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WARNING - This file was auto generated by //src/lib/android/binder/rust/rpcbinder/generate.py. Do not modify this file. To re-generate, run the following command from the root of your Fuchsia checkout:
- ARpc
Server_ ⚠free - ARpc
Server_ ⚠join - ARpc
Server_ ⚠newBound Socket - ARpc
Server_ ⚠newInet - ARpc
Server_ ⚠newUnix Domain Bootstrap - ARpc
Server_ ⚠newVsock - ARpc
Server_ ⚠setMax Threads - ARpc
Server_ ⚠setSupported File Descriptor Transport Modes - ARpc
Server_ ⚠shutdown - ARpc
Server_ ⚠start - ARpc
Session_ ⚠free - ARpc
Session_ ⚠new - ARpc
Session_ ⚠setFile Descriptor Transport Mode - ARpc
Session_ ⚠setMax Incoming Threads - ARpc
Session_ ⚠setMax Outgoing Connections - ARpc
Session_ ⚠setup Inet - ARpc
Session_ ⚠setup Preconnected Client - ARpc
Session_ ⚠setup Unix Domain Bootstrap Client - ARpc
Session_ ⚠setup Unix Domain Client - ARpc
Session_ ⚠setup Vsock Client