- Stores the results of each Action specified in [source] and the [warnings] and [gauges] that are generated.
- The path of the Diagnostic files and the data contained within them.
- SnapshotTrigger is the information needed to generate a request for a crash report. It can be returned from the library as part of ActionResults.
- Provides the [metric_state] context to evaluate Actions and results of the [actions].
- Action represent actions that can be taken using an evaluated value(s).
- A value which directs how to include Actions based on their tags.
- Analyze all DiagnosticData against loaded configs and generate corresponding ActionResults. Each DiagnosticData will yield a single ActionResults instance. Minor errors will not be included.
- Analyze all DiagnosticData against loaded configs and generate the corresponding TriageOutput. A single TriageOutput instance is returned regardless of the length of DiagnosticData.
- Analyze all DiagnosticData against loaded configs and generate corresponding ActionResults. Each DiagnosticData will yield a single ActionResults instance. Include minor errors.
Type Aliases§
- Contains all Error, Warning, and Info generated while computing snapshots.