Crate fdf

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Bindings for the fuchsia driver framework C API



  • Implements a memory arena allocator to be used with the Fuchsia Driver Runtime when sending and receiving from channels.
  • Holds a reference to data of type T in an Arena with lifetime 'a, and ensures that the object is properly dropped before the Arena goes out of scope.
  • An equivalent to ArenaBox that holds onto a reference to the arena to allow it to have static lifetime, and implements Clone allowing it to be shared. Since it’s shared, you can’t get a mutable reference to it back without using Self::try_unwrap to get the inner ArenaStaticBox.
  • An equivalent to ArenaBox that holds onto a reference to the arena to allow it to have static lifetime.
  • Implements a message channel through the Fuchsia Driver Runtime
  • A builder for Dispatchers
  • An unowned reference to a driver runtime dispatcher such as is produced by calling Dispatcher::release. When this object goes out of scope it won’t shut down the dispatcher, leaving that up to the driver runtime or another owner.
  • A handle representing some resource managed by the driver runtime.
  • An unowned reference to a driver handle type
  • A struct that holds both an arena along with a data buffer that is allocated within that arena.
  • A handle that might be either a DriverHandle or a ZirconHandle, depending on its bit pattern.
  • An object representing a Zircon handle.



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