pub unsafe extern "C" fn AServiceManager_registerLazyService(
    binder: *mut AIBinder,
    instance: *const c_char,
) -> binder_status_t
Expand description

Registers a lazy service with the default service manager under the ‘instance’ name. Does not take ownership of binder. The service must be configured statically with init so it can be restarted with ctl.interface.* messages from servicemanager. AServiceManager_registerLazyService cannot safely be used with AServiceManager_addService in the same process. If one service is registered with AServiceManager_registerLazyService, the entire process will have its lifetime controlled by servicemanager. Instead, all services in the process should be registered using AServiceManager_registerLazyService.

\param binder object to register globally with the service manager. \param instance identifier of the service. This will be used to lookup the service.

\return STATUS_OK on success.