Type Alias binder_ndk_sys::AParcel_stringArrayElementGetter

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pub type AParcel_stringArrayElementGetter = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(arrayData: *const c_void, index: usize, outLength: *mut i32) -> *const c_char>;
Expand description

This returns the length and buffer of an array at a specific index in an arrayData object.

See also AParcel_writeStringArray

\param arrayData some external representation of an array. \param index the index at which a string should be allocated. \param outLength an out parameter for the length of the string at the specified index. This should not include the length for a null-terminator if there is one. If the object at this index is ‘null’, then this should be set to -1.

\param a buffer of size outLength or more representing the string at the provided index. This is not required to be null-terminated. If the object at index is null, then this should be null.

Aliased Type§

enum AParcel_stringArrayElementGetter {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const c_void, _: usize, _: *mut i32) -> *const i8),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const c_void, _: usize, _: *mut i32) -> *const i8)

Some value of type T.