
Function otNat64SynthesizeIp6Address

pub unsafe extern "C" fn otNat64SynthesizeIp6Address(
    aInstance: *mut otInstance,
    aIp4Address: *const otIp4Address,
    aIp6Address: *mut otIp6Address,
) -> otError
Expand description

Sets the IPv6 address by performing NAT64 address translation from the preferred NAT64 prefix and the given IPv4 address as specified in RFC 6052.

@param[in] aInstance A pointer to an OpenThread instance. @param[in] aIp4Address A pointer to the IPv4 address to translate to IPv6. @param[out] aIp6Address A pointer to the synthesized IPv6 address.

@returns OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully synthesized the IPv6 address from NAT64 prefix and IPv4 address. @returns OT_ERROR_INVALID_STATE No valid NAT64 prefix in the network data.