Crate fidl_fuchsia_io Copy item path
Summary Source DirentTypeUnknown Pattern that matches an unknown DirentType
member. ExtendedAttributeValueUnknown Pattern that matches an unknown ExtendedAttributeValue
member. HashAlgorithmUnknown Pattern that matches an unknown HashAlgorithm
member. RepresentationUnknown Pattern that matches an unknown Representation
member. SelinuxContextUnknown Pattern that matches an unknown SelinuxContext
member. AdvisoryLockRange AdvisoryLockRequest AdvisoryLockingAdvisoryLockRequest AdvisoryLockingAdvisoryLockResponder AdvisoryLockingControlHandle AdvisoryLockingEventStream AdvisoryLockingMarker AdvisoryLockingProxy AdvisoryLockingRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for AdvisoryLockingSynchronousProxy AllocateMode ConnectionInfo DirectoryAdvisoryLockResponder DirectoryCloseResponder DirectoryControlHandle DirectoryCreateSymlinkRequest DirectoryCreateSymlinkResponder DirectoryDeprecatedGetFlagsResponder DirectoryDeprecatedOpenRequest DirectoryDeprecatedSetFlagsResponder DirectoryEventStream DirectoryGetAttrResponder DirectoryGetAttributesResponder DirectoryGetConnectionInfoResponder DirectoryGetExtendedAttributeResponder DirectoryGetFlagsResponder DirectoryGetTokenResponder DirectoryGetTokenResponse DirectoryInfo DirectoryLinkRequest DirectoryLinkResponder DirectoryLinkResponse DirectoryMarker DirectoryObject DirectoryOpenRequest DirectoryProxy DirectoryQueryFilesystemResponder DirectoryQueryResponder DirectoryReadDirentsRequest DirectoryReadDirentsResponder DirectoryReadDirentsResponse DirectoryRemoveExtendedAttributeResponder DirectoryRenameRequest DirectoryRenameResponder DirectoryRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for DirectoryRewindResponder DirectoryRewindResponse DirectorySetAttrResponder DirectorySetExtendedAttributeResponder DirectorySetFlagsResponder DirectorySyncResponder DirectorySynchronousProxy DirectoryUnlinkRequest DirectoryUnlinkResponder DirectoryUpdateAttributesResponder DirectoryWatchRequest DirectoryWatchResponder DirectoryWatchResponse DirectoryWatcherControlHandle DirectoryWatcherEventStream DirectoryWatcherMarker DirectoryWatcherProxy DirectoryWatcherRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for DirectoryWatcherSynchronousProxy EmptyStruct Used in places where empty structs are needed, such as empty union members, to avoid creating
new struct types. ExtendedAttributeIteratorControlHandle ExtendedAttributeIteratorEventStream ExtendedAttributeIteratorGetNextResponder ExtendedAttributeIteratorGetNextResponse ExtendedAttributeIteratorMarker ExtendedAttributeIteratorProxy ExtendedAttributeIteratorRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for ExtendedAttributeIteratorSynchronousProxy FileAdvisoryLockResponder FileAllocateRequest FileAllocateResponder FileCloseResponder FileControlHandle FileDeprecatedGetFlagsResponder FileDeprecatedSetFlagsResponder FileDescribeResponder FileEnableVerityRequest FileEnableVerityResponder FileEventStream FileGetAttrResponder FileGetAttributesResponder FileGetBackingMemoryRequest FileGetBackingMemoryResponder FileGetBackingMemoryResponse FileGetConnectionInfoResponder FileGetExtendedAttributeResponder FileGetFlagsResponder FileInfo Auxiliary data for the file representation of a node. FileLinkIntoResponder FileMarker FileObject FileProxy FileQueryFilesystemResponder FileQueryResponder FileReadAtRequest FileReadAtResponder FileReadAtResponse FileReadResponder FileRemoveExtendedAttributeResponder FileRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for FileResizeRequest FileResizeResponder FileSeekRequest FileSeekResponder FileSeekResponse FileSetAttrResponder FileSetExtendedAttributeResponder FileSetFlagsResponder FileSignal FileSyncResponder FileSynchronousProxy FileUpdateAttributesResponder FileWriteAtRequest FileWriteAtResponder FileWriteAtResponse FileWriteResponder FilesystemInfo Flags Flags used to specify how a node should be opened. Note that ranges of bits are reserved
for specific use cases: ImmutableNodeAttributes LinkableControlHandle LinkableEventStream LinkableLinkIntoRequest LinkableLinkIntoResponder LinkableMarker LinkableProxy LinkableRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for LinkableSynchronousProxy ModeType MutableNodeAttributes NodeAttributeFlags The fields of ‘attributes’ which are used to update the Node are indicated
by the ‘flags’ argument. NodeAttributes NodeAttributes defines generic information about a filesystem node. NodeAttributes2 NodeAttributesQuery NodeCloseResponder NodeControlHandle NodeDeprecatedCloneRequest NodeDeprecatedGetFlagsResponder NodeDeprecatedGetFlagsResponse NodeDeprecatedSetFlagsRequest NodeDeprecatedSetFlagsResponder NodeDeprecatedSetFlagsResponse NodeEventStream NodeGetAttrResponder NodeGetAttrResponse NodeGetAttributesRequest NodeGetAttributesResponder NodeGetConnectionInfoResponder NodeGetExtendedAttributeRequest NodeGetExtendedAttributeResponder NodeGetFlagsResponder NodeGetFlagsResponse NodeInfo Information that describes the target node. NodeListExtendedAttributesRequest NodeMarker NodeOnOpenRequest NodeProtocolKinds A node may have multiple supported representations when opening, even though
it may have a fixed underlying identity. NodeProxy NodeQueryFilesystemResponder NodeQueryFilesystemResponse NodeQueryResponder NodeRemoveExtendedAttributeRequest NodeRemoveExtendedAttributeResponder NodeRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for NodeSetAttrRequest NodeSetAttrResponder NodeSetAttrResponse NodeSetExtendedAttributeRequest NodeSetExtendedAttributeResponder NodeSetFlagsRequest NodeSetFlagsResponder NodeSyncResponder NodeSynchronousProxy NodeUpdateAttributesResponder OpenFlags DEPRECATED - Use Flags instead. Operations The common members definition behind Rights
and Abilities
. Some operations may apply
only to certain node types (e.g. [Operations.MODIFY_DIRECTORY
] only applies to directories). Options Options which can be used when opening nodes. Unlike Flags
, these options are designed for
specific use cases (e.g. to reduce round-trip latency when requesting attributes). ReadableControlHandle ReadableEventStream ReadableMarker ReadableProxy ReadableReadRequest ReadableReadResponder ReadableReadResponse ReadableRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for ReadableSynchronousProxy Service SymlinkCloseResponder SymlinkControlHandle SymlinkDeprecatedGetFlagsResponder SymlinkDeprecatedSetFlagsResponder SymlinkDescribeResponder SymlinkEventStream SymlinkGetAttrResponder SymlinkGetAttributesResponder SymlinkGetConnectionInfoResponder SymlinkGetExtendedAttributeResponder SymlinkGetFlagsResponder SymlinkInfo SymlinkLinkIntoResponder SymlinkMarker SymlinkObject SymlinkProxy SymlinkQueryFilesystemResponder SymlinkQueryResponder SymlinkRemoveExtendedAttributeResponder SymlinkRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for SymlinkSetAttrResponder SymlinkSetExtendedAttributeResponder SymlinkSetFlagsResponder SymlinkSyncResponder SymlinkSynchronousProxy SymlinkUpdateAttributesResponder UnlinkFlags UnlinkOptions VerificationOptions Set of options used to enable verity on a file. VmoFlags WatchMask WritableControlHandle WritableEventStream WritableMarker WritableProxy WritableRequestStream A Stream of incoming requests for WritableSynchronousProxy WritableWriteRequest WritableWriteResponder WritableWriteResponse AdvisoryLockType AdvisoryLockingEvent AdvisoryLockingRequest Advisory locking protocol. DirectoryEvent DirectoryRequest Directory defines a node which is capable of containing other Objects. DirectoryWatcherEvent DirectoryWatcherRequest DirectoryWatcher transmits messages from a filesystem server
about events happening in the filesystem. Clients can register
new watchers using the Directory.Watch
method, where they can
filter which events they want to receive notifications for. DirentType ExtendedAttributeIteratorEvent ExtendedAttributeIteratorRequest ExtendedAttributeValue The value type for an extended attribute. If the value is less than 32768
bytes, then it is included inline. Values larger than this size are written
into a vmo buffer. FileEvent FileRequest A [Node
] which contains a sequence of bytes of definite length. HashAlgorithm Denotes which hash algorithm is used to build the merkle tree for
fsverity-enabled files. LinkableEvent LinkableRequest NodeEvent NodeInfoDeprecated NodeRequest Node defines the minimal interface for entities which can be accessed in a filesystem. ReadableEvent ReadableRequest Representation SeekOrigin The reference point for updating the seek offset. See [File.Seek
]. SelinuxContext SetExtendedAttributeMode SymlinkEvent SymlinkRequest A [‘Node’] which contains a symbolic link. WatchEvent WritableEvent WritableRequest DIRECTORY_PROTOCOL_NAME FILE_PROTOCOL_NAME FLAG_TEMPORARY_AS_NOT_LINKABLE Specifies that this object is not linkable. This is only intended to be used in the context of
creating a temporary unnamed objects. When that is not the case, the node protocol defines if it
is linkable (i.e. if it composes the Linkable
protocol). When this flag is set along with
, an unnamed temporary object will be created that
cannot be linked into the filesystem. This would be similar to Linux O_TMPFILE | O_EXCL
] will inherit from the parent connection if
specified. Note that if any of these permissions are missing from the connection, none of these
permissions will be inherited. INO_UNKNOWN Nodes which do not have ino values should return this value
from Readdir and GetAttr. MASK_KNOWN_PERMISSIONS MASK_KNOWN_PROTOCOLS MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS MASK_POSIX_FLAGS MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME The maximum size for an extended attribute name. MAX_BUF The maximal buffer size which can be transmitted for buffered operations.
This capacity is currently set somewhat arbitrarily. MAX_FILENAME The maximum length, in bytes, of a single filesystem component. MAX_FS_NAME_BUFFER MAX_INLINE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE The maximum size for an extended attribute value to be included inline.
Values larger than this size are passed in a vmo. MAX_LIST_ATTRIBUTES_CHUNK The maximum size of a chunk in the ListExtendedAttributes iterator. MAX_NAME_LENGTH The maximum length, in bytes, of a single filesystem component. MAX_PATH_LENGTH The maximum length, in bytes, of a filesystem path. MAX_SELINUX_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE_LEN The maximum size for passing the SELinux context as an attribute. MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE The maximum I/O size that is allowed for read/write operations using
byte vectors. MODE_PROTECTION_MASK Bits reserved for posix protections. Native fuchsia filesystems
are not required to set bits contained within MODE_PROTECTION_MASK
but filesystems that wish to do so may refer to sys/stat.h for their
definitions. MODE_TYPE_BLOCK_DEVICE MODE_TYPE_DIRECTORY MODE_TYPE_FILE MODE_TYPE_MASK Bits indicating node type. The canonical mechanism to check
for a node type is to take ‘mode’, bitwise AND it with the
, and check exact equality against a mode type. MODE_TYPE_SERVICE MODE_TYPE_SYMLINK NODE_PROTOCOL_NAME OPEN_FLAGS_ALLOWED_WITH_NODE_REFERENCE Flags used when opening a node reference must fall within this mask. OPEN_RIGHTS All known rights. PERM_EXECUTABLE Set of permissions that are expected when opening a node as executable. PERM_READABLE Set of permissions that are expected when opening a node as readable. PERM_WRITABLE Set of permissions that are expected when opening a node as writable. RW_STAR_DIR Alias for directory permission alias rw* RX_STAR_DIR Alias for directory permission alias rx* R_STAR_DIR Alias for directory permission alias r* SELINUX_CONTEXT_NAME The name of the extended attribute accessible via the SELinux context attribute. SYMLINK_PROTOCOL_NAME W_STAR_DIR Alias for directory permission alias w* X_STAR_DIR Alias for directory permission alias x* AdvisoryLockingProxyInterface DirectoryProxyInterface DirectoryWatcherProxyInterface ExtendedAttributeIteratorProxyInterface FileProxyInterface LinkableProxyInterface NodeProxyInterface ReadableProxyInterface SymlinkProxyInterface WritableProxyInterface Abilities Abilities are properties intrinsic to a node. They specify which operations are supported by it. AdvisoryLockingAdvisoryLockResult DirectoryCreateSymlinkResult DirectoryRenameResult DirectoryUnlinkResult ExtendedAttributeIteratorGetNextResult ExtendedAttributeName The name of an extended attribute. It can not contain any null bytes. Other
than that and the maximum size, no particular structure is imposed on the
name. FileAllocateResult FileEnableVerityResult FileGetBackingMemoryResult FileReadAtResult FileResizeResult FileSeekResult FileWriteAtResult Id The type to identify a node, if the implementation supports some notion of
unique node ID. LinkableLinkIntoResult Name The type for the name of a node, i.e. a single path component.
E.g. foo
NodeGetAttributesResult NodeGetExtendedAttributeResult NodeGetFlagsResult NodeRemoveExtendedAttributeResult NodeSetExtendedAttributeResult NodeSetFlagsResult NodeSyncResult NodeUpdateAttributesResult Path A path is a string of one or more components, separated by “/”.
E.g. foo/bar/baz
ReadableReadResult Rights Rights are properties specific to a connection. They limit which operations are allowed on a
connection, including those which may be granted to new connections. SymlinkTarget Token The type to identify a connection to a node.
It represents a capability: a reference to a node with associated rights. Transfer The byte vector type used for read/write operations. WritableWriteResult