Function otBorderRoutingInit

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otBorderRoutingInit(
    aInstance: *mut otInstance,
    aInfraIfIndex: u32,
    aInfraIfIsRunning: bool,
) -> otError
Expand description

Initializes the Border Routing Manager on given infrastructure interface.

@note This method MUST be called before any other otBorderRouting* APIs. @note This method can be re-called to change the infrastructure interface, but the Border Routing Manager should be disabled first, and re-enabled after.

@param[in] aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance. @param[in] aInfraIfIndex The infrastructure interface index. @param[in] aInfraIfIsRunning A boolean that indicates whether the infrastructure interface is running.

@retval OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully started the Border Routing Manager on given infrastructure. @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE The Border Routing Manager is in a state other than disabled or uninitialized. @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS The index of the infrastructure interface is not valid. @retval OT_ERROR_FAILED Internal failure. Usually due to failure in generating random prefixes.

@sa otPlatInfraIfStateChanged. @sa otBorderRoutingSetEnabled.