- The current configuration for accessibility color transforms, which includes color inversion and color correction. This always includes the matrix required to apply the appropriate transforms. Color correction and color inversion may be active simultaneously.
- A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.accessibility/ColorTransformHandler.
- A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.accessibility/ColorTransform.
- A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.accessibility/MagnificationHandler.
- A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.accessibility/Magnifier.
- Specifies color correction mode.
- Handler implemented by the owner of the presentation. Accessibility manager uses this protocol to make changes to the screen’s color transform.
- Allows a presentation owner to register a handler for color transforms. This API is implemented by the Accessibility manager and called by Root Presenter.
- Exposes a privileged magnifier API for camera control, typically on a