
1// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5/// declare a [`cm_rust::ConfigValueType`] from a shorthand similar to the CML syntax
7macro_rules! config_ty {
8    (bool) => {
9        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Bool
10    };
11    (uint8) => {
12        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Uint8
13    };
14    (uint16) => {
15        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Uint16
16    };
17    (uint32) => {
18        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Uint32
19    };
20    (uint64) => {
21        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Uint64
22    };
23    (int8) => {
24        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Int8
25    };
26    (int16) => {
27        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Int16
28    };
29    (int32) => {
30        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Int32
31    };
32    (int64) => {
33        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Int64
34    };
35    (string, max_size: $size:expr ) => {
36        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::String { max_size: $size }
37    };
38    (vector, element: bool, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
39        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
40            max_count: $count,
41            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Bool,
42        }
43    };
44    (vector, element: uint8, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
45        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
46            max_count: $count,
47            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Uint8,
48        }
49    };
50    (vector, element: uint16, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
51        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
52            max_count: $count,
53            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Uint16,
54        }
55    };
56    (vector, element: uint32, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
57        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
58            max_count: $count,
59            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Uint32,
60        }
61    };
62    (vector, element: uint64, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
63        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
64            max_count: $count,
65            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Uint64,
66        }
67    };
68    (vector, element: int8, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
69        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
70            max_count: $count,
71            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Int8,
72        }
73    };
74    (vector, element: int16, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
75        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
76            max_count: $count,
77            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Int16,
78        }
79    };
80    (vector, element: int32, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
81        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
82            max_count: $count,
83            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Int32,
84        }
85    };
86    (vector, element: int64, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
87        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
88            max_count: $count,
89            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::Int64,
90        }
91    };
92    (vector, element: { string, max_size: $size:expr }, max_count: $count:expr ) => {
93        cm_rust::ConfigValueType::Vector {
94            max_count: $count,
95            nested_type: cm_rust::ConfigNestedValueType::String { max_size: $size },
96        }
97    };
100/// shorthand for declaring config decls since we don't want to depend on cmc here
102macro_rules! config_decl {
103    (ck@ $checksum:expr, $($key:ident: { $($type_toks:tt)+ },)*) => {{
104        let mut fields = vec![];
105        $(
106            fields.push(cm_rust::ConfigField {
107                key: stringify!($key).to_string(),
108                type_: $crate::config_ty!($($type_toks)+ ),
109                mutability: Default::default(),
110            });
111        )*
112        cm_rust::ConfigDecl {
113            fields,
114            checksum: $checksum,
115            value_source: cm_rust::ConfigValueSource::PackagePath("fake.cvf".to_string()),
116        }
117    }};
120/// wraps a list of values in the verbose optional table elements
122macro_rules! values_data {
123    [ck@ $checksum:expr, $($value:expr,)*] => {{
124        let mut values = vec![];
125        $(
126            values.push(cm_rust::ConfigValueSpec {
127                value: $value,
128            });
129        )*
130        cm_rust::ConfigValuesData {
131            values,
132            checksum: $checksum
133        }
134    }};