Function otCoapSendResponseBlockWiseWithParameters

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otCoapSendResponseBlockWiseWithParameters(
    aInstance: *mut otInstance,
    aMessage: *mut otMessage,
    aMessageInfo: *const otMessageInfo,
    aTxParameters: *const otCoapTxParameters,
    aContext: *mut c_void,
    aTransmitHook: otCoapBlockwiseTransmitHook,
) -> otError
Expand description

Sends a CoAP response block-wise from the server with custom transmission parameters.

Is available when OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_COAP_BLOCKWISE_TRANSFER_ENABLE configuration is enabled.

@param[in] aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance. @param[in] aMessage A pointer to the CoAP response to send. @param[in] aMessageInfo A pointer to the message info associated with @p aMessage. @param[in] aTxParameters A pointer to transmission parameters for this response. Use NULL for defaults. @param[in] aContext A pointer to arbitrary context information. May be NULL if not used. @param[in] aTransmitHook A pointer to a hook function for outgoing block-wise transfer.

@retval OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully enqueued the CoAP response message. @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS Insufficient buffers available to send the CoAP response. @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS Invalid arguments are given.