
Function otThreadGetChildNextIp6Address

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otThreadGetChildNextIp6Address(
    aInstance: *mut otInstance,
    aChildIndex: u16,
    aIterator: *mut otChildIp6AddressIterator,
    aAddress: *mut otIp6Address,
) -> otError
Expand description

Gets the next IPv6 address (using an iterator) for a given child.

@param[in] aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance. @param[in] aChildIndex The child index. @param[in,out] aIterator A pointer to the iterator. On success the iterator will be updated to point to next entry in the list. To get the first IPv6 address the iterator should be set to OT_CHILD_IP6_ADDRESS_ITERATOR_INIT. @param[out] aAddress A pointer to an IPv6 address where the child’s next address is placed (on success).

@retval OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully found the next IPv6 address (@p aAddress was successfully updated). @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND The child has no subsequent IPv6 address entry. @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS @p aIterator or @p aAddress are NULL, or child at @p aChildIndex is not valid.

@sa otThreadGetChildInfoByIndex