Crate fidl_fuchsia_power_observability Copy item path
Summary Source ACTIVE_WAKE_LOCK_NAMES The name of current active wake locks, usually recorded if we attempted
to suspend, but failed because there were active wake locks. RESUME_CALLBACK_PHASE_END_AT Timestamp in nanos, for the end of resume callback processing.
Resume is not gated on phase completion.
Event is recorded in SUSPEND_EVENTS_NODE. RESUME_CALLBACK_PHASE_START_AT Timestamp in nanos, for the start of resume callback processing.
Resume is not gated on phase completion.
Event is recorded in SUSPEND_EVENTS_NODE. SUSPEND_ATTEMPTED_AT Timestamp in nanos at which suspend was attempted. SUSPEND_ATTEMPT_BLOCKED_AT Timestamp in nanos for when a suspend attempt was blocked internally.
Suspend may be repeatedly blocked until all suspend locks and suspend
blockers have been dropped. SUSPEND_BLOCKER_ACQUIRED_AT Timestamp in nanos for when at least one suspend blocker is acquired.
This occurs when an internal procedure needs to prevent suspension.
For example, when servicing a wake lease request, system-activity-governor
will acquire a suspend blocker for the lifetime of the wake lease token.
This prevents suspension even while the underlying power broker lease is
pending. SUSPEND_BLOCKER_DROPPED_AT Timestamp in nanos for when the last suspend blocker is dropped. SUSPEND_CALLBACK_PHASE_END_AT Timestamp in nanos, for the end of suspend callback processing.
Suspend is gated on phase completion.
Event is recorded in SUSPEND_EVENTS_NODE. SUSPEND_CALLBACK_PHASE_START_AT Timestamp in nanos, for the start of suspend callback processing.
Suspend is gated on phase completion.
Event is recorded in SUSPEND_EVENTS_NODE. SUSPEND_EVENTS_NODE Label of an inspect node tallying suspend events. SUSPEND_FAILED_AT Timestamp in nanos for resume, after an unsuccessful suspend. SUSPEND_FAIL_COUNT The number of failed suspends. SUSPEND_LAST_DURATION The duration of time last spent in operations leading to suspend,
excluding the time actually spent suspended. SUSPEND_LAST_FAILED_ERROR The error code related to the last suspend operation. SUSPEND_LAST_TIMESTAMP The duration of time last spent in suspend. SUSPEND_LOCK_ACQUIRED_AT Timestamp in nanos for when suspend requests will be blocked because a
suspend lock is acquired. This event occurs right before a request to the
suspend HAL is made. SUSPEND_LOCK_DROPPED_AT Timestamp in nanos for when a suspend lock is dropped. This event occurs
after a response from the suspend HAL is received and handled by SAG. SUSPEND_REQUESTED_STATE The requested future system state. SUSPEND_RESUMED_AT Timestamp in nanos for resume, after a successful suspend. SUSPEND_STATS_NODE Label of an inspect node keeping suspend statistics. SUSPEND_SUCCESS_COUNT The number of successful suspends. WAKE_LEASES_NODE The current state of wake leases, as tracked by SAG.
The wake lease event history is tracked separately in SUSPEND_EVENTS_NODE. WAKE_LEASE_CREATED_AT Timestamp in nanos for when a wake lease was created. WAKE_LEASE_DROPPED_AT Timestamp in nanos for a wake lease is dropped. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_CLIENT_TOKEN_KOID The kernel object ID of the token vended to the client. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_ERROR The error message. For example, if the underlying power broker lease failed
to be satisfied. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_NAME The name of the wake lease as requested by the client. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_NODE_CREATED_AT The time since boot when the wake lease was created in nanoseconds. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_STATUS The status of the wake lease. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_STATUS_AWAITING_SATISFACTION Lease requested in power broker is awaiting satisfaction in the power
topology. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_STATUS_FAILED_SATISFACTION Lease requested in power broker failed to be satisfied. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_STATUS_SATISFIED Lease requested in power broker is satisfied by the current state of the
power topology. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_TYPE The type of wake lease. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION_ACTIVITY Lease that blocks the system from dropping below the Application Activity
‘Active’ state. WAKE_LEASE_ITEM_TYPE_WAKE Lease that blocks suspension of the hardware platform. WAKE_LEASE_SATISFACTION_FAILED_AT Timestamp in nanos for when a wake lease failed to be satisfied by power broker. WAKE_LEASE_SATISFIED_AT Timestamp in nanos for when a wake lease is satisfaction with power broker.