Crate wlan_sae Copy item path
Summary Source hmac_utils AntiCloggingTokenMsg IEEE Std 802.11-2016, 12.4.6
An anticlogging token sent to a peer. AuthFrameRx AuthFrameTx CommitMsg IEEE Std 802.11-2016,
An SAE Commit message received or sent to a peer. ConfirmMsg IEEE Std 802.11-2016,
An SAE Confirm message received or sent to a peer. Key A shared key computed by an SAE handshake. PweMethod IEEE Std 802.11-2020
Method used to generate the PWE from a password. RejectReason SaeUpdate An update generated to progress an SAE handshake. These updates should generally be converted
into a frame and sent to the SAE peer. Timeout Types of timeout that are used by SAE handshakes. Duration and scheduling of these timeouts
is left to the user of this library. SaeHandshake IEEE 802.11-2016 12.4: Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (SAE) join_sae_handshake Creates a new SAE handshake in response to a first message from a peer, using the FCG indiated
by the peer if possible. In a successful handshake, this will immediately push a Commit and
Confirm to the given update sink. new_sae_handshake Creates a new SAE handshake for the given group ID and authentication parameters. SaeUpdateSink