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Utilities for parsing and serializing PPP packets.
Currently supports parsing and serialization of LCP, IPCP, and IPV6CP packets and their configuration options.
- Utilities for parsing and serializing IPCP options.
- Utilities for parsing and serializing IPV6CP options.
- Utilities for parsing and serializing LCP options.
- Utilities for parsing sequential records.
- Wrapper around a parsed on-the-wire code reject packet header and the rest of the packet.
- Builder for a code reject packet.
- Wrapper around a parsed on-the-wire configuration packet header and the rest of the packet.
- Builder for a configuration packet.
- Wrapper around a parsed on-the-wire control protocol header and the rest of the packet.
- Builder for a control protocol packet.
- Wrapper around a parsed on-the-wire echo-discard packet header and the rest of the packet.
- Builder for an echo-discard packet.
- Wrapper around a parsed on-the-wire PPP header and the rest of the packet.
- Builder for a PPP packet.
- Wrapper around a parsed on-the-wire protocol reject packet header and the rest of the packet.
- Builder for a protocol reject packet.
- Wrapper around a parsed on-the-wire termination packet header and the rest of the packet.
- Builder for a termination packet.
- The type of error that occurred while attempting to parse a packet.