Information about a device that issues a mouse event stream.
The self-sufficient, self-consistent collection of pointer-related data,
sent from server to client.
The status of a mouse event stream, sent from server to client.
A description of each sampled data point in a mouse event stream.
A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.ui.pointer/MouseSource.
An axis-aligned rectangle. It is defined by its minimal and maximal extents
in a coordinate system.
Information about a device that issues touch event streams.
The self-sufficient, self-consistent collection of pointer-related data,
sent from server to client.
A unique identifier for a “interaction” of touch events in an event stream.
Touch events are observed as a succession of interactions, as fingers engage
and disengage with the display.
The result of gesture disambiguation for a interaction of touch events, sent
from server to client.
A description of each sampled data point in a touch event stream.
All fields are required.
A feedback event per |Event|, sent from client to server.
A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.ui.pointer/TouchSource.
The parameters of the associated view and viewport, sufficient to correctly
interpret the position and scale of pointer events dispatched to this view.