- Topology
Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
- Driver
Config - Options for configuring the Driver Test Realm in the constructed test realm.
- Drivers
Only - Realm
Factory Control Handle - Realm
Factory Create Realm2 Request - Realm
Factory Create Realm2 Responder - Realm
Factory Create Realm Request - Realm
Factory Create Realm Responder - Realm
Factory Event Stream - Realm
Factory Marker - Realm
Factory Proxy - Realm
Factory Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for test.wlan.realm/RealmFactory.
- Realm
Factory Synchronous Proxy - Realm
Options - RealmOptions tells the RealmFactory protocol how to create the test realm.
- Wlan
Config - Defines the configuration of the WLAN components under test.
- Realm
Factory Event - Realm
Factory Request - Topology
- Each variant specifies which WLAN components are included in the constructed test realm, what protocols are exposed to the test suite, and how mock protocols are injected by the test suite into the test realm.