An IPv4 or IPv6 host address with the id of the interface through which the address was
Options for HostNameResolver.ResolveHostName
A Stream of incoming requests for
A Stream of incoming requests for
A Stream of incoming requests for
Options for HostNameSubscriber.SubscribeToHostName
Specifies IP versions on which a service instance should be published.
Specifies network media on which a service instance should be published.
Options for ProxyHostPublisher.PublishProxyHost
A Stream of incoming requests for
Describes an initial instance announcement or query response. In typical
use, the default SRV priority, SRV weight and TTL values should be used. TTL
values are rounded down to the nearest second. TTL values less than one
second are not permitted and will result in the PublicationResponder
channel being closed.
A Stream of incoming requests for
A Stream of incoming requests for
A Stream of incoming requests for
Describes a service instance.
Describes an initial instance announcement or query response. In typical
use, the default SRV priority, SRV weight and TTL values should be used. TTL
values are rounded down to the nearest second. TTL values less than one
second are not permitted and will result in the ServiceInstancePublicationResponder
channel being closed.
Options for ServiceInstancePublisher.PublishServiceInstance
A Stream of incoming requests for
A Stream of incoming requests for
Options for ServiceInstanceResolver.ResolveServiceInstance
A Stream of incoming requests for
A Stream of incoming requests for
A Stream of incoming requests for
A Stream of incoming requests for
Options for ServiceSubscriber.SubscribeToService
A Stream of incoming requests for
Error values for instance publishing.
Discoverable protocol for resolving host names to IP addresses.
Discoverable protocol for subscribing to address changes for given host names.
Client-implemented interface for subscribers. Method replies are used to
throttle traffic. The service won’t necessarily wait for a reply before
calling another method.
Error values for ServiceInstancePublicationResponder.OnPublication
Discoverable protocol for publishing on behalf of another host.
Describes the cause of a publication.
Client-supplied publication responder interface.
Error values for ProxyHostPublisher.PublishProxyHost
Error values for ServiceInstancePublisher.PublishServiceInstance
Discoverable protocol for publishing service instances.
Deprecated: use ServiceInstancePublisher.
Discoverable protocol for resolving host names to IP addresses.
Deprecated: use HostNameResolver.
DNS resource types.
Describes the cause of a publication.
Client-supplied publication responder interface.
Discoverable protocol for publishing service instances.
Discoverable protocol for resolving service instances.
Discoverable protocol for finding service instances.
Client-implemented interface for subscribers. Method replies are used to
throttle traffic. The service won’t necessarily wait for a reply before
calling another method.
Client-implemented interface for subscribers. Method replies are used to
throttle traffic. The service won’t necessarily wait for a reply before
calling another method.
Discoverable protocol for finding service instances.
Deprecated: use ServiceInstanceSubscriber.
Identifies a host. Host names consist of one or more labels separated by
’.’s. A host name must not end with a ‘.’. Labels must each be 63 characters
or less (not including the separator) and are UTF-8-encoded. A complete host
name, including separators, must be 255 characters or less.
Identifies a specific instance of a service being published. Instance names
consist of a single label, which is at most 63 characters long and which
contains no ’.’s. Instance names are UTF-8-encoded.
Identifies a (type of) service being published. Service names consist of
two labels, both terminated with a ‘.’. The first label must start with an
underscore and be 16 characters or less, including the underscore. The
second label must be either ‘_tcp’ or ‘_udp’. Labels do not contain ’.’s.
With underscores and terminators, that makes for a maximum of 22 characters.
Service names are UTF-8-encoded.
Identifies a subtype of a service. Subtype names consist of a single label,
which is at most 63 characters long and which contains no ’.’s. Subtype
names are UTF-8-encoded.
Provides description relating to a service instance. In typical use, TXT
strings consist of a key and value separated by ‘=’. TXT strings must be
at most 255 characters long and are UTF-8-encoded.
Provides description relating to a service instance. In typical use, TXT
strings consist of a key and value separated by ‘=’. TXT strings must be
at most 255 characters long and are UTF-8-encoded.