- List
Typefaces Flags - List
Typefaces Iterator Control Handle - List
Typefaces Iterator Event Stream - List
Typefaces Iterator GetNext Responder - List
Typefaces Iterator GetNext Response - List
Typefaces Iterator Marker - List
Typefaces Iterator Proxy - List
Typefaces Iterator Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.fonts.experimental/ListTypefacesIterator.
- List
Typefaces Iterator Synchronous Proxy - List
Typefaces Request - Query parameters for
. Results must match all included fields. All fields are optional; omitted fields will match any font. - Provider
Control Handle - Provider
Event Stream - Provider
GetTypeface ById Request - Provider
GetTypeface ById Responder - Provider
GetTypeface ById Response - Provider
GetTypefaces ByFamily Request - Provider
GetTypefaces ByFamily Responder - Provider
GetTypefaces ByFamily Response - Provider
List Typefaces Request - Provider
List Typefaces Responder - Provider
Marker - Provider
Proxy - Provider
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.fonts.experimental/Provider.
- Provider
Synchronous Proxy - Slant
Range - Represents a range of acceptable
s. Both bounds are inclusive. - Typeface
Info - Collection of typeface metadata that should be sufficient for clients to perform some kind of selection (likely via human) and request an exact font.
- Typeface
Info Response - Weight
Range - Represents a range of acceptable
s. Both bounds are inclusive. - Width
Range - Represents a range of acceptable
s. Both bounds are inclusive.
- Error
- List
Typefaces Iterator Event - List
Typefaces Iterator Request - Provider
Event - Provider
Request - Experimental additions to
- MAX_
TYPEFACE_ RESULTS - The maximum number of font families that can be returned in a