#[repr(i32)]pub enum VmstatCounters {
Show 189 variants
VmstatUnspecified = 0,
VmstatNrFreePages = 1,
VmstatNrAllocBatch = 2,
VmstatNrInactiveAnon = 3,
VmstatNrActiveAnon = 4,
VmstatNrInactiveFile = 5,
VmstatNrActiveFile = 6,
VmstatNrUnevictable = 7,
VmstatNrMlock = 8,
VmstatNrAnonPages = 9,
VmstatNrMapped = 10,
VmstatNrFilePages = 11,
VmstatNrDirty = 12,
VmstatNrWriteback = 13,
VmstatNrSlabReclaimable = 14,
VmstatNrSlabUnreclaimable = 15,
VmstatNrPageTablePages = 16,
VmstatNrKernelStack = 17,
VmstatNrOverhead = 18,
VmstatNrUnstable = 19,
VmstatNrBounce = 20,
VmstatNrVmscanWrite = 21,
VmstatNrVmscanImmediateReclaim = 22,
VmstatNrWritebackTemp = 23,
VmstatNrIsolatedAnon = 24,
VmstatNrIsolatedFile = 25,
VmstatNrShmem = 26,
VmstatNrDirtied = 27,
VmstatNrWritten = 28,
VmstatNrPagesScanned = 29,
VmstatWorkingsetRefault = 30,
VmstatWorkingsetActivate = 31,
VmstatWorkingsetNodereclaim = 32,
VmstatNrAnonTransparentHugepages = 33,
VmstatNrFreeCma = 34,
VmstatNrSwapcache = 35,
VmstatNrDirtyThreshold = 36,
VmstatNrDirtyBackgroundThreshold = 37,
VmstatPgpgin = 38,
VmstatPgpgout = 39,
VmstatPgpgoutclean = 40,
VmstatPswpin = 41,
VmstatPswpout = 42,
VmstatPgallocDma = 43,
VmstatPgallocNormal = 44,
VmstatPgallocMovable = 45,
VmstatPgfree = 46,
VmstatPgactivate = 47,
VmstatPgdeactivate = 48,
VmstatPgfault = 49,
VmstatPgmajfault = 50,
VmstatPgrefillDma = 51,
VmstatPgrefillNormal = 52,
VmstatPgrefillMovable = 53,
VmstatPgstealKswapdDma = 54,
VmstatPgstealKswapdNormal = 55,
VmstatPgstealKswapdMovable = 56,
VmstatPgstealDirectDma = 57,
VmstatPgstealDirectNormal = 58,
VmstatPgstealDirectMovable = 59,
VmstatPgscanKswapdDma = 60,
VmstatPgscanKswapdNormal = 61,
VmstatPgscanKswapdMovable = 62,
VmstatPgscanDirectDma = 63,
VmstatPgscanDirectNormal = 64,
VmstatPgscanDirectMovable = 65,
VmstatPgscanDirectThrottle = 66,
VmstatPginodesteal = 67,
VmstatSlabsScanned = 68,
VmstatKswapdInodesteal = 69,
VmstatKswapdLowWmarkHitQuickly = 70,
VmstatKswapdHighWmarkHitQuickly = 71,
VmstatPageoutrun = 72,
VmstatAllocstall = 73,
VmstatPgrotated = 74,
VmstatDropPagecache = 75,
VmstatDropSlab = 76,
VmstatPgmigrateSuccess = 77,
VmstatPgmigrateFail = 78,
VmstatCompactMigrateScanned = 79,
VmstatCompactFreeScanned = 80,
VmstatCompactIsolated = 81,
VmstatCompactStall = 82,
VmstatCompactFail = 83,
VmstatCompactSuccess = 84,
VmstatCompactDaemonWake = 85,
VmstatUnevictablePgsCulled = 86,
VmstatUnevictablePgsScanned = 87,
VmstatUnevictablePgsRescued = 88,
VmstatUnevictablePgsMlocked = 89,
VmstatUnevictablePgsMunlocked = 90,
VmstatUnevictablePgsCleared = 91,
VmstatUnevictablePgsStranded = 92,
VmstatNrZspages = 93,
VmstatNrIonHeap = 94,
VmstatNrGpuHeap = 95,
VmstatAllocstallDma = 96,
VmstatAllocstallMovable = 97,
VmstatAllocstallNormal = 98,
VmstatCompactDaemonFreeScanned = 99,
VmstatCompactDaemonMigrateScanned = 100,
VmstatNrFastrpc = 101,
VmstatNrIndirectlyReclaimable = 102,
VmstatNrIonHeapPool = 103,
VmstatNrKernelMiscReclaimable = 104,
VmstatNrShadowCallStackBytes = 105,
VmstatNrShmemHugepages = 106,
VmstatNrShmemPmdmapped = 107,
VmstatNrUnreclaimablePages = 108,
VmstatNrZoneActiveAnon = 109,
VmstatNrZoneActiveFile = 110,
VmstatNrZoneInactiveAnon = 111,
VmstatNrZoneInactiveFile = 112,
VmstatNrZoneUnevictable = 113,
VmstatNrZoneWritePending = 114,
VmstatOomKill = 115,
VmstatPglazyfree = 116,
VmstatPglazyfreed = 117,
VmstatPgrefill = 118,
VmstatPgscanDirect = 119,
VmstatPgscanKswapd = 120,
VmstatPgskipDma = 121,
VmstatPgskipMovable = 122,
VmstatPgskipNormal = 123,
VmstatPgstealDirect = 124,
VmstatPgstealKswapd = 125,
VmstatSwapRa = 126,
VmstatSwapRaHit = 127,
VmstatWorkingsetRestore = 128,
VmstatAllocstallDevice = 129,
VmstatAllocstallDma32 = 130,
VmstatBalloonDeflate = 131,
VmstatBalloonInflate = 132,
VmstatBalloonMigrate = 133,
VmstatCmaAllocFail = 134,
VmstatCmaAllocSuccess = 135,
VmstatNrFileHugepages = 136,
VmstatNrFilePmdmapped = 137,
VmstatNrFollPinAcquired = 138,
VmstatNrFollPinReleased = 139,
VmstatNrSecPageTablePages = 140,
VmstatNrShadowCallStack = 141,
VmstatNrSwapcached = 142,
VmstatNrThrottledWritten = 143,
VmstatPgallocDevice = 144,
VmstatPgallocDma32 = 145,
VmstatPgdemoteDirect = 146,
VmstatPgdemoteKswapd = 147,
VmstatPgreuse = 148,
VmstatPgscanAnon = 149,
VmstatPgscanFile = 150,
VmstatPgskipDevice = 151,
VmstatPgskipDma32 = 152,
VmstatPgstealAnon = 153,
VmstatPgstealFile = 154,
VmstatThpCollapseAlloc = 155,
VmstatThpCollapseAllocFailed = 156,
VmstatThpDeferredSplitPage = 157,
VmstatThpFaultAlloc = 158,
VmstatThpFaultFallback = 159,
VmstatThpFaultFallbackCharge = 160,
VmstatThpFileAlloc = 161,
VmstatThpFileFallback = 162,
VmstatThpFileFallbackCharge = 163,
VmstatThpFileMapped = 164,
VmstatThpMigrationFail = 165,
VmstatThpMigrationSplit = 166,
VmstatThpMigrationSuccess = 167,
VmstatThpScanExceedNonePte = 168,
VmstatThpScanExceedSharePte = 169,
VmstatThpScanExceedSwapPte = 170,
VmstatThpSplitPage = 171,
VmstatThpSplitPageFailed = 172,
VmstatThpSplitPmd = 173,
VmstatThpSwpout = 174,
VmstatThpSwpoutFallback = 175,
VmstatThpZeroPageAlloc = 176,
VmstatThpZeroPageAllocFailed = 177,
VmstatVmaLockAbort = 178,
VmstatVmaLockMiss = 179,
VmstatVmaLockRetry = 180,
VmstatVmaLockSuccess = 181,
VmstatWorkingsetActivateAnon = 182,
VmstatWorkingsetActivateFile = 183,
VmstatWorkingsetNodes = 184,
VmstatWorkingsetRefaultAnon = 185,
VmstatWorkingsetRefaultFile = 186,
VmstatWorkingsetRestoreAnon = 187,
VmstatWorkingsetRestoreFile = 188,
Expand description
Counter definitions for Linux’s /proc/vmstat.
VmstatUnspecified = 0
VmstatNrFreePages = 1
VmstatNrAllocBatch = 2
VmstatNrInactiveAnon = 3
VmstatNrActiveAnon = 4
VmstatNrInactiveFile = 5
VmstatNrActiveFile = 6
VmstatNrUnevictable = 7
VmstatNrMlock = 8
VmstatNrAnonPages = 9
VmstatNrMapped = 10
VmstatNrFilePages = 11
VmstatNrDirty = 12
VmstatNrWriteback = 13
VmstatNrSlabReclaimable = 14
VmstatNrSlabUnreclaimable = 15
VmstatNrPageTablePages = 16
VmstatNrKernelStack = 17
VmstatNrOverhead = 18
VmstatNrUnstable = 19
VmstatNrBounce = 20
VmstatNrVmscanWrite = 21
VmstatNrVmscanImmediateReclaim = 22
VmstatNrWritebackTemp = 23
VmstatNrIsolatedAnon = 24
VmstatNrIsolatedFile = 25
VmstatNrShmem = 26
VmstatNrDirtied = 27
VmstatNrWritten = 28
VmstatNrPagesScanned = 29
VmstatWorkingsetRefault = 30
VmstatWorkingsetActivate = 31
VmstatWorkingsetNodereclaim = 32
VmstatNrAnonTransparentHugepages = 33
VmstatNrFreeCma = 34
VmstatNrSwapcache = 35
VmstatNrDirtyThreshold = 36
VmstatNrDirtyBackgroundThreshold = 37
VmstatPgpgin = 38
VmstatPgpgout = 39
VmstatPgpgoutclean = 40
VmstatPswpin = 41
VmstatPswpout = 42
VmstatPgallocDma = 43
VmstatPgallocNormal = 44
VmstatPgallocMovable = 45
VmstatPgfree = 46
VmstatPgactivate = 47
VmstatPgdeactivate = 48
VmstatPgfault = 49
VmstatPgmajfault = 50
VmstatPgrefillDma = 51
VmstatPgrefillNormal = 52
VmstatPgrefillMovable = 53
VmstatPgstealKswapdDma = 54
VmstatPgstealKswapdNormal = 55
VmstatPgstealKswapdMovable = 56
VmstatPgstealDirectDma = 57
VmstatPgstealDirectNormal = 58
VmstatPgstealDirectMovable = 59
VmstatPgscanKswapdDma = 60
VmstatPgscanKswapdNormal = 61
VmstatPgscanKswapdMovable = 62
VmstatPgscanDirectDma = 63
VmstatPgscanDirectNormal = 64
VmstatPgscanDirectMovable = 65
VmstatPgscanDirectThrottle = 66
VmstatPginodesteal = 67
VmstatSlabsScanned = 68
VmstatKswapdInodesteal = 69
VmstatKswapdLowWmarkHitQuickly = 70
VmstatKswapdHighWmarkHitQuickly = 71
VmstatPageoutrun = 72
VmstatAllocstall = 73
VmstatPgrotated = 74
VmstatDropPagecache = 75
VmstatDropSlab = 76
VmstatPgmigrateSuccess = 77
VmstatPgmigrateFail = 78
VmstatCompactMigrateScanned = 79
VmstatCompactFreeScanned = 80
VmstatCompactIsolated = 81
VmstatCompactStall = 82
VmstatCompactFail = 83
VmstatCompactSuccess = 84
VmstatCompactDaemonWake = 85
VmstatUnevictablePgsCulled = 86
VmstatUnevictablePgsScanned = 87
VmstatUnevictablePgsRescued = 88
VmstatUnevictablePgsMlocked = 89
VmstatUnevictablePgsMunlocked = 90
VmstatUnevictablePgsCleared = 91
VmstatUnevictablePgsStranded = 92
VmstatNrZspages = 93
VmstatNrIonHeap = 94
VmstatNrGpuHeap = 95
VmstatAllocstallDma = 96
VmstatAllocstallMovable = 97
VmstatAllocstallNormal = 98
VmstatCompactDaemonFreeScanned = 99
VmstatCompactDaemonMigrateScanned = 100
VmstatNrFastrpc = 101
VmstatNrIndirectlyReclaimable = 102
VmstatNrIonHeapPool = 103
VmstatNrKernelMiscReclaimable = 104
VmstatNrShadowCallStackBytes = 105
VmstatNrShmemHugepages = 106
VmstatNrShmemPmdmapped = 107
VmstatNrUnreclaimablePages = 108
VmstatNrZoneActiveAnon = 109
VmstatNrZoneActiveFile = 110
VmstatNrZoneInactiveAnon = 111
VmstatNrZoneInactiveFile = 112
VmstatNrZoneUnevictable = 113
VmstatNrZoneWritePending = 114
VmstatOomKill = 115
VmstatPglazyfree = 116
VmstatPglazyfreed = 117
VmstatPgrefill = 118
VmstatPgscanDirect = 119
VmstatPgscanKswapd = 120
VmstatPgskipDma = 121
VmstatPgskipMovable = 122
VmstatPgskipNormal = 123
VmstatPgstealDirect = 124
VmstatPgstealKswapd = 125
VmstatSwapRa = 126
VmstatSwapRaHit = 127
VmstatWorkingsetRestore = 128
VmstatAllocstallDevice = 129
VmstatAllocstallDma32 = 130
VmstatBalloonDeflate = 131
VmstatBalloonInflate = 132
VmstatBalloonMigrate = 133
VmstatCmaAllocFail = 134
VmstatCmaAllocSuccess = 135
VmstatNrFileHugepages = 136
VmstatNrFilePmdmapped = 137
VmstatNrFollPinAcquired = 138
VmstatNrFollPinReleased = 139
VmstatNrSecPageTablePages = 140
VmstatNrShadowCallStack = 141
VmstatNrSwapcached = 142
VmstatNrThrottledWritten = 143
VmstatPgallocDevice = 144
VmstatPgallocDma32 = 145
VmstatPgdemoteDirect = 146
VmstatPgdemoteKswapd = 147
VmstatPgreuse = 148
VmstatPgscanAnon = 149
VmstatPgscanFile = 150
VmstatPgskipDevice = 151
VmstatPgskipDma32 = 152
VmstatPgstealAnon = 153
VmstatPgstealFile = 154
VmstatThpCollapseAlloc = 155
VmstatThpCollapseAllocFailed = 156
VmstatThpDeferredSplitPage = 157
VmstatThpFaultAlloc = 158
VmstatThpFaultFallback = 159
VmstatThpFaultFallbackCharge = 160
VmstatThpFileAlloc = 161
VmstatThpFileFallback = 162
VmstatThpFileFallbackCharge = 163
VmstatThpFileMapped = 164
VmstatThpMigrationFail = 165
VmstatThpMigrationSplit = 166
VmstatThpMigrationSuccess = 167
VmstatThpScanExceedNonePte = 168
VmstatThpScanExceedSwapPte = 170
VmstatThpSplitPage = 171
VmstatThpSplitPageFailed = 172
VmstatThpSplitPmd = 173
VmstatThpSwpout = 174
VmstatThpSwpoutFallback = 175
VmstatThpZeroPageAlloc = 176
VmstatThpZeroPageAllocFailed = 177
VmstatVmaLockAbort = 178
VmstatVmaLockMiss = 179
VmstatVmaLockRetry = 180
VmstatVmaLockSuccess = 181
VmstatWorkingsetActivateAnon = 182
VmstatWorkingsetActivateFile = 183
VmstatWorkingsetNodes = 184
VmstatWorkingsetRefaultAnon = 185
VmstatWorkingsetRefaultFile = 186
VmstatWorkingsetRestoreAnon = 187
VmstatWorkingsetRestoreFile = 188
Source§impl VmstatCounters
impl VmstatCounters
Sourcepub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str
pub fn as_str_name(&self) -> &'static str
String value of the enum field names used in the ProtoBuf definition.
The values are not transformed in any way and thus are considered stable (if the ProtoBuf definition does not change) and safe for programmatic use.
Trait Implementations§
Source§impl Clone for VmstatCounters
impl Clone for VmstatCounters
Source§fn clone(&self) -> VmstatCounters
fn clone(&self) -> VmstatCounters
Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
Performs copy-assignment from
. Read moreSource§impl Debug for VmstatCounters
impl Debug for VmstatCounters
Source§impl Default for VmstatCounters
impl Default for VmstatCounters
Source§fn default() -> VmstatCounters
fn default() -> VmstatCounters
Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more
Source§impl From<VmstatCounters> for i32
impl From<VmstatCounters> for i32
Source§fn from(value: VmstatCounters) -> i32
fn from(value: VmstatCounters) -> i32
Converts to this type from the input type.
Source§impl Hash for VmstatCounters
impl Hash for VmstatCounters
Source§impl Ord for VmstatCounters
impl Ord for VmstatCounters
Source§fn cmp(&self, other: &VmstatCounters) -> Ordering
fn cmp(&self, other: &VmstatCounters) -> Ordering
1.21.0 · Source§fn max(self, other: Self) -> Selfwhere
Self: Sized,
fn max(self, other: Self) -> Selfwhere
Self: Sized,
Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more
Source§impl PartialEq for VmstatCounters
impl PartialEq for VmstatCounters
Source§impl PartialOrd for VmstatCounters
impl PartialOrd for VmstatCounters
impl Copy for VmstatCounters
impl Eq for VmstatCounters
impl StructuralPartialEq for VmstatCounters
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for VmstatCounters
impl RefUnwindSafe for VmstatCounters
impl Send for VmstatCounters
impl Sync for VmstatCounters
impl Unpin for VmstatCounters
impl UnwindSafe for VmstatCounters
Blanket Implementations§
Source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
Source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more