Crate humansize

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Humansize lets you easily represent file sizes in a human-friendly format. You can specify your own formatting style, pick among the three defaults provided by the library:

  • Decimal (Multiples of 1000, KB units)
  • Binary (Multiples of 1024, KiB units)
  • Conventional (Multiples of 1024, KB units)

§How to use it

Simply import the FileSize trait and the options module and call the file_size method on any positive integer, using one of the three standards provided by the options module.

extern crate humansize;
use humansize::{FileSize, file_size_opts as options};

fn main() {
	let size = 1000;
	println!("Size is {}", size.file_size(options::DECIMAL).unwrap());

	println!("Size is {}", size.file_size(options::BINARY).unwrap());

	println!("Size is {}", size.file_size(options::CONVENTIONAL).unwrap());

If you wish to customize the way sizes are displayed, you may create your own custom FileSizeOpts struct and pass that to the method. See the file in the example folder.


Describes the struct that holds the options needed by the file_size method. The three most common formats are provided as constants to be used easily


The trait for the file_sizemethod