Crate fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys

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  • Protocol that abstracts the operational modes and procedures defined in the Bluetooth Generic Access Profile (see Core Specification v5.1, Vol 3, Part C).
  • Whether or not the device should form a bluetooth bond during the pairing prodecure. As described in Core Spec v5.2 | Vol 3, Part C, Sec 4.3
  • Protocol used to initialize persistent core Bluetooth data. This protocol populates data that determine the identity of this device as perceived by other Bluetooth devices.
  • The BR/EDR Security Mode of a BT device determines the possible security properties of the device. The security mode does not make specific guarantees about the current security properties of a device’s connections; it sets restrictions on the allowable security properties. See Core Spec v5.4 Vol. 3, Part C 5.2.2 for more details.
  • Protocol to configure parameters and features for the core Bluetooth system. These settings apply to all bt-host drivers known to the system.
  • Protocol used to observe and manage the Bluetooth controllers on the system.
  • Input Capabilities for pairing exchanges. These should be set based on the ability of the local system to enter responses to pairing requests. See Volume 3, Part C, Table 5.3 for more information.
  • The LE Security Mode of a BLE device determines the possible security properties of the device. The security mode does not make specific guarantees about the current security properties of a device’s connections; it sets restrictions on the allowable security properties. See Core Spec v5.2 Vol. 3, Part C 10.2 for more details.
  • Output Capabilities for pairing excanges. These should be set based on the ability of the local system to display information to the user initiating or accepting a Bluetooth pairing. See Volume 3, Part C, Table 5.4 for more information.
  • A Bluetooth Pairing Delegate is responsible for confirming or denying pairing requests received from Bluetooth peers that connect or are being connected to the local device.
  • A Bluetooth Pairing Delegate is responsible for confirming or denying pairing requests received from Bluetooth peers that connect or are being connected to the local device.
  • Used to convey information to the peer on progress typing a passkey. The various types of keypresses can be used to customize what is communicated to the user requesting a pairing.
  • Different types required by the Security Manager for pairing methods. Bluetooth SIG has different requirements for different device capabilities.
  • Allows system clients to enable Bluetooth pairing.
  • This protocol is active when a pairing is in progress, and provided to the PairingDelegate via the PairingDelegate.StartRequest The server will close this protocol with an epitaph if the pairing process completes early without success:
  • The security level required for this pairing - corresponds to the security levels defined in the Security Manager Protocol in Vol 3, Part H, Section 2.3.1
  • Represents an active procedure. The validity of a handle that supports this protocol is tied to the activity of the procedure that it is attached to. To elaborate:


  • Maximum number of discovered services for each transport. Currently set to the number of valid 16-bit handles or PSMs used to access services.


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