pub unsafe extern "C" fn otBorderRoutingGetNextPeerBrEntry(
aInstance: *mut otInstance,
aIterator: *mut otBorderRoutingPrefixTableIterator,
aEntry: *mut otBorderRoutingPeerBorderRouterEntry,
) -> otError
Expand description
Iterates over the peer BRs found in the Network Data.
Peer BRs are other devices within the Thread mesh that provide external IP connectivity. A device is considered to provide external IP connectivity if at least one of the following conditions is met regarding its Network Data entries:
- It has added at least one external route entry.
- It has added at least one prefix entry with both the default-route and on-mesh flags set.
- It has added at least one domain prefix (with both the domain and on-mesh flags set).
The list of peer BRs specifically excludes the current device, even if it is itself acting as a BR.
@param[in] aInstance The OpenThread instance. @param[in,out] aIterator A pointer to the iterator. @param[out] aEntry A pointer to the entry to populate.
@retval OT_ERROR_NONE Iterated to the next entry, @p aEntry and @p aIterator are updated. @retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND No more entries.