use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use pin_project::pin_project;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::future::Future;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::Poll;
use std::{mem, ptr};
pub use sys::{
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Scope {
impl Scope {
fn into_raw(self) -> sys::trace_scope_t {
match self {
Scope::Thread => sys::TRACE_SCOPE_THREAD,
Scope::Process => sys::TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS,
Scope::Global => sys::TRACE_SCOPE_GLOBAL,
pub fn is_enabled() -> bool {
unsafe { sys::trace_state() != sys::TRACE_STOPPED }
pub fn category_enabled(category: &'static CStr) -> bool {
unsafe { sys::trace_is_category_enabled(category.as_ptr()) }
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum TraceState {
pub fn trace_state() -> TraceState {
match unsafe { sys::trace_state() } {
sys::TRACE_STOPPED => TraceState::Stopped,
sys::TRACE_STARTED => TraceState::Started,
sys::TRACE_STOPPING => TraceState::Stopping,
s => panic!("Unknown trace state {:?}", s),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Id(u64);
impl Id {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self(unsafe { sys::trace_generate_nonce() })
pub fn random() -> Self {
let ts = zx::MonotonicTime::get().into_nanos() as u64;
let high_order = ts << 16;
let low_order = rand::random::<u16>() as u64;
Self(high_order | low_order)
impl From<u64> for Id {
fn from(u: u64) -> Self {
impl From<Id> for u64 {
fn from(id: Id) -> Self {
pub struct Arg<'a>(sys::trace_arg_t, PhantomData<&'a ()>);
pub trait ArgValue {
fn of<'a>(key: &'a str, value: Self) -> Arg<'a>
Self: 'a;
macro_rules! arg_from {
($valname:ident, $(($type:ty, $tag:expr, $value:expr))*) => {
impl ArgValue for $type {
fn of<'a>(key: &'a str, $valname: Self) -> Arg<'a>
where Self: 'a
let $valname = $valname;
Arg(sys::trace_arg_t {
name_ref: trace_make_inline_string_ref(key),
value: sys::trace_arg_value_t {
type_: $tag,
value: $value,
}, PhantomData)
((), sys::TRACE_ARG_NULL, sys::trace_arg_union_t { int32_value: 0 })
(bool, sys::TRACE_ARG_BOOL, sys::trace_arg_union_t { bool_value: val })
(i32, sys::TRACE_ARG_INT32, sys::trace_arg_union_t { int32_value: val })
(u32, sys::TRACE_ARG_UINT32, sys::trace_arg_union_t { uint32_value: val })
(i64, sys::TRACE_ARG_INT64, sys::trace_arg_union_t { int64_value: val })
(u64, sys::TRACE_ARG_UINT64, sys::trace_arg_union_t { uint64_value: val })
(isize, sys::TRACE_ARG_INT64, sys::trace_arg_union_t { int64_value: val as i64 })
(usize, sys::TRACE_ARG_UINT64, sys::trace_arg_union_t { uint64_value: val as u64 })
(f64, sys::TRACE_ARG_DOUBLE, sys::trace_arg_union_t { double_value: val })
(zx::Koid, sys::TRACE_ARG_KOID, sys::trace_arg_union_t { koid_value: val.raw_koid() })
impl<T> ArgValue for *const T {
fn of<'a>(key: &'a str, val: Self) -> Arg<'a>
Self: 'a,
sys::trace_arg_t {
name_ref: trace_make_inline_string_ref(key),
value: sys::trace_arg_value_t {
type_: sys::TRACE_ARG_POINTER,
value: sys::trace_arg_union_t { pointer_value: val as usize },
impl<T> ArgValue for *mut T {
fn of<'a>(key: &'a str, val: Self) -> Arg<'a>
Self: 'a,
sys::trace_arg_t {
name_ref: trace_make_inline_string_ref(key),
value: sys::trace_arg_value_t {
type_: sys::TRACE_ARG_POINTER,
value: sys::trace_arg_union_t { pointer_value: val as usize },
impl<'a> ArgValue for &'a str {
fn of<'b>(key: &'b str, val: Self) -> Arg<'b>
Self: 'b,
sys::trace_arg_t {
name_ref: trace_make_inline_string_ref(key),
value: sys::trace_arg_value_t {
type_: sys::TRACE_ARG_STRING,
value: sys::trace_arg_union_t {
string_value_ref: trace_make_inline_string_ref(val),
macro_rules! instant {
($category:expr, $name:expr, $scope:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::instant(&context, $name, $scope, &[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*]);
pub fn instant(
context: &TraceCategoryContext,
name: &'static CStr,
scope: Scope,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_instant(name_ref, scope, args);
macro_rules! alert {
($category:expr, $name:expr) => {
$crate::alert($category, $name)
pub fn alert(category: &'static CStr, name: &'static CStr) {
unsafe {
let mut category_ref = mem::MaybeUninit::<sys::trace_string_ref_t>::uninit();
let context =
sys::trace_acquire_context_for_category(category.as_ptr(), category_ref.as_mut_ptr());
if context != ptr::null() {
sys::trace_context_send_alert(context, name.as_ptr());
macro_rules! counter {
($category:expr, $name:expr, $counter_id:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::counter(&context, $name, $counter_id,
&[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*])
pub fn counter(
context: &TraceCategoryContext,
name: &'static CStr,
counter_id: u64,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
assert!(args.len() >= 1, "trace counter args must include at least one numeric argument");
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_counter(name_ref, counter_id, args);
#[must_use = "DurationScope must be `end`ed to be recorded"]
pub struct DurationScope<'a> {
category: &'static CStr,
name: &'static CStr,
args: &'a [Arg<'a>],
start_time: sys::trace_ticks_t,
impl<'a> DurationScope<'a> {
pub fn begin(category: &'static CStr, name: &'static CStr, args: &'a [Arg<'_>]) -> Self {
let start_time = zx::ticks_get();
Self { category, name, args, start_time }
impl<'a> Drop for DurationScope<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(context) = TraceCategoryContext::acquire(self.category) {
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(;
context.write_duration(name_ref, self.start_time, self.args);
pub fn complete_duration(
category: &'static CStr,
name: &'static CStr,
start_time: sys::trace_ticks_t,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
if let Some(context) = TraceCategoryContext::acquire(category) {
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_duration(name_ref, start_time, args);
macro_rules! duration {
($category:expr, $name:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)* $(,)?) => {
let mut args;
let _scope = {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
args = [$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*];
Some($crate::duration($category, $name, &args))
} else {
pub fn duration<'a>(
category: &'static CStr,
name: &'static CStr,
args: &'a [Arg<'_>],
) -> DurationScope<'a> {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
DurationScope::begin(category, name, args)
macro_rules! duration_begin {
($category:expr, $name:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)* $(,)?) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::duration_begin(&context, $name,
&[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*])
macro_rules! duration_end {
($category:expr, $name:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)* $(,)?) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::duration_end(&context, $name, &[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*])
pub fn duration_begin(context: &TraceCategoryContext, name: &'static CStr, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_duration_begin(name_ref, args);
pub fn duration_end(context: &TraceCategoryContext, name: &'static CStr, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_duration_end(name_ref, args);
#[must_use = "emits an end event when dropped, so if dropped immediately creates an essentially \
zero length duration that should just be an instant instead"]
pub struct AsyncScope {
id: Id,
category: &'static CStr,
name: &'static CStr,
impl AsyncScope {
pub fn begin(id: Id, category: &'static CStr, name: &'static CStr, args: &[Arg<'_>]) -> Self {
async_begin(id, category, name, args);
Self { id, category, name }
pub fn end(self, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let Self { id, category, name } = self;
async_end(id, category, name, args);
impl Drop for AsyncScope {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let Self { id, category, name } = *self;
async_end(id, category, name, &[]);
pub fn async_enter(
id: Id,
category: &'static CStr,
name: &'static CStr,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) -> AsyncScope {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
AsyncScope::begin(id, category, name, args)
macro_rules! async_enter {
($id:expr, $category:expr, $name:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
Some($crate::AsyncScope::begin($id, $category, $name, &[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*]))
} else {
macro_rules! async_instant {
($id:expr, $category:expr, $name:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::async_instant($id, &context, $name, &[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*]);
pub fn async_begin(id: Id, category: &'static CStr, name: &'static CStr, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
if let Some(context) = TraceCategoryContext::acquire(category) {
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_async_begin(id, name_ref, args);
pub fn async_end(id: Id, category: &'static CStr, name: &'static CStr, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
if let Some(context) = TraceCategoryContext::acquire(category) {
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_async_end(id, name_ref, args);
pub fn async_instant(
id: Id,
context: &TraceCategoryContext,
name: &'static CStr,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_async_instant(id, name_ref, args);
macro_rules! blob {
($category:expr, $name:expr, $bytes:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::blob_fn(&context, $name, $bytes, &[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*])
pub fn blob_fn(
context: &TraceCategoryContext,
name: &'static CStr,
bytes: &[u8],
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_blob(name_ref, bytes, args);
macro_rules! flow_begin {
($category:expr, $name:expr, $flow_id:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::flow_begin(&context, $name, $flow_id,
&[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*])
macro_rules! flow_step {
($category:expr, $name:expr, $flow_id:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::flow_step(&context, $name, $flow_id,
&[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*])
macro_rules! flow_end {
($category:expr, $name:expr, $flow_id:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
if let Some(context) = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE) {
$crate::flow_end(&context, $name, $flow_id,
&[$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*])
pub fn flow_begin(
context: &TraceCategoryContext,
name: &'static CStr,
flow_id: Id,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_flow_begin(name_ref, flow_id, args);
pub fn flow_end(
context: &TraceCategoryContext,
name: &'static CStr,
flow_id: Id,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_flow_end(name_ref, flow_id, args);
pub fn flow_step(
context: &TraceCategoryContext,
name: &'static CStr,
flow_id: Id,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
assert!(args.len() <= 15, "no more than 15 trace arguments are supported");
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(name);
context.write_flow_step(name_ref, flow_id, args);
const fn trace_make_empty_string_ref() -> sys::trace_string_ref_t {
sys::trace_string_ref_t {
inline_string: ptr::null(),
fn trim_to_last_char_boundary(string: &str, max_len: usize) -> &[u8] {
let mut len = string.len();
if string.len() > max_len {
len = max_len;
while len > 0 {
if string.is_char_boundary(len - 1) && string.is_char_boundary(len) {
len -= 1;
fn trace_make_inline_string_ref(string: &str) -> sys::trace_string_ref_t {
let len = string.len() as u32;
if len == 0 {
return trace_make_empty_string_ref();
let string =
trim_to_last_char_boundary(string, sys::TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_MAX_LENGTH as usize);
sys::trace_string_ref_t {
encoded_value: sys::TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_INLINE_FLAG | len,
inline_string: string.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_char,
pub struct TraceCategoryContext {
raw: *const sys::trace_context_t,
category_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t,
impl TraceCategoryContext {
pub fn acquire_cached(
category: &'static CStr,
site: &sys::trace_site_t,
) -> Option<TraceCategoryContext> {
unsafe {
let mut category_ref = mem::MaybeUninit::<sys::trace_string_ref_t>::uninit();
let raw = sys::trace_acquire_context_for_category_cached(
if raw != ptr::null() {
Some(TraceCategoryContext { raw, category_ref: category_ref.assume_init() })
} else {
pub fn acquire(category: &'static CStr) -> Option<TraceCategoryContext> {
unsafe {
let mut category_ref = mem::MaybeUninit::<sys::trace_string_ref_t>::uninit();
let raw = sys::trace_acquire_context_for_category(
if raw != ptr::null() {
Some(TraceCategoryContext { raw, category_ref: category_ref.assume_init() })
} else {
pub fn register_string_literal(&self, name: &'static CStr) -> sys::trace_string_ref_t {
unsafe {
let mut name_ref = mem::MaybeUninit::<sys::trace_string_ref_t>::uninit();
fn register_current_thread(&self) -> sys::trace_thread_ref_t {
unsafe {
let mut thread_ref = mem::MaybeUninit::<sys::trace_thread_ref_t>::uninit();
sys::trace_context_register_current_thread(self.raw, thread_ref.as_mut_ptr());
pub fn write_instant(&self, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, scope: Scope, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
pub fn write_instant_with_inline_name(&self, name: &str, scope: Scope, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let name_ref = trace_make_inline_string_ref(name);
self.write_instant(name_ref, scope, args)
fn write_counter(&self, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, counter_id: u64, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
pub fn write_counter_with_inline_name(&self, name: &str, counter_id: u64, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let name_ref = trace_make_inline_string_ref(name);
self.write_counter(name_ref, counter_id, args);
fn write_duration(
name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t,
start_time: sys::trace_ticks_t,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
pub fn write_duration_with_inline_name(
name: &str,
start_time: sys::trace_ticks_t,
args: &[Arg<'_>],
) {
let name_ref = trace_make_inline_string_ref(name);
self.write_duration(name_ref, start_time, args);
fn write_duration_begin(&self, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
pub fn write_duration_begin_with_inline_name(&self, name: &str, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let name_ref = trace_make_inline_string_ref(name);
self.write_duration_begin(name_ref, args);
fn write_duration_end(&self, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
pub fn write_duration_end_with_inline_name(&self, name: &str, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let name_ref = trace_make_inline_string_ref(name);
self.write_duration_end(name_ref, args);
fn write_async_begin(&self, id: Id, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
pub fn write_async_begin_with_inline_name(&self, id: Id, name: &str, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let name_ref = trace_make_inline_string_ref(name);
self.write_async_begin(id, name_ref, args);
fn write_async_end(&self, id: Id, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
pub fn write_async_end_with_inline_name(&self, id: Id, name: &str, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let name_ref = trace_make_inline_string_ref(name);
self.write_async_end(id, name_ref, args);
fn write_async_instant(&self, id: Id, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
fn write_blob(&self, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, bytes: &[u8], args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
bytes.as_ptr() as *const core::ffi::c_void,
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
fn write_flow_begin(&self, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, flow_id: Id, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
fn write_flow_end(&self, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, flow_id: Id, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
fn write_flow_step(&self, name_ref: sys::trace_string_ref_t, flow_id: Id, args: &[Arg<'_>]) {
let ticks = zx::ticks_get();
let thread_ref = self.register_current_thread();
unsafe {
args.as_ptr() as *const sys::trace_arg_t,
impl std::ops::Drop for TraceCategoryContext {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
pub struct Context {
context: *const sys::trace_context_t,
impl Context {
pub fn acquire() -> Option<Self> {
let context = unsafe { sys::trace_acquire_context() };
if context.is_null() {
} else {
Some(Self { context })
pub fn register_string_literal(&self, s: &'static CStr) -> sys::trace_string_ref_t {
unsafe {
let mut s_ref = mem::MaybeUninit::<sys::trace_string_ref_t>::uninit();
pub fn write_blob_record(
type_: sys::trace_blob_type_t,
name_ref: &sys::trace_string_ref_t,
data: &[u8],
) {
unsafe {
name_ref as *const sys::trace_string_ref_t,
data.as_ptr() as *const libc::c_void,
impl std::ops::Drop for Context {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { sys::trace_release_context(self.context) }
pub struct ProlongedContext {
context: *const sys::trace_prolonged_context_t,
impl ProlongedContext {
pub fn acquire() -> Option<Self> {
let context = unsafe { sys::trace_acquire_prolonged_context() };
if context.is_null() {
} else {
Some(Self { context })
impl Drop for ProlongedContext {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { sys::trace_release_prolonged_context(self.context) }
unsafe impl Send for ProlongedContext {}
mod sys {
#![allow(non_camel_case_types, unused)]
use fuchsia_zircon::sys::{zx_handle_t, zx_koid_t, zx_obj_type_t, zx_status_t, zx_ticks_t};
pub type trace_ticks_t = zx_ticks_t;
pub type trace_counter_id_t = u64;
pub type trace_async_id_t = u64;
pub type trace_flow_id_t = u64;
pub type trace_thread_state_t = u32;
pub type trace_cpu_number_t = u32;
pub type trace_string_index_t = u32;
pub type trace_thread_index_t = u32;
pub type trace_context_t = libc::c_void;
pub type trace_prolonged_context_t = libc::c_void;
pub type trace_encoded_string_ref_t = u32;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_EMPTY: trace_encoded_string_ref_t = 0;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_INLINE_FLAG: trace_encoded_string_ref_t = 0x8000;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_LENGTH_MASK: trace_encoded_string_ref_t = 0x7fff;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_MAX_LENGTH: trace_encoded_string_ref_t = 32000;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_MIN_INDEX: trace_encoded_string_ref_t = 0x1;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_STRING_REF_MAX_INDEX: trace_encoded_string_ref_t = 0x7fff;
pub type trace_encoded_thread_ref_t = u32;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_THREAD_REF_INLINE: trace_encoded_thread_ref_t = 0;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_THREAD_MIN_INDEX: trace_encoded_thread_ref_t = 0x01;
pub const TRACE_ENCODED_THREAD_MAX_INDEX: trace_encoded_thread_ref_t = 0xff;
pub type trace_state_t = libc::c_int;
pub const TRACE_STOPPED: trace_state_t = 0;
pub const TRACE_STARTED: trace_state_t = 1;
pub const TRACE_STOPPING: trace_state_t = 2;
pub type trace_scope_t = libc::c_int;
pub const TRACE_SCOPE_THREAD: trace_scope_t = 0;
pub const TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS: trace_scope_t = 1;
pub const TRACE_SCOPE_GLOBAL: trace_scope_t = 2;
pub type trace_blob_type_t = libc::c_int;
pub const TRACE_BLOB_TYPE_DATA: trace_blob_type_t = 1;
pub const TRACE_BLOB_TYPE_LAST_BRANCH: trace_blob_type_t = 2;
pub const TRACE_BLOB_TYPE_PERFETTO: trace_blob_type_t = 3;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct trace_string_ref_t {
pub encoded_value: trace_encoded_string_ref_t,
pub inline_string: *const libc::c_char,
pub type trace_site_t = std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64;
unsafe impl Send for trace_string_ref_t {}
unsafe impl Sync for trace_string_ref_t {}
pub struct trace_thread_ref_t {
pub encoded_value: trace_encoded_thread_ref_t,
pub inline_process_koid: zx_koid_t,
pub inline_thread_koid: zx_koid_t,
pub struct trace_arg_t {
pub name_ref: trace_string_ref_t,
pub value: trace_arg_value_t,
pub union trace_arg_union_t {
pub int32_value: i32,
pub uint32_value: u32,
pub int64_value: i64,
pub uint64_value: u64,
pub double_value: libc::c_double,
pub string_value_ref: trace_string_ref_t,
pub pointer_value: libc::uintptr_t,
pub koid_value: zx_koid_t,
pub bool_value: bool,
pub reserved_for_future_expansion: [libc::uintptr_t; 2],
pub type trace_arg_type_t = libc::c_int;
pub const TRACE_ARG_NULL: trace_arg_type_t = 0;
pub const TRACE_ARG_INT32: trace_arg_type_t = 1;
pub const TRACE_ARG_UINT32: trace_arg_type_t = 2;
pub const TRACE_ARG_INT64: trace_arg_type_t = 3;
pub const TRACE_ARG_UINT64: trace_arg_type_t = 4;
pub const TRACE_ARG_DOUBLE: trace_arg_type_t = 5;
pub const TRACE_ARG_STRING: trace_arg_type_t = 6;
pub const TRACE_ARG_POINTER: trace_arg_type_t = 7;
pub const TRACE_ARG_KOID: trace_arg_type_t = 8;
pub const TRACE_ARG_BOOL: trace_arg_type_t = 9;
pub struct trace_arg_value_t {
pub type_: trace_arg_type_t,
pub value: trace_arg_union_t,
pub struct trace_handler_ops_t {
pub is_category_enabled:
unsafe fn(handler: *const trace_handler_t, category: *const libc::c_char) -> bool,
pub trace_started: unsafe fn(handler: *const trace_handler_t),
pub trace_stopped: unsafe fn(
handler: *const trace_handler_t,
async_ptr: *const (), disposition: zx_status_t,
buffer_bytes_written: libc::size_t,
pub buffer_overflow: unsafe fn(handler: *const trace_handler_t),
pub struct trace_handler_t {
pub ops: *const trace_handler_ops_t,
extern "C" {
pub fn trace_context_is_category_enabled(
context: *const trace_context_t,
category_literal: *const libc::c_char,
) -> bool;
pub fn trace_context_register_string_copy(
context: *const trace_context_t,
string: *const libc::c_char,
length: libc::size_t,
out_ref: *mut trace_string_ref_t,
pub fn trace_context_register_string_literal(
context: *const trace_context_t,
string_literal: *const libc::c_char,
out_ref: *mut trace_string_ref_t,
pub fn trace_context_register_category_literal(
context: *const trace_context_t,
category_literal: *const libc::c_char,
out_ref: *mut trace_string_ref_t,
) -> bool;
pub fn trace_context_register_current_thread(
context: *const trace_context_t,
out_ref: *mut trace_thread_ref_t,
pub fn trace_context_register_thread(
context: *const trace_context_t,
process_koid: zx_koid_t,
thread_koid: zx_koid_t,
out_ref: *mut trace_thread_ref_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_kernel_object_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
koid: zx_koid_t,
type_: zx_obj_type_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_kernel_object_record_for_handle(
context: *const trace_context_t,
handle: zx_handle_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_process_info_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
process_koid: zx_koid_t,
process_name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_thread_info_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
process_koid: zx_koid_t,
thread_koid: zx_koid_t,
thread_name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_context_switch_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
cpu_number: trace_cpu_number_t,
outgoing_thread_state: trace_thread_state_t,
outgoing_thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
incoming_thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_log_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
log_message: *const libc::c_char,
log_message_length: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_instant_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
scope: trace_scope_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_send_alert(context: *const trace_context_t, name: *const libc::c_char);
pub fn trace_context_write_counter_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
counter_id: trace_counter_id_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_duration_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
start_time: trace_ticks_t,
end_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_blob_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
blob: *const libc::c_void,
blob_size: libc::size_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_duration_begin_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_duration_end_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_async_begin_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
async_id: trace_async_id_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_async_instant_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
async_id: trace_async_id_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_async_end_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
async_id: trace_async_id_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_flow_begin_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
flow_id: trace_flow_id_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_flow_step_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
flow_id: trace_flow_id_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_flow_end_event_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
event_time: trace_ticks_t,
thread_ref: *const trace_thread_ref_t,
category_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
flow_id: trace_flow_id_t,
args: *const trace_arg_t,
num_args: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_initialization_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
ticks_per_second: u64,
pub fn trace_context_write_string_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
index: trace_string_index_t,
string: *const libc::c_char,
length: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_thread_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
index: trace_thread_index_t,
procss_koid: zx_koid_t,
thread_koid: zx_koid_t,
pub fn trace_context_write_blob_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
type_: trace_blob_type_t,
name_ref: *const trace_string_ref_t,
data: *const libc::c_void,
size: libc::size_t,
pub fn trace_context_alloc_record(
context: *const trace_context_t,
num_bytes: libc::size_t,
) -> *const libc::c_void;
pub fn trace_stop_engine(disposition: zx_status_t) -> zx_status_t;
pub fn trace_generate_nonce() -> u64;
pub fn trace_state() -> trace_state_t;
pub fn trace_is_category_enabled(category_literal: *const libc::c_char) -> bool;
pub fn trace_acquire_context() -> *const trace_context_t;
pub fn trace_acquire_context_for_category(
category_literal: *const libc::c_char,
out_ref: *mut trace_string_ref_t,
) -> *const trace_context_t;
pub fn trace_acquire_context_for_category_cached(
category_literal: *const libc::c_char,
trace_site: *const u64,
out_ref: *mut trace_string_ref_t,
) -> *const trace_context_t;
pub fn trace_release_context(context: *const trace_context_t);
pub fn trace_acquire_prolonged_context() -> *const trace_prolonged_context_t;
pub fn trace_release_prolonged_context(context: *const trace_prolonged_context_t);
pub fn trace_register_observer(event: zx_handle_t) -> zx_status_t;
pub fn trace_unregister_observer(event: zx_handle_t) -> zx_status_t;
pub fn trace_notify_observer_updated(event: zx_handle_t);
pub struct TraceFutureArgs<'a> {
pub category: &'static CStr,
pub name: &'static CStr,
pub context: Option<TraceCategoryContext>,
pub args: Vec<Arg<'a>>,
pub flow_id: Option<Id>,
pub _use_trace_future_args: (),
macro_rules! __impl_trace_future_args {
($category:expr, $name:expr, $flow_id:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {{
static CACHE: $crate::trace_site_t = $crate::trace_site_t::new(0);
let context = $crate::TraceCategoryContext::acquire_cached($category, &CACHE);
let args = if context.is_some() {
vec![$($crate::ArgValue::of($key, $val)),*]
} else {
$crate::TraceFutureArgs {
category: $category,
name: $name,
context: context,
args: args,
flow_id: $flow_id,
_use_trace_future_args: (),
macro_rules! trace_future_args {
($category:expr, $name:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
$crate::__impl_trace_future_args!($category, $name, None $(,$key => $val)*)
($category:expr, $name:expr, $flow_id:expr $(, $key:expr => $val:expr)*) => {
$crate::__impl_trace_future_args!($category, $name, Some($flow_id) $(,$key => $val)*)
pub trait TraceFutureExt: Future + Sized {
fn trace<'a>(self, args: TraceFutureArgs<'a>) -> TraceFuture<'a, Self> {
TraceFuture::new(args, self)
impl<T: Future + Sized> TraceFutureExt for T {}
pub struct TraceFuture<'a, Fut: Future> {
category: &'static CStr,
name: &'static CStr,
args: Vec<Arg<'a>>,
flow_id: Option<Id>,
future: Fut,
impl<'a, Fut: Future> TraceFuture<'a, Fut> {
pub fn new(args: TraceFutureArgs<'a>, future: Fut) -> Self {
args.context.is_some() || args.args.is_empty(),
"There should not be any trace arguments when the category is disabled"
let mut this = Self {
category: args.category,
args: args.args,
flow_id: args.flow_id,
future: future,
if let Some(context) = args.context {
fn trace_create(&mut self, context: TraceCategoryContext) {
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(;
let flow_id = self.flow_id.get_or_insert_with(Id::new);
let duration_start = zx::ticks_get();
context.write_flow_begin(name_ref, *flow_id, &[]);
self.args.push(ArgValue::of("state", "created"));
context.write_duration(name_ref, duration_start, &self.args);
fn trace_poll(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
context: TraceCategoryContext,
cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Fut::Output> {
let this = self.project();
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(;
let flow_id = this.flow_id.get_or_insert_with(Id::new);
let duration_start = zx::ticks_get();
context.write_flow_step(name_ref, *flow_id, &[]);
let result = this.future.poll(cx);
let result_str: &'static str = if result.is_pending() { "pending" } else { "ready" };
this.args.push(ArgValue::of("state", result_str));
context.write_duration(name_ref, duration_start, &this.args);
fn trace_drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: TraceCategoryContext) {
let this = self.project();
let name_ref = context.register_string_literal(;
let flow_id = this.flow_id.get_or_insert_with(Id::new);
let duration_start = zx::ticks_get();
context.write_flow_end(name_ref, *flow_id, &[]);
this.args.push(ArgValue::of("state", "dropped"));
context.write_duration(name_ref, duration_start, &this.args);
impl<Fut: Future> Future for TraceFuture<'_, Fut> {
type Output = Fut::Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Fut::Output> {
if let Some(context) = TraceCategoryContext::acquire(self.as_ref().get_ref().category) {
self.trace_poll(context, cx)
} else {
impl<Fut: Future> PinnedDrop for TraceFuture<'_, Fut> {
fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
if let Some(context) = TraceCategoryContext::acquire(self.as_ref().get_ref().category) {
mod test {
use super::{trim_to_last_char_boundary, Id};
fn trim_to_last_char_boundary_trims_to_last_character_boundary() {
assert_eq!(b"x", trim_to_last_char_boundary("x", 5));
assert_eq!(b"x", trim_to_last_char_boundary("x", 1));
assert_eq!(b"", trim_to_last_char_boundary("x", 0));
assert_eq!(b"xxxxx", trim_to_last_char_boundary("xxxxx", 6));
assert_eq!(b"xxxxx", trim_to_last_char_boundary("xxxxx", 5));
assert_eq!(b"xxxx", trim_to_last_char_boundary("xxxxx", 4));
assert_eq!("💩".as_bytes(), trim_to_last_char_boundary("💩", 5));
assert_eq!("💩".as_bytes(), trim_to_last_char_boundary("💩", 4));
assert_eq!(b"", trim_to_last_char_boundary("💩", 3));
fn test_id_new() {
assert_ne!(Id::new(), Id::new());