Channel rights.
Overnet treats rights as per-object type, to reduce the space of things that can be communicated
over its wire format. Transfer rights are always assumed present.
EventPair rights.
Overnet treats rights as per-object type, to reduce the space of things that can be communicated
over its wire format. Transfer rights are always assumed present.
Signals that can be propagated.
These are deliberately chosen to be different bits than defined in Zircon, to force mapping code
to exist, and minimize the chance that Zircon ABI accidentally becomes Overnet protocol.
Socket rights.
Overnet treats rights as per-object type, to reduce the space of things that can be communicated
over its wire format. Transfer rights are always assumed present.
Stream control message: sent instead of usual stream frames if the frame
type is 1 (StreamControl).
TODO: consider defining the stream framing format in FIDL also.
A transfer key is used when moving a stream endpoint from one node to
another. It identifies a single transfer, should be unique (so, made from
random bytes), and should be discarded at the end of the transfer.