- Configuration
- Describes a distinct configuration for the camera.
- Configuration2
- Describes a distinct configuration for the camera.
- Device
Connect ToStream Request - Device
Control Handle - Device
Event Stream - Device
GetConfigurations2 Responder - Device
GetConfigurations2 Response - Device
GetConfigurations Responder - Device
GetConfigurations Response - Device
GetIdentifier Responder - Device
GetIdentifier Response - Device
Marker - Device
Proxy - Device
Rebind Request - Device
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.camera3/Device.
- Device
SetCurrent Configuration Request - Device
SetSoftware Mute State Request - Device
SetSoftware Mute State Responder - Device
Synchronous Proxy - Device
Watch Current Configuration Responder - Device
Watch Current Configuration Response - Device
Watch Mute State Responder - Device
Watch Mute State Response - Device
Watcher Connect ToDevice Request - Device
Watcher Control Handle - Device
Watcher Event Stream - Device
Watcher Marker - Device
Watcher Proxy - Device
Watcher Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.camera3/DeviceWatcher.
- Device
Watcher Synchronous Proxy - Device
Watcher Watch Devices Responder - Device
Watcher Watch Devices Response - Frame
Info - Metadata concerning a given frame.
- Frame
Info2 - Metadata concerning a given frame.
- Frame
Rate - The frequency at which a Stream produces frames. The value is
, with units of frames-per-second (Hz). The representation is not necessarily an irreducible fraction. - Stream
GetNext Frame2 Response - Stream
GetNext Frame Response - Stream
GetProperties2 Response - Stream
GetProperties Response - Stream
Properties - Describes the properties of a given stream.
- Stream
Properties2 - Describes the properties of a given stream.
- Stream
Rebind Request - Stream
SetBuffer Collection2 Request - Stream
SetBuffer Collection Request - Stream
SetCrop Region Request - Stream
SetResolution Request - Stream
Watch Buffer Collection2 Response - Stream
Watch Buffer Collection Response - Stream
Watch Crop Region Response - Stream
Watch Orientation Response - Stream
Watch Resolution Response - Stream_
Control Handle - Stream_
Event Stream - Stream_
GetNext Frame2 Responder - Stream_
GetNext Frame Responder - Stream_
GetProperties2 Responder - Stream_
GetProperties Responder - Stream_
Marker - Stream_
Proxy - Stream_
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.camera3/Stream.
- Stream_
Synchronous Proxy - Stream_
Watch Buffer Collection2 Responder - Stream_
Watch Buffer Collection Responder - Stream_
Watch Crop Region Responder - Stream_
Watch Orientation Responder - Stream_
Watch Resolution Responder
- Device
Event - Device
Request - A Device represents a unique physical camera present in the system. Only one client may connect to an unbound physical camera, however the “Rebind” method can be used to create multiple connections to it to be used by a coordinated set of clients.
- Device
Watcher Event - Device
Watcher Request - The DeviceWatcher provides clients a mechanism to discover camera devices present on the system. This is a temporary mechanism intended to be replaced by go/drivers-as-components, which will allow multiple instances of the same protocol to exist side-by-side. Clients are not required to maintain a connection to the Watcher in order to use established Camera connections.
- Orientation
- Describes the intended orientation of a given stream relative to its encoded data. For clarity, the documentation for each enum value is accompanied by an orientation of the chiral ‘⮬’ symbol illustrating the orientation of the stream’s encoded data.
- Stream_
Event - Stream_
Request - A Stream represents timing, sequencing, and other camera-specific properties applied to a buffer collection.
- Watch
Devices Event
- MAX_