it were a normal DNS domain name will
399    /// probably not work as desired, for reasons 2, 3, 4, and 5 above.
400    ///
401    /// DNS Registries/Registrars MUST NOT grant requests to register
402    /// example names in the normal way to any person or entity.  All
403    /// example names are registered in perpetuity to IANA:
404    Reserved,
407/// ZoneUsage represents information about how a name falling in a given zone should be treated
408pub struct ZoneUsage {
409    name: Name,
410    user: UserUsage,
411    app: AppUsage,
412    resolver: ResolverUsage,
413    cache: CacheUsage,
414    auth: AuthUsage,
415    op: OpUsage,
416    registry: RegistryUsage,
419impl ZoneUsage {
420    /// Constructs a new ZoneUsage with the associated values
421    #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
422    pub fn new(
423        name: Name,
424        user: UserUsage,
425        app: AppUsage,
426        resolver: ResolverUsage,
427        cache: CacheUsage,
428        auth: AuthUsage,
429        op: OpUsage,
430        registry: RegistryUsage,
431    ) -> Self {
432        Self {
433            name,
434            user,
435            app,
436            resolver,
437            cache,
438            auth,
439            op,
440            registry,
441        }
442    }
444    /// Constructs a new Default, with all no restrictions
445    pub fn default() -> Self {
446        Self::new(
447            Name::root(),
448            UserUsage::Normal,
449            AppUsage::Normal,
450            ResolverUsage::Normal,
451            CacheUsage::Normal,
452            AuthUsage::Normal,
453            OpUsage::Normal,
454            RegistryUsage::Normal,
455        )
456    }
458    /// Restrictions for reverse zones
459    pub fn reverse(name: Name) -> Self {
460        Self::new(
461            name,
462            UserUsage::Normal,
463            AppUsage::Normal,
464            ResolverUsage::Normal,
465            CacheUsage::NonRecursive,
466            AuthUsage::Local,
467            OpUsage::Normal,
468            RegistryUsage::Reserved,
469        )
470    }
472    /// Restrictions for the .test. zone
473    pub fn test(name: Name) -> Self {
474        Self::new(
475            name,
476            UserUsage::Normal,
477            AppUsage::Normal,
478            ResolverUsage::Normal,
479            CacheUsage::NonRecursive,
480            AuthUsage::Local,
481            OpUsage::Normal,
482            RegistryUsage::Reserved,
483        )
484    }
486    /// Restrictions for the .localhost. zone
487    pub fn localhost(name: Name) -> Self {
488        Self::new(
489            name,
490            UserUsage::Loopback,
491            AppUsage::Loopback,
492            ResolverUsage::Loopback,
493            CacheUsage::Loopback,
494            AuthUsage::Loopback,
495            OpUsage::Loopback,
496            RegistryUsage::Reserved,
497        )
498    }
500    /// Restrictions for the .local. zone
501    pub fn local(name: Name) -> Self {
502        Self::new(
503            name,
504            UserUsage::LinkLocal,
505            AppUsage::LinkLocal,
506            ResolverUsage::LinkLocal,
507            CacheUsage::Normal,
508            AuthUsage::Local,
509            OpUsage::Normal,
510            RegistryUsage::Reserved,
511        )
512    }
514    /// Restrictions for the .invalid. zone
515    pub fn invalid(name: Name) -> Self {
516        Self::new(
517            name,
518            UserUsage::NxDomain,
519            AppUsage::NxDomain,
520            ResolverUsage::NxDomain,
521            CacheUsage::NxDomain,
522            AuthUsage::NxDomain,
523            OpUsage::NxDomain,
524            RegistryUsage::Reserved,
525        )
526    }
528    /// Restrictions for the .example. zone
529    pub fn example(name: Name) -> Self {
530        Self::new(
531            name,
532            UserUsage::Normal,
533            AppUsage::Normal,
534            ResolverUsage::Normal,
535            CacheUsage::Normal,
536            AuthUsage::Normal,
537            OpUsage::Normal,
538            RegistryUsage::Reserved,
539        )
540    }
542    /// A reference to this zone name
543    pub fn name(&self) -> &Name {
544        &
545    }
547    /// Returns the UserUsage of this zone
548    pub fn user(&self) -> UserUsage {
549        self.user
550    }
552    /// Returns the AppUsage of this zone
553    pub fn app(&self) -> AppUsage {
555    }
557    /// Returns the ResolverUsage of this zone
558    pub fn resolver(&self) -> ResolverUsage {
559        self.resolver
560    }
562    /// Returns the CacheUsage of this zone
563    pub fn cache(&self) -> CacheUsage {
564        self.cache
565    }
567    /// Returns the AuthUsage of this zone
568    pub fn auth(&self) -> AuthUsage {
569        self.auth
570    }
572    /// Returns the OpUsage of this zone
573    pub fn op(&self) -> OpUsage {
574        self.op
575    }
577    /// Returns the RegistryUsage of this zone
578    pub fn registry(&self) -> RegistryUsage {
579        self.registry
580    }
583impl Deref for ZoneUsage {
584    type Target = Name;
586    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
587        &
588    }