- Architecture
Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
- Board
Control Handle - Board
Event Stream - Board
GetInfo Responder - Board
GetInfo Response - Board
Info - Collection of properties that are common among a set of devices based on hardware type
- Board
Marker - Board
Proxy - Board
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.hwinfo/Board.
- Board
Synchronous Proxy - Device
Control Handle - Device
Event Stream - Device
GetInfo Responder - Device
GetInfo Response - Device
Info - Collection of properties that is unique per device.
- Device
Marker - Device
Proxy - Device
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.hwinfo/Device.
- Device
Synchronous Proxy - Product
Control Handle - Product
Event Stream - Product
GetInfo Responder - Product
GetInfo Response - Product
Info - Collection of properties that is shared with other devices within the same product line.
- Product
Marker - Product
Proxy - Product
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.hwinfo/Product.
- Product
Synchronous Proxy
- Architecture
- Board
Event - Board
Request - Board provides an interface to retrieve hardware-specific information.
- Device
Event - Device
Request - Device provides an interface to retrieve device-specific properties.
- Product
Event - Product
Request - Product provides an interface to retrieve product-specific properties.