- Child
Location Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Config
Override Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Connect
ToStorage Admin Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Construct
Namespace Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Create
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Decl
Type Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Destroy
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - GetAll
Instances Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - GetDeclaration
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - GetInstance
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - GetStructured
Config Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Open
DirType Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Open
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Realm
Query Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Resolve
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Route
Outcome Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Route
Validator Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Start
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Stop
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Unresolve
Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
- Component
Crash Info - Information stored when a thread crashes.
- Config
Override Control Handle - Config
Override Event Stream - Config
Override Marker - Config
Override Proxy - Config
Override Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/ConfigOverride.
- Config
Override SetStructured Config Request - Config
Override SetStructured Config Responder - Config
Override Synchronous Proxy - Config
Override Unset Structured Config Request - Config
Override Unset Structured Config Responder - Crash
Introspect Control Handle - Crash
Introspect Event Stream - Crash
Introspect Find Component ByThread Koid Request - Crash
Introspect Find Component ByThread Koid Responder - Crash
Introspect Find Component ByThread Koid Response - Crash
Introspect Marker - Crash
Introspect Proxy - Crash
Introspect Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/CrashIntrospect.
- Crash
Introspect Synchronous Proxy - Execution
Info - Information about the execution state of a component instance.
- Instance
- Describes a component instance under a realm.
- Instance
Iterator Control Handle - Instance
Iterator Event Stream - Instance
Iterator Marker - Instance
Iterator Next Responder - Instance
Iterator Next Response - Instance
Iterator Proxy - Instance
Iterator Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/InstanceIterator.
- Instance
Iterator Synchronous Proxy - Lifecycle
Controller Control Handle - Lifecycle
Controller Create Instance Request - Lifecycle
Controller Create Instance Responder - Lifecycle
Controller Destroy Instance Request - Lifecycle
Controller Destroy Instance Responder - Lifecycle
Controller Event Stream - Lifecycle
Controller Marker - Lifecycle
Controller Proxy - Lifecycle
Controller Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/LifecycleController.
- Lifecycle
Controller Resolve Instance Request - Lifecycle
Controller Resolve Instance Responder - Lifecycle
Controller Start Instance Request - Lifecycle
Controller Start Instance Responder - Lifecycle
Controller Start Instance With Args Request - Lifecycle
Controller Start Instance With Args Responder - Lifecycle
Controller Stop Instance Request - Lifecycle
Controller Stop Instance Responder - Lifecycle
Controller Synchronous Proxy - Lifecycle
Controller Unresolve Instance Request - Lifecycle
Controller Unresolve Instance Responder - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Control Handle - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Event Stream - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Marker - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Next Responder - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Next Response - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Proxy - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/ManifestBytesIterator.
- Manifest
Bytes Iterator Synchronous Proxy - Realm
Explorer Control Handle - Realm
Explorer Event Stream - Realm
Explorer Marker - Realm
Explorer Proxy - Realm
Explorer Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/RealmExplorer.
- Realm
Explorer Synchronous Proxy - Realm
Query Connect ToStorage Admin Request - Realm
Query Connect ToStorage Admin Responder - Realm
Query Construct Namespace Request - Realm
Query Construct Namespace Responder - Realm
Query Construct Namespace Response - Realm
Query Control Handle - Realm
Query Deprecated Open Request - Realm
Query Deprecated Open Responder - Realm
Query Event Stream - Realm
Query GetAll Instances Responder - Realm
Query GetAll Instances Response - Realm
Query GetInstance Request - Realm
Query GetInstance Responder - Realm
Query GetInstance Response - Realm
Query GetManifest Request - Realm
Query GetManifest Responder - Realm
Query GetManifest Response - Realm
Query GetResolved Declaration Request - Realm
Query GetResolved Declaration Responder - Realm
Query GetResolved Declaration Response - Realm
Query GetStructured Config Request - Realm
Query GetStructured Config Responder - Realm
Query GetStructured Config Response - Realm
Query Marker - Realm
Query Open Directory Request - Realm
Query Open Directory Responder - Realm
Query Proxy - Realm
Query Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/RealmQuery.
- Realm
Query Resolve Declaration Request - Realm
Query Resolve Declaration Responder - Realm
Query Resolve Declaration Response - Realm
Query Synchronous Proxy - Resolved
Info - Information about the resolved state of a component instance.
- Route
Error - Routing error for a particular capability.
- Route
Report - Routing result for a particular capability.
- Route
Target - A capability in a target component to route to the source.
- Route
Validator Control Handle - Route
Validator Event Stream - Route
Validator Marker - Route
Validator Proxy - Route
Validator Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/RouteValidator.
- Route
Validator Route Request - Route
Validator Route Responder - Route
Validator Route Response - Route
Validator Synchronous Proxy - Route
Validator Validate Request - Route
Validator Validate Responder - Route
Validator Validate Response - Service
Instance - Metadata about a service instance.
- Storage
Admin Control Handle - Storage
Admin Delete AllStorage Contents Responder - Storage
Admin Delete Component Storage Request - Storage
Admin Delete Component Storage Responder - Storage
Admin Deprecated Open Component Storage Request - Storage
Admin Event Stream - Storage
Admin GetStatus Responder - Storage
Admin List Storage InRealm Request - Storage
Admin List Storage InRealm Responder - Storage
Admin Marker - Storage
Admin Open Component Storage ById Request - Storage
Admin Open Component Storage ById Responder - Storage
Admin Open Storage Request - Storage
Admin Open Storage Responder - Storage
Admin Proxy - Storage
Admin Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/StorageAdmin.
- Storage
Admin Synchronous Proxy - Storage
Iterator Control Handle - Storage
Iterator Event Stream - Storage
Iterator Marker - Storage
Iterator Next Responder - Storage
Iterator Next Response - Storage
Iterator Proxy - Storage
Iterator Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/StorageIterator.
- Storage
Iterator Synchronous Proxy - Storage
Status - Metadata about status of the storage
- System
Controller Control Handle - System
Controller Event Stream - System
Controller Marker - System
Controller Proxy - System
Controller Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.sys2/SystemController.
- System
Controller Shutdown Responder - System
Controller Synchronous Proxy
- Child
Location - Locations from which a child could be resolved under a given parent.
- Config
Override Error - Errors that can be returned by the ConfigOverride protocol.
- Config
Override Event - Config
Override Request - Manages structured configuration override values for components.
- Connect
ToStorage Admin Error - Errors that can be returned by the ConnectToStorageAdmin call.
- Construct
Namespace Error - Errors that can be returned by the ConstructNamespace call.
- Crash
Introspect Event - Crash
Introspect Request - When a thread from a component using the ELF runner crashes, the thread koid along with other information is stored. This protocol can be used to retrieve that stored information.
- Create
Error - Decl
Type - Deletion
Error - Destroy
Error - GetAll
Instances Error - Errors that can be returned by the GetAllInstances call.
- GetDeclaration
Error - Errors that can be returned by the GetManifest call.
- GetInstance
Error - Errors that can be returned by the GetInstance call.
- GetStructured
Config Error - Errors that can be returned by the GetStructuredConfig call.
- Instance
Iterator Event - Instance
Iterator Request - An iterator over all instances in the realm
- Lifecycle
Controller Event - Lifecycle
Controller Request - Mutates the component instance state in a realm.
- Manifest
Bytes Iterator Event - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Request - An iterator over the bytes of an instance’s manifest
- Open
DirType - The directories of an instance that can be opened by component manager.
- Open
Error - Errors that can be returned by the OpenDirectory call.
- Realm
Explorer Event - Realm
Explorer Request - Offers basic introspection into component instances under a realm.
- Realm
Query Error - Errors that can be returned by the RealmQuery API.
- Realm
Query Event - Realm
Query Request - Offers detailed introspection into component instances under a realm.
- Resolve
Error - Route
Outcome - Route
Validator Error - Errors for RouteValidator
- Route
Validator Event - Route
Validator Request - Start
Error - Status
Error - Stop
Error - Storage
Admin Event - Storage
Admin Request - Storage
Iterator Event - Storage
Iterator Request - An iterator protocol for returning a set of components using a storage capability. See |StorageAdmin.ListStorageInRealm| for more information.
- System
Controller Event - System
Controller Request - An interface implemented by ComponentManager that requests the ComponentManager stop all components and exit.
- Unresolve
- MAX_
INSTANCE_ ID_ LENGTH - The maximum length of an instance ID. An instance ID is a 256-bit identifier, which when encoded in hex notation is 64 characters long.
- MAX_
START_ REASON - The maximum length of the human-readable start reason. This accounts for StartReason::AccessCapability which can have a length of MAX_MONIKER_LENGTH + MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 26 (4222 characters).
- MAX_
STORAGE_ ID_ LENGTH - The maximum length of a storage instance ID. A storage instance ID is a 256-bit UUID, which when encoded in hex notation is 64 characters long.
- Config
Override Proxy Interface - Crash
Introspect Proxy Interface - Instance
Iterator Proxy Interface - Lifecycle
Controller Proxy Interface - Manifest
Bytes Iterator Proxy Interface - Realm
Explorer Proxy Interface - Realm
Query Proxy Interface - Route
Validator Proxy Interface - Storage
Admin Proxy Interface - Storage
Iterator Proxy Interface - System
Controller Proxy Interface
Type Aliases§
- Config
Override SetStructured Config Result - Config
Override Unset Structured Config Result - Crash
Introspect Find Component ByThread Koid Result - Lifecycle
Controller Create Instance Result - Lifecycle
Controller Destroy Instance Result - Lifecycle
Controller Resolve Instance Result - Lifecycle
Controller Start Instance Result - Lifecycle
Controller Start Instance With Args Result - Lifecycle
Controller Stop Instance Result - Lifecycle
Controller Unresolve Instance Result - Realm
Query Connect ToStorage Admin Result - Realm
Query Construct Namespace Result - Realm
Query Deprecated Open Result - Realm
Query GetAll Instances Result - Realm
Query GetInstance Result - Realm
Query GetManifest Result - Realm
Query GetResolved Declaration Result - Realm
Query GetStructured Config Result - Realm
Query Open Directory Result - Realm
Query Resolve Declaration Result - Route
Validator Route Result - Route
Validator Validate Result - Storage
Admin Delete AllStorage Contents Result - Storage
Admin Delete Component Storage Result - Storage
Admin GetStatus Result - Storage
Admin List Storage InRealm Result - Storage
Admin Open Component Storage ById Result - Storage
Admin Open Storage Result