- Browse
Controller ExtControl Handle - Browse
Controller ExtEvent Stream - Browse
Controller ExtIs Connected Responder - Browse
Controller ExtIs Connected Response - Browse
Controller ExtMarker - Browse
Controller ExtProxy - Browse
Controller ExtRequest Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp.test/BrowseControllerExt.
- Browse
Controller ExtSend RawBrowse Command Request - Browse
Controller ExtSend RawBrowse Command Responder - Browse
Controller ExtSend RawBrowse Command Response - Browse
Controller ExtSynchronous Proxy - Controller
ExtControl Handle - Controller
ExtEvent Stream - Controller
ExtGet Events Supported Responder - Controller
ExtGet Events Supported Response - Controller
ExtIs Connected Responder - Controller
ExtIs Connected Response - Controller
ExtMarker - Controller
ExtProxy - Controller
ExtRequest Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp.test/ControllerExt.
- Controller
ExtSend RawVendor Dependent Command Request - Controller
ExtSend RawVendor Dependent Command Responder - Controller
ExtSend RawVendor Dependent Command Response - Controller
ExtSynchronous Proxy - Peer
Manager ExtControl Handle - Peer
Manager ExtEvent Stream - Peer
Manager ExtGet Browse Controller ForTarget Request - Peer
Manager ExtGet Browse Controller ForTarget Responder - Peer
Manager ExtGet Controller ForTarget Request - Peer
Manager ExtGet Controller ForTarget Responder - Peer
Manager ExtMarker - Peer
Manager ExtProxy - Peer
Manager ExtRequest Stream - A Stream of incoming requests for fuchsia.bluetooth.avrcp.test/PeerManagerExt.
- Peer
Manager ExtSynchronous Proxy
- Browse
Controller ExtEvent - Browse
Controller ExtRequest - Provides additional methods not in
that are strictly for testing and debug. - Controller
ExtEvent - Controller
ExtRequest - Provides additional methods not in
that are strictly for testing and debug. - Peer
Manager ExtEvent - Peer
Manager ExtRequest - NOTE: The test controller protocols returned by the
methods provide additional methods not exposed by primary controller protocol that are designed to be used for PTS qualification testing and debugging purposes only. WARNING: This test controller protocol client can cause breaking side-effects for other controller clients connected to this the same peer. Use with caution and avoid having additional primary controller clients interacting with the same remote peer while using the test controller.