
Function otTcpSendByReference

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otTcpSendByReference(
    aEndpoint: *mut otTcpEndpoint,
    aBuffer: *mut otLinkedBuffer,
    aFlags: u32,
) -> otError
Expand description

Adds data referenced by the linked buffer pointed to by @p aBuffer to the send buffer.

Upon a successful call to this function, the linked buffer and data it references are owned by the TCP stack; they should not be modified by the application until a “send done” callback returns ownership of those objects to the application. It is acceptable to call this function to add another linked buffer to the send queue, even if the “send done” callback for a previous invocation of this function has not yet fired.

Note that @p aBuffer should not be chained; its mNext field should be NULL. If additional data will be added right after this call, then the OT_TCP_SEND_MORE_TO_COME flag should be used as a hint to the TCP implementation.

@param[in] aEndpoint A pointer to the TCP endpoint structure representing the TCP endpoint on which to send data. @param[in] aBuffer A pointer to the linked buffer chain referencing data to add to the send buffer. @param[in] aFlags Flags specifying options for this operation (see enumeration above).

@retval OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully added data to the send buffer. @retval OT_ERROR_FAILED Failed to add data to the send buffer.