- handle_
ap_ listen - Listens for AP state updates and prints each update that is received.
- handle_
connect - Issues a connect call to the client policy layer and waits for the connection process to complete.
- handle_
get_ saved_ networks - Issues a call to the client policy layer to get saved networks and prints all saved network configurations.
- handle_
listen - Listens for client state updates and prints each update that is received. Updates are printed in the following format:
- handle_
remove_ network - Communicates with the client policy layer to remove a network. This will also get the list of saved networks before and after to indicate whether anything was removed, since there is no error if the specified network was never saved.
- handle_
save_ network - Communicates with the client policy layer to save a network configuration.
- handle_
scan - Issues a scan request to the client policy layer.
- handle_
start_ ap - Asks the policy layer to start an AP with the user’s specified network configuration.
- handle_
start_ client_ connections - Requests that the policy layer start client connections.
- handle_
stop_ all_ aps - Requests that the policy layer stop all AP interfaces.
- handle_
stop_ ap - Requests that the policy layer stop the AP associated with the given network configuration.
- handle_
stop_ client_ connections - Asks the client policy layer to stop client connections.
- handle_
suggest_ ap_ mac - print_
saved_ networks - Iterates through a vector of network configurations and prints their contents.
- print_
scan_ results - Iterates through a vector of scan results and prints each one.
- print_
serialized_ saved_ networks - Prints a serialized version of saved networks
- restore_
serialized_ config - Deserializes the output of serialize_saved_networks and saves them