Registers a protocol in the environment as a debug capability. This makes
it available to any component in the environment that uses it with
source == debug.
Declares a configuration capability exposed to a component’s containing realm, such as
a capability exposed by the component or one of its children at runtime.
Declares a configuration capability offered by a component to one of its children,
which may have been offered by the component’s containing realm, the
component itself, or one of its other children.
Declares a dictionary offered by a component to one of its children,
which may have been offered by the component’s containing realm, the
component itself, or one of its other children.
Declares a directory offered by a component to one of its children, which
may have been offered by the component’s containing realm, the component
itself, or one of its other children.
Declares a protocol offered by a component to one of its children,
which may have been offered by the component’s containing realm, the
component itself, or one of its other children.
Declares a resolver capability offered by a component to one of its children, which
may have been offered by the component’s containing realm, the component itself,
or one of its other children.
Declares a runner offered by a component to one of its children, which may
have been offered by the component’s containing realm, the component itself,
or one of its other children.
Declares a service offered by a component to one of its children, which may
have been offered by the component’s containing realm, the component itself,
or one of its other children.
Declares a storage capability offered by a component to one of its children,
such as meta storage offered by the component’s containing realm or cache
storage offered by the component itself.
Declares a resolver which is responsible for resolving component URLs to
actual components. See fuchsia.component.resolution.Resolver for the
protocol resolvers are expected to implement.
DeliveryType may be used when declaring a capability, and specifies under
what conditions the framework will open the capability from the provider
component’s outgoing directory when there is a request for this capability.
Declares a capability exposed to either a component’s containing realm or to
the framework. For example, a legacy service exposed by the component at
Declares a capability offered by a component to one of its children, which
may have been offered by the component’s containing realm, the component
itself, or one of its other children.
Path in a dictionary. The format is similar to a directory path, except no . or ...
is allowed and each path segment must conform to the format of the name type.