- Authenticate
ForInterface Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Authenticate
ForRoute Table Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Base
Route Table Remove Error Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Route
SetError Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
member. - Rule
SetError Unknown - Pattern that matches an unknown
- Base
Route Table Control Handle - Base
Route Table Event Stream - Base
Route Table GetAuthorization ForRoute Table Responder - Base
Route Table GetAuthorization ForRoute Table Response - Base
Route Table GetTable IdResponder - Base
Route Table GetTable IdResponse - Base
Route Table Marker - Base
Route Table Proxy - Base
Route Table Remove Responder - Base
Route Table Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Base
Route Table Synchronous Proxy - Base
Rule SetAuthenticate ForRoute Table Responder - Base
Rule SetControl Handle - Base
Rule SetEvent Stream - Base
Rule SetMarker - Base
Rule SetProxy - Base
Rule SetRemove Rule Request - Base
Rule SetRemove Rule Responder - Base
Rule SetRequest Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Base
Rule SetSynchronous Proxy - Grant
ForRoute Table Authorization - Proof
OfRoute Table Authorization - Route
SetV4 AddRoute Request - Route
SetV4 AddRoute Responder - Route
SetV4 AddRoute Response - Route
SetV4 Authenticate ForInterface Request - Route
SetV4 Authenticate ForInterface Responder - Route
SetV4 Control Handle - Route
SetV4 Event Stream - Route
SetV4 Marker - Route
SetV4 Proxy - Route
SetV4 Remove Route Request - Route
SetV4 Remove Route Responder - Route
SetV4 Remove Route Response - Route
SetV4 Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Route
SetV4 Synchronous Proxy - Route
SetV6 AddRoute Request - Route
SetV6 AddRoute Responder - Route
SetV6 AddRoute Response - Route
SetV6 Authenticate ForInterface Request - Route
SetV6 Authenticate ForInterface Responder - Route
SetV6 Control Handle - Route
SetV6 Event Stream - Route
SetV6 Marker - Route
SetV6 Proxy - Route
SetV6 Remove Route Request - Route
SetV6 Remove Route Responder - Route
SetV6 Remove Route Response - Route
SetV6 Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Route
SetV6 Synchronous Proxy - Route
Table Options V4 - Route
Table Options V6 - Route
Table Provider V4Control Handle - Route
Table Provider V4Event Stream - Route
Table Provider V4Marker - Route
Table Provider V4New Route Table Request - Route
Table Provider V4Proxy - Route
Table Provider V4Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Route
Table Provider V4Synchronous Proxy - Route
Table Provider V6Control Handle - Route
Table Provider V6Event Stream - Route
Table Provider V6Marker - Route
Table Provider V6New Route Table Request - Route
Table Provider V6Proxy - Route
Table Provider V6Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Route
Table Provider V6Synchronous Proxy - Route
Table V4Control Handle - Route
Table V4Event Stream - Route
Table V4Get Authorization ForRoute Table Responder - Route
Table V4Get Table IdResponder - Route
Table V4Marker - Route
Table V4New Route SetRequest - Route
Table V4Proxy - Route
Table V4Remove Responder - Route
Table V4Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Route
Table V4Synchronous Proxy - Route
Table V6Control Handle - Route
Table V6Event Stream - Route
Table V6Get Authorization ForRoute Table Responder - Route
Table V6Get Table IdResponder - Route
Table V6Marker - Route
Table V6New Route SetRequest - Route
Table V6Proxy - Route
Table V6Remove Responder - Route
Table V6Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Route
Table V6Synchronous Proxy - Rule
SetV4 AddRule Request - Rule
SetV4 AddRule Responder - Rule
SetV4 Authenticate ForRoute Table Responder - Rule
SetV4 Control Handle - Rule
SetV4 Event Stream - Rule
SetV4 Marker - Rule
SetV4 Proxy - Rule
SetV4 Remove Rule Responder - Rule
SetV4 Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Rule
SetV4 Synchronous Proxy - Rule
SetV6 AddRule Request - Rule
SetV6 AddRule Responder - Rule
SetV6 Authenticate ForRoute Table Responder - Rule
SetV6 Control Handle - Rule
SetV6 Event Stream - Rule
SetV6 Marker - Rule
SetV6 Proxy - Rule
SetV6 Remove Rule Responder - Rule
SetV6 Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Rule
SetV6 Synchronous Proxy - Rule
Table V4Control Handle - Rule
Table V4Event Stream - Rule
Table V4Marker - Rule
Table V4New Rule SetRequest - Rule
Table V4Proxy - Rule
Table V4Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Rule
Table V4Synchronous Proxy - Rule
Table V6Control Handle - Rule
Table V6Event Stream - Rule
Table V6Marker - Rule
Table V6New Rule SetRequest - Rule
Table V6Proxy - Rule
Table V6Request Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for
- Rule
Table V6Synchronous Proxy
- Authenticate
ForInterface Error - Error type returned when failing to authenticate an interface for a route set.
- Authenticate
ForRoute Table Error - Error type returned when failing to authenticate a route table for a rules set.
- Base
Route Table Event - Base
Route Table Remove Error - Base
Route Table Request - Common base for
protocol that is IP version agnostic. This helps reduce FIDL duplication. - Base
Rule SetEvent - Base
Rule SetRequest - Common base for
protocol that is IP version agnostic. This helps reduce FIDL duplication. - Route
SetError - Error type returned when failing to manipulate a route set.
- Route
SetV4 Event - Route
SetV4 Request - Provides mutable access over a set of system’s IPv4 routes.
- Route
SetV6 Event - Route
SetV6 Request - Provides mutable access over a set of system’s IPv6 routes.
- Route
Table Provider V4Event - Route
Table Provider V4Request - This protocol allows the client to create route tables.
- Route
Table Provider V6Event - Route
Table Provider V6Request - This protocol allows the client to create route tables.
- Route
Table V4Event - Route
Table V4Request - Vends isolated administrative access to the system’s IPv4 routing table.
- Route
Table V6Event - Route
Table V6Request - Vends isolated administrative access to the system’s IPv6 routing table.
- Rule
SetError - Possible errors for operating the rule set.
- Rule
SetV4 Event - Rule
SetV4 Request - Provides mutable access over a set of the system’s IPv4 route rules.
- Rule
SetV6 Event - Rule
SetV6 Request - Provides mutable access over a set of the system’s IPv6 route rules.
- Rule
Table V4Event - Rule
Table V4Request - Gives isolated access to the system’s policy routing rules.
- Rule
Table V6Event - Rule
Table V6Request - Gives isolated access to the system’s policy routing rules.
- Base
Route Table Proxy Interface - Base
Rule SetProxy Interface - Route
SetV4 Proxy Interface - Route
SetV6 Proxy Interface - Route
Table Provider V4Proxy Interface - Route
Table Provider V6Proxy Interface - Route
Table V4Proxy Interface - Route
Table V6Proxy Interface - Rule
SetV4 Proxy Interface - Rule
SetV6 Proxy Interface - Rule
Table V4Proxy Interface - Rule
Table V6Proxy Interface
Type Aliases§
- Base
Route Table Remove Result - Base
Rule SetAuthenticate ForRoute Table Result - Base
Rule SetRemove Rule Result - Route
SetV4 AddRoute Result - Route
SetV4 Authenticate ForInterface Result - Route
SetV4 Remove Route Result - Route
SetV6 AddRoute Result - Route
SetV6 Authenticate ForInterface Result - Route
SetV6 Remove Route Result - Rule
SetV4 AddRule Result - Rule
SetV6 AddRule Result