Function binder_ndk_sys::AParcel_writeBoolArray

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn AParcel_writeBoolArray(
    parcel: *mut AParcel,
    arrayData: *const c_void,
    length: i32,
    getter: AParcel_boolArrayGetter,
) -> binder_status_t
Expand description

Writes an array of bool to the next location in a non-null parcel.

getter(arrayData, i) will be called for each i in [0, length) in order to get the underlying values to write to the parcel.

Available since API level 29.

\param parcel the parcel to write to. \param arrayData some external representation of an array. \param length the length of arrayData (or -1 if this represents a null array). \param getter the callback to retrieve data at specific locations in the array.

\return STATUS_OK on successful write.