Function binder_ndk_sys::AIBinder_dump

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn AIBinder_dump(
    binder: *mut AIBinder,
    fd: c_int,
    args: *mut *const c_char,
    numArgs: u32,
) -> binder_status_t
Expand description

Built-in transaction for all binder objects. This dumps information about a given binder.

See also AIBinder_Class_setOnDump, AIBinder_onDump.

Available since API level 29.

\param binder the binder to dump information about \param fd where information should be dumped to \param args null-terminated arguments to pass (may be null if numArgs is 0) \param numArgs number of args to send

\return STATUS_OK if dump succeeds (or if there is nothing to dump)