- Pattern that matches an unknown
- A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.tee/Application.
- Represents a buffer parameter.
- A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.tee/DeviceInfo.
- An empty parameter type is used as a placeholder for elements in the parameter set that are not used.
- The result of an operation will include a return code, the origin of the result, and the return of the parameter set. The returned parameter set will be a copy of the input parameter set, but with the INOUT and OUTPUT parameters updated. If the parameter is a Buffer, it will update the Buffer.size to the number of bytes written.
- UUID identifiers are used to identify the TEE Operating System and individual Trusted Applications. This structure matches the UUID type as defined by RFC4122.
- Represents a direct value parameter.
- Represents a connection to an application running in the TEE.
- Provides information about the TEE device.
- Communication with the TEE OS and Trusted Applications is performed using opaque parameters. These parameters can be a mix of small values (Value type) or a buffer reference (Buffer type). A parameter will be tagged as either an input, output or both (inout).
- Each operation must flow through the device driver and the trusted operating system before reaching the trusted application (and back). The ReturnOrigin indicates which layer provided the return code.