- Installation
Deferral Reason Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
- Attempt
Options - Details for an update attempt monitor.
- Attempts
Monitor Control Handle - Attempts
Monitor Event Stream - Attempts
Monitor Marker - Attempts
Monitor OnStart Request - Attempts
Monitor OnStart Responder - Attempts
Monitor Proxy - Attempts
Monitor Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.update/AttemptsMonitor.
- Attempts
Monitor Synchronous Proxy - Check
Options - Configuration options for an update check.
- Checking
ForUpdates Data - This is the set of data associated with
. (currently none) - Commit
Status Provider Control Handle - Commit
Status Provider Event Stream - Commit
Status Provider IsCurrent System Committed Responder - Commit
Status Provider IsCurrent System Committed Response - Commit
Status Provider Marker - Commit
Status Provider Proxy - Commit
Status Provider Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.update/CommitStatusProvider.
- Commit
Status Provider Synchronous Proxy - Error
Checking ForUpdate Data - This is the set of data associated with the
state. (currently none) - Installation
Deferred Data - This is the set of data associated with the
state. - Installation
Error Data - This is the set of data associated with the
state. (currently none) - Installation
Progress - This describes the progress installing the update that has been made so far.
- Installing
Data - This is the set of data associated with the states involved with installing an update:
- Listener
Control Handle - Listener
Event Stream - Listener
Marker - Listener
Proxy - Listener
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.update/Listener.
- Listener
Synchronous Proxy - Listener
Wait ForFirst Update Check ToComplete Responder - Manager
Check NowRequest - Manager
Check NowResponder - Manager
Control Handle - Manager
Event Stream - Manager
Marker - Manager
Monitor AllUpdate Checks Request - Manager
Perform Pending Reboot Responder - Manager
Perform Pending Reboot Response - Manager
Proxy - Manager
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.update/Manager.
- Manager
Synchronous Proxy - Monitor
Control Handle - Monitor
Event Stream - Monitor
Marker - Monitor
OnState Request - Monitor
OnState Responder - Monitor
Proxy - Monitor
Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.update/Monitor.
- Monitor
Synchronous Proxy - NoUpdate
Available Data - This is the set of data associated with the
state. (currently none) - Update
Info - This describes the update that is available to be installed.
- Attempts
Monitor Event - Attempts
Monitor Request - Monitors update attempts as they start.
- Check
NotStarted Reason - This is the set of values that are returned by an request to immediately check for an update.
- Commit
Status Provider Event - Commit
Status Provider Request - A reporter for whether the currently booted system is committed. When an update is committed, this means:
- Initiator
- Who or what initiated the update check.
- Installation
Deferral Reason - This is the set of values that are provided when an update installation is deferred.
- Listener
Event - Listener
Request - Used by components to wait for the first software update check to complete.
- Manager
Event - Manager
Request - The Manager protocol is used by a client that wishes to either check for an update, or follow the status of ongoing updates.
- Monitor
Event - Monitor
Request - Monitors a single update check.
- State
- The set of states that a [
] can receive during an update check.
- MAX_
VERSION_ STRING_ SIZE - This is the maximum length of a version string that will be returned by the protocol
- Attempts
Monitor Proxy Interface - Commit
Status Provider Proxy Interface - Listener
Proxy Interface - Manager
Proxy Interface - Monitor
Proxy Interface