Type Alias binder_ndk_sys::AIBinder_onDump

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pub type AIBinder_onDump = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(binder: *mut AIBinder, fd: c_int, args: *mut *const c_char, numArgs: u32) -> binder_status_t>;
Expand description

Dump information about an AIBinder (usually for debugging).

When no arguments are provided, a brief overview of the interview should be given.

\param binder interface being dumped \param fd file descriptor to be dumped to, should be flushed, ownership is not passed. \param args array of null-terminated strings for dump (may be null if numArgs is 0) \param numArgs number of args to be sent

\return binder_status_t result of transaction (if remote, for instance)

Aliased Type§

enum AIBinder_onDump {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut AIBinder, _: i32, _: *mut *const i8, _: u32) -> i32),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut AIBinder, _: i32, _: *mut *const i8, _: u32) -> i32)

Some value of type T.