- Deprecated.
- A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.mediacodec/CodecFactory.
- Parameters used to request an encoder.
- Specification of the supported parameters of a given video decoder.
- Clients needing codec information prior to just requesting a codec with CodecFactory.CreateDecoder or CodecFactory.CreateEncoder should use GetDetailedCodecDescriptions to get this table, which has details re. the codec and the profile entries supported by the codec.
- The purpose of the media::CodecFactory interface is to create media::StreamProcessor instances for decoders and encoders.
- Whether buffers need to be secure. If not specified, the default is OFF.
- Constrain the length of the vector indicated via
, and constrain the max items in any vector within the response fromGetDetailedCodecDescriptions
. The overall enforced limit for codec caps information is the max channel message size however, since nested vectors each of max size could otherwise exceed the max channel message size. - More than this many calls to AttachLifetimeTracking() without a Create{X}() call will result in CodecFactory channel closing from the server end.
- Constrain the mime_type to a size that won’t cause problems.