Specifies the access permissions for a specific attribute value.
Represents a local or remote GATT characteristic.
A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.gatt2/CharacteristicNotifier.
Possible values for the characteristic properties bitfield. These specify the
GATT procedures that are allowed for a particular characteristic.
A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.gatt2/Client.
Represents a local or remote GATT characteristic descriptor.
A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.gatt2/LocalService.
Represents the supported options to read a long characteristic or descriptor
value from a server. Long values are those that may not fit in a single
message (longer than 22 bytes).
A result returned by RemoteService.ReadByType
Wrapper around a possible truncated value received from the server.
A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.gatt2/RemoteService.
Represents encryption, authentication, and authorization permissions that can
be assigned to a specific access permission.
A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.gatt2/Server.
Represents a local or remote GATT service.
Represents the options for reading a short characteristic or descriptor
value from a server. Short values are those that fit in a single message,
which is at least 22 bytes. This is an empty placeholder for now, as there
are no options.
The parameters used to signal a characteristic value change from a LocalService to a peer.
Represents the supported options to write a characteristic/descriptor value
to a server.