
Function otTcpReceiveByReference

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otTcpReceiveByReference(
    aEndpoint: *mut otTcpEndpoint,
    aBuffer: *mut *const otLinkedBuffer,
) -> otError
Expand description

Provides the application with a linked buffer chain referencing data currently in the TCP receive buffer.

The linked buffer chain is valid until the “receive ready” callback is next invoked, or until the next call to otTcpReceiveContiguify() or otTcpCommitReceive().

@param[in] aEndpoint A pointer to the TCP endpoint structure representing the TCP endpoint on which to receive data. @param[out] aBuffer A pointer to the linked buffer chain referencing data currently in the receive buffer.

@retval OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully completed the operation. @retval OT_ERROR_FAILED Failed to complete the operation.